Is Wi-Fi Harmful To Human Health, Is It Necessary To Turn Off The Router In The Apartment At Night: Expert Advice
Is Wi-Fi Harmful To Human Health, Is It Necessary To Turn Off The Router In The Apartment At Night: Expert Advice

Is Wi-Fi harmful to health

wifi home harm
wifi home harm

If you thoroughly approach the study of the effect of Wi-Fi on the human body, you will notice that most of the available information and opinions about the dangers of radiation are fragmentary and contradictory, while official research either refutes the danger or is very careful in statements.

Impact of Wi-Fi on health

The main and most important characteristic of a radio wave that affects the human body is its power, measured in dBm (decibels per milliwatt). For example, the radiation power of the phone during a call or searching for a network signal is, on average, 27 dBm, and if at this moment the gadget is located next to the user, a negative effect on the body of the latter is possible. The radiation power of a Wi-Fi router during an active connection is 18–20 dBm, however, network equipment of this kind, even in a small apartment, is usually located at a distance from a person, and, therefore, the radiation of the device is almost always insignificant.

Router in the apartment
Router in the apartment

A router in an apartment or house is usually located at a distance from people

The relative safety of Wi-Fi equipment is supported by scientific evidence. So, the leading medical organization in Britain and Europe, the Health Protection Agency (HPA), reports that at the moment there is no evidence of any dangerous effect of Wi-Fi radiation on the human body, and on the website of the World Health Organization (WHO) there is no information at all about the dangers of radio waves.

Do I need to turn off the router at night

Of course, any wireless equipment has a certain emitting power, but even transmitting base stations cannot have any significant effect on human health. The receiving and transmitting parts of Wi-Fi equipment work similarly to the long-used radio stations and radio transmitters and, in fact, they are. And scientifically confirmed facts that someone suffered from the radiation of household FM receivers and televisions is unknown.

List of Wi-Fi networks
List of Wi-Fi networks

Few people turn off their router even at night

If you live in a private house and you are worried about the possible health effects of a Wi-Fi router, you can of course turn off the device at night and at any other time when not in use. This option is not suitable for residents of apartment buildings. Why - it becomes clear, you just need to see the list of networks found by the device. In almost every neighboring apartment, we will find at least one working transmitter, so turning off the router in this situation is simply pointless.

Video: harm to health from Wi-Fi

A number of organizations have repeatedly raised the issue of banning the use of Wi-Fi in public places and especially in educational institutions. However, scientists still cannot give an unambiguous answer how harmful these emissions are.
