How To Get Rid Of The Smell Of Paint In The Room After Renovation
How To Get Rid Of The Smell Of Paint In The Room After Renovation

We get rid of the smell of paint in rooms after renovation

Painting the walls
Painting the walls

We often undertake repairs at home or in an apartment, and surface painting is a prerequisite for such work. Of course, we will refresh the look of the room, change it, correct the irregularities. But what to do with the smell of paint that has penetrated into furniture, clothes, upholstery, carpets, and is not going to disappear at all? As you know, this smell is harmful to humans and pets, it can cause headaches, nausea and allergy attacks. Today we will talk about how to get rid of this scourge.


  • 1 The easiest ways

    • 1.1 Airing
    • 1.2 Buckets of water
    • 1.3 Wet sheets
    • 1.4 Coffee
    • 1.5 Essential oils
    • 1.6 Charcoal
    • 1.7 Onions and garlic
    • 1.8 Candles
    • 1.9 baking soda
    • 1.10 Lemon
    • 1.11 Technical aids
    • 1.12 Wet cleaning
  • 2 Video: how to remove the smell of paint from the room
  • 3 How to prevent the appearance of odor: some practical tips

The easiest ways

These methods are good not only because they have been known for a long time and have proven themselves well. Most of them are very simple, and will help you with the most common, familiar to all products, devices and methods.

Regardless of whether you have an apartment or a private house, almost any of these methods are perfect for combating persistent paint odors


This method is the simplest and most effective way to drive out the pungent odor from your home. Open wide all windows and doors and wait until the scent of the paint has completely evaporated. True, this method has a significant disadvantage: it will take several days for the smell to completely disappear. Perhaps, for this time, it is better for you to live in another place, because being in a room with drafts is nothing better than constantly inhaling the smell of paints and varnishes.

Ventilation of the room
Ventilation of the room

Ventilate the area well for several days

In a private house, this option is more acceptable than in an apartment, if you made repairs in the summer, you have a gazebo or a room suitable for temporary residence. In an apartment, unfortunately, it will not be possible to leave windows and doors wide open for a long time.

Buckets of water

Place buckets filled with clean water throughout all living quarters. Over time, the water will absorb odors and toxic fumes without leaving a trace.

This process is lengthy and, as in the first case, will take several days. In addition, you need to change the water in the buckets more often, at least twice a day. You live in a house or apartment, it is still better not to be indoors for a long time.

Wet sheets

Take a few sheets and large towels, soak them well in cold water and hang them around all rooms: on doors, cabinets, any exposed surfaces. Rinse the fabric thoroughly in running water every 1–2 hours and hang again.

The method is suitable for small and medium-sized premises, for example, apartments.


Make a strong coffee, pour into cups and arrange them in all rooms. You can also take opened bags of natural or instant coffee and lay them out in open places in the room where the painting was carried out.

A cup of coffee
A cup of coffee

Coffee bags or brewed to mask paint smell

Essential oils

Vanilla extract or peppermint oil, which can be purchased at drugstores and beauty stores, do a great job of removing unwanted aromas. Dissolve a few drops of the essence in a bowl of water and leave in the room where the renovation was carried out.

Another option: saturate cotton pads with essential oil and place them next to painted surfaces in your apartment or house.


This product is an excellent absorbent and excellent fight against persistent chemical odors. Arrange the pieces of coal in containers (bowls, saucers, boxes) and arrange them indoors. Coal in a fairly short time easily neutralizes even strong smells of paint both in an apartment and in a private house.


Charcoal is an excellent absorbent

Onion and garlic

Take a few large onions, cut them into 4 pieces and spread them all over the room. Thanks to the pungent juice, the aroma of onions gradually displaces the smells of paint and varnish products. Over time, the bulbs need to be changed to fresh ones.

Garlic can be used instead of onions. Grate a few heads or squeeze out in a garlic extractor, arrange on plates and arrange them around the room.

When using onions and garlic, avoid places near beds and bedding; they will quickly absorb the smell.


You will need the most common paraffin or wax candles, no aromatic impurities. Light a few candles and leave to burn for several hours. Harsh-smelling and flammable vapors of paints and solvents will quickly burn up in an open flame. Just do not forget to constantly monitor the fire, otherwise there is a risk of fire, especially in a private house if it is built of wood.

Baking soda

If the smell of paint is absorbed into the carpet lying on the floor, then this simple remedy will help to cope with it, which will certainly be found in any kitchen. Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda over the carpet and let it sit overnight. In the morning, simply remove it from the surface using a vacuum cleaner.


Take a few lemons, cut them into thin slices and spread them around the perimeter of the room where the painting was carried out. After a couple of days, the lemon slices can be safely thrown away.

Lemon wedges
Lemon wedges

Lemon wedges scattered around the room absorb odors

Technical devices

In a private house or apartment with large rooms, it will be difficult to cope with the smell of paint using folk methods. Sheets and towels are hard to come by, and foods, candles and essential oils may not cope with aromas in large spaces.

In this case, humidifiers, ionizers and ozonizers will help you. They are excellent, and most importantly, they will quickly cope with the problem of chemical odors in rooms. The method is costly, but worth it.

Wet cleaning

This method itself is quite simple and effective, but it will become even better if you add a little mustard powder to the water when cleaning floors, walls, furniture, windows. You can also add ammonia or vinegar.

Wet cleaning
Wet cleaning

Carry out a thorough damp cleaning of the renovated premises

You can combine some of these techniques with each other. That way, unpleasant odors won't stand a chance.

Video: how to remove the smell of paint from the room

How to prevent odor: a few good tips

If you handle the painting supplies correctly during painting, you will save yourself from unnecessary odors.

  1. When interrupting work, place the brush or roller in the plastic bag, tying it tightly. You can also use cling film. Thus, the smell will not have time to spread around, and the brush will not dry out. Be sure to discard these bags after use, do not use them for any other purpose.
  2. If you use any container for paint, for example, a tray, put it in a bag too, interrupting the workflow for a while.
  3. Try to keep the paint can closed. If possible, expose it to fresh air - on a porch or balcony.

    Paint, brush and roller
    Paint, brush and roller

    Close the paint can, and also wrap the brushes with polyethylene so that the paint smell does not spread throughout the room

  4. You can use empty ice cream containers as a paint tray. Throw them away after work.
  5. When cleaning brushes, rollers and trays from paint, do not drain the water down the drain. Particles of paint and varnish remain on the surface of the drain pipes and continue to spread odors. Moreover, it is dangerous for the environment.
  6. There is an original and interesting way to kill a pungent and unpleasant smell even in the process of painting. Add regular vanillin (1 tablespoon to 4 liters) to the paint can and mix well. Vanillin will not affect the quality of the paint, but if it has already disappeared (for example, the expiration date has expired), it is better not to resort to this method.
  7. When buying paint, ask the seller which brand of product emits less toxic fumes.

Try to get rid of the smell of paint immediately after renovation so that the obtrusive scent does not get into walls and furniture. This way you will win with one hundred percent result, and our tips will help you with this. Please share with our readers your ways to combat paint odor in your home. Good luck and easy work!
