Recipe For Making Savoyardi Cookies At Home
Recipe For Making Savoyardi Cookies At Home

Cooking popular savoyardi cookies at home: step by step recipes


Savoyardi biscuit cookies have been gaining popularity lately. You probably tried it in a cafe or restaurant over a cup of coffee. Today together we will learn how to cook savoyards at home: following step-by-step recipes, this is not difficult and very interesting to do.

Savoyardi's story

The specialty of this cookie is its oval shape and sugar topping. It has several other popular names: biscuit, Naples, Savoy, la culé and "ladies' fingers".

Legend has it that Savoyardi was invented by the head chef of the Duke of Savoy at the end of the 16th century. The invention of the original recipe was timed to coincide with the visit of the French king. The delicacy was so fond of the owner of the palace that it was soon given the status of an official Savoy dessert.

Savoyardi cookies
Savoyardi cookies

Savoyardi cookies - the official dessert of the Savoyard ducal cuisine

Of course, you can buy savoyards in the store - now it's not uncommon. But how pleasant it is to cook it yourself, giving the dough the love and warmth of your own hands! And you will be 100% sure of the quality of the dessert, which cannot be said about the purchased product.

Cookies made from light biscuit dough absorb liquid well and soften, while maintaining their shape. Therefore, savoyards are often used not only as a separate dessert, but also for preparing other sweet dishes - cakes, trifle and Russian charlotte.

Especially often, the popular dessert tiramisu is prepared from this cookie, soaking savoyardi with sweet syrup. The cookies should be a little dry, so you will need to hold them in a warm oven for a while or leave them overnight, covered with a clean towel.


Savoyardi is an essential ingredient in classic tiramisu

Ingredients and cooking secrets

Essential ingredients for Savoyardi:

  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • eggs.

The flour should be well sifted. Take only 1 variety - it's perfect for this dessert.

Flour, eggs and sugar
Flour, eggs and sugar

Flour, eggs and sugar are essential ingredients of savoyardi

As with any biscuit, you need to separate the yolk from the protein and beat them separately from each other. Eggs must be at room temperature.

It is customary to use icing sugar for sprinkling cookies. But granulated sugar is also suitable: its crystals will look beautiful on the surface of the savoyardi.

Vanilla extract or vanillin will add a pleasant rich aroma to the liver. Some housewives add a little cinnamon, but the classic recipe does not provide for this.

To give the liver its original shape, you will need a pastry bag with a hole diameter of at least 1.5 cm. You will use it to squeeze the mass onto a baking sheet. The bag should be held at a 45 degree angle. The length of each cookie is 7.5 cm, the distance between them is at least 2.5 cm.

Savoyardi is baked in the oven for no more than 15 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees or 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Be sure to line the baking sheet with parchment or baking paper.

Step by step recipes

We will consider a classic and original recipe from Julia Vysotskaya. This wonderful TV presenter always adds some zest to the cooking process, and today we will solve her secret.


Before you start cooking, turn on the oven to warm it up to 190 degrees, and prepare a piping bag. By the way, to make it easier for you to spread the cookies on a baking sheet later, draw outlines of the desired size on paper.

You will need the following products:

  • large egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 65 g (1/2 tea cup);
  • icing sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla or its substitute - ½ teaspoon;
  • icing sugar for dusting.
  1. Using a mixer, beat 2 egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar until the mixture thickens and turns a light yellow color.

    Powdered sugar yolks
    Powdered sugar yolks

    Whisk the separated egg yolks with the icing sugar

  2. In another bowl, beat all the whites until soft. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar gradually, beat until a firm, glossy foam is formed.

    Whipped proteins
    Whipped proteins

    Whisk the whites and sugar into a strong foam.

  3. Add the whites and yolks (including the remaining yolk) to the flour in three steps, while gently stirring the mass from bottom to top.

    Beaten egg flour
    Beaten egg flour

    Combine white and yolk with flour, mix thoroughly

  4. Fill a pastry bag halfway with the dough. Gently squeeze the cookies onto a baking sheet, remembering to leave the required distance between them.

    Savoyardi cookies on a baking sheet
    Savoyardi cookies on a baking sheet

    Place the dough on a paper-lined baking sheet using a pastry bag and sprinkle with powdered sugar

  5. Sprinkle the cookies with powdered sugar and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
Savoyardi Cookies
Savoyardi Cookies

Bake cookies until cooked

You need to remove the Savoyards from the baking paper while they are still hot. Otherwise, the cookies will stick and you won't be able to remove them from the parchment without crumbling them.

Biscuit cookies from Julia Vysotskaya

This dessert is for 36 servings (pieces). You will need:

  • 50 g flour;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 30 g icing sugar.
  1. Whisk all whites until tender. Then add 30 g of sugar. Continue working with the mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Whipped egg whites with sugar
    Whipped egg whites with sugar

    Whisk the whites thoroughly, adding sugar

  2. Whisk 2 yolks with 30 grams of sugar in a separate bowl. The mass should be light and light, and the sugar should completely dissolve.

    Whipped yolks with sugar
    Whipped yolks with sugar

    Whisk yolks with sugar

  3. Gently combine the whites with the yolks and stir with a spatula.

    Egg mass
    Egg mass

    Mix whites with yolks

  4. Sift 50 g flour into a bowl with egg mass.

    Sifting flour
    Sifting flour

    Add sifted flour to the egg mass

  5. Stir from bottom to top. Movement should be light so that air is retained inside the dough.

    Dough stirring
    Dough stirring

    Stir the dough gently

  6. Use a pastry bag to place the dough onto a baking sheet.

    Cookies on a baking sheet
    Cookies on a baking sheet

    Place the dough on a baking sheet

  7. Sprinkle the blanks with powdered sugar (preferably twice).

    Powdered sugar on cookies
    Powdered sugar on cookies

    Sprinkle the Savoyardi with powdered sugar

  8. Let the liver sit for about 15 minutes.

    Savoyardi in powdered sugar
    Savoyardi in powdered sugar

    Give Savoyardi 15 minutes to brew

  9. Send the savoyardi to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. When the cookies turn golden, you can take them out.

    Cooked savoyardi cookies on a baking sheet
    Cooked savoyardi cookies on a baking sheet

    Bake cookies until golden brown

  10. Remove the finished biscuits from the paper until they cool. You can serve it with tea or make tiramisu from savoyardi.

Dessert video recipe

As you can see, these cookies are very simple to prepare, although they seem to be an exotic piece of culinary art. Now you have also joined the haute European cuisine and will pamper your family and friends with delicious biscuit savoyards. If you have any questions about cooking dessert, ask them in the comments, and also tell us about your cooking experience. Bon Appetit!
