Can Fleas From A Cat Or A Cat Go To A Person, Are Cat Parasites Dangerous, Who And How They Bite, How To Get Rid Of And Prevent
Can Fleas From A Cat Or A Cat Go To A Person, Are Cat Parasites Dangerous, Who And How They Bite, How To Get Rid Of And Prevent

Cat fleas: is there a danger to humans

Cat with fleas
Cat with fleas

Having found fleas in a cat, many owners fear that the parasites will quickly jump onto their bodies. But feline bloodsuckers do not live in humans. Although they are not completely safe for us either - their bites can provoke an allergic reaction, and an infection can get into the wounds.


  • 1 General information about fleas

    • 1.1 Cat flea

      • 1.1.1 Morphology
      • 1.1.2 Lifestyle
      • 1.1.3 Reproduction
      • 1.1.4 Life cycle
  • 2 Reasons for cat infection with fleas
  • 3 How to recognize an infection
  • 4 Can fleas from a cat go to a person

    4.1 What are the biggest risks of cat fleas

  • 5 What does a cat flea bite look like?
  • 6 How to eliminate the effects of bites

    • 6.1 How to relieve itching and pain
    • 6.2 Allergic reaction
    • 6.3 Treatment of dermatophiliasis
  • 7 How to get rid of cat fleas

    • 7.1 Table: Popular cat flea remedies

      • 7.1.1 Photo Gallery: Flea Products for Cats
      • 7.1.2 Video: how to choose a flea remedy
    • 7.2 Removing fleas from pregnant cats and kittens
    • 7.3 Room treatment
  • 8 Preventive measures

General information about fleas

Fleas (Siphonaptera) are a squad of blood-sucking insects. At present, 2086 species have been described by entomologists. They are found everywhere (found even in Antarctica), but they are most widespread in countries with a temperate and subtropical climate (in East and Central Asia, West America, East Africa). There are 524 species of parasites in Russia.

When a flea settles on the body of birds and mammals, it begins to actively reproduce and constantly bite through the skin in order to gain access to blood, which it feeds on. This causes the owner severe discomfort (itching).

The peculiarity of fleas is that different species have some differences in the structure of the oral apparatus and the composition of the enzymes responsible for the processing of blood absorbed by insects. That is why they are divided depending on which owners they mainly settle on. Fleas of the species Ctenocephalides felis choose the cat as a food source.

Ctenocephalides felis
Ctenocephalides felis

The cat flea Ctenocephalides felis is very small, its body size is from 0.75 to 5 mm

Cat flea

The insects Ctenocephalides felis have a number of characteristics. For example, a cat flea is a master of jumping and the ability to carry weights. It has been proven that this type of parasite can easily pull a load that will exceed their own weight 130 times. And they jump to a height exceeding their height by 150 times.

The cat itches
The cat itches

Fleas are not used to starving - the diet is 10-15 times a day, without access to blood, the parasite can last a maximum of two days

One can envy the insect's endurance. For example, it easily makes over 3000 jumps in a row. Not afraid of fleas and temperature tests. In severe frosts (more than -20 ° C), it goes into hibernation (when the metabolism slows down, and the insect, in fact, falls asleep). Freezing can last more than a year. When warming occurs, the parasite "thaws" and calmly goes in search of a food source in the form of a warm-blooded animal.

Flea appearance
Flea appearance

The flea owes its jumping ability to the structure of the hind legs - they are powerful and long


The body of the flea Ctenocephalides felis is pear-shaped, slightly flattened from the sides, covered with numerous stiff hairs. The head is shallow (no more than 1/10 of the whole body). It has three pairs of limbs: 4 front legs are shortened, and hind legs - jumping - long. The jaws are powerful, they easily bite through the skin of an adult cat. In order to prevent blood from clotting, the flea injects saliva into the wound, which causes itching and swelling in the animal at the site of the bite.

An enlarged image of a flea head
An enlarged image of a flea head

Fleas have developed stylet-like jaws that allow them to quickly bite through the skin of mammals


In adult fleas, the only source of food is mammalian blood. Sucking lasts 1 to 5 minutes. The insect needs frequent food intake (approximately every hour), therefore, having eaten, it does not jump off the cat's body, but remains in the animal's fur.

Infection of a cat with fleas
Infection of a cat with fleas

If you do not take measures, several hundred fleas can settle on one cat.


Cats are difficult to get rid of fleas, as the parasites are incredibly nimble. They also reproduce very actively. The female can begin to lay eggs 1-2 days after entering the animal's body. How many descendants she can leave after herself depends on the length of her life. On average, one individual lays 500-800 eggs (one clutch can be from 10 to 50 eggs).

Flea eggs
Flea eggs

A cat flea lays eggs directly in the fur of cats, or jumps to the floor and attaches the clutch to the fibers of the carpets

Life cycle

Under optimal conditions for the insect (temperature from +18 to +24 ° C and humidity over 60%), it takes about 10-50 days from the egg stage to maturity. A legless, worm-like larva crawls out of the egg, which does not yet feed on fresh blood and does not bite the cat - it eats the feces of adult fleas and pieces of blood baked on the surface of wounds. Then the larva goes through three stages of molting and turns into an adult parasite.

Flea life cycle
Flea life cycle

The average life span of one cat flea is 1.5-2 years

The reasons for the infection of a cat with fleas

There are several ways a cat can catch fleas. The most common reasons are:

  • Fleas wait for their prey on the street, lurking on the ground or catching on the grass.
  • They get into the house together with a person's clothes and shoes.
  • They penetrate houses through cracks in the walls and floors (residents of the first floors are especially affected, since the basements of most houses are teeming with various parasites).
  • Fleas jump from one animal to another.
  • Infection can occur when hunting rodents (Ctenocephalides felis does not feed on the blood of rats and mice, but can use them as a "transport" and a place for laying eggs).
Kitten with mom
Kitten with mom

Kittens can get fleas from their mom

How to recognize an infection

The presence of fleas in your cat can be recognized by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • itchy skin - the cat constantly itches and gnaws into the fur;
  • bite marks (red pimples) and scratching on the animal's body;
  • small black grains - flea excrement, which are found if the cat's fur is pushed apart;
  • the presence of the insects themselves - when there are many parasites and they become fattened, then they can be easily seen on the pet's skin;
  • White peas, the eggs of fleas, firmly attached to the hairs, can be seen only when looking at the fur.

In advanced cases, when there are a lot of fleas, the cat's coat becomes thinner, it weakens from constant itching, loses appetite, suffers from insomnia, and loses weight. In place of constantly combed wounds, fistulas or abscesses, allergic dermatitis can form.

A way to detect fleas by combing
A way to detect fleas by combing

If the cat has fleas, then when combing, black grains (excrement of parasites) will fall on the floor and the insects themselves will jump out

Can fleas from a cat go to a person

Cat fleas will not be able to bite through human skin, so they will not choose us for permanent residence. But they can try to feast on human blood - by biting a couple of times and making sure that a person is not suitable for them to eat, they will immediately jump off. It seems to sound harmless, only these small bites will itch, there will be swelling and redness.

Flea bite sites
Flea bite sites

Inflamed bumps and itching are signs of an allergic reaction to insect saliva.

What is the biggest danger of cat fleas?

Flea bites cause severe itching. Scratching the damaged parts of the body leads to infection in the wound, which causes it to become inflamed and fester. The biggest danger is that parasites are carriers of encephalitis, plague, typhoid, salmonellosis, tularemia and more than 25 other deadly diseases.

Cat with fleas and boy
Cat with fleas and boy

Fleas can carry not only infections, but eggs of worms

What does a cat flea bite look like?

Flea bites left on the body of cats look like small red pimples, which from scratching increase in size and begin to bleed. Parasites for bites target mainly the most delicate areas of the cat's body, where the skin is softer and thinner, so that it is easier to access the vessels. Usually the most wounds from parasites are on the neck near the ears, withers, abdomen.

Complication after flea bites
Complication after flea bites

Flea dermatitis in a cat is manifested by severe irritation at the site of the bite, extensive wounds due to scratching, hair loss

Getting on the skin of people, the flea tries to reach the vessels, but it fails (the jaws are weak to pierce our skin), but the insect shows stubbornness and, before jumping to the floor, makes several bites - therefore, usually from cat fleas in humans a string of closely spaced footprints remains. They look like mosquito bites. If there is an increased sensitivity to the parasite's saliva enzymes, the pimples become very swollen and redden.

How to find out who bit
How to find out who bit

Flea bites are similar to mosquito bites, but smaller in size and, as a rule, are not single, but collected "in a heap" (3-5 bites in one place)

How to eliminate the effects of bites

The main task of a person who sees a flea bite in himself or his pet is to prevent the wound from scratching. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms - itching, inflammation. Simple folk remedies help. When signs of complications appear, it is important to start treatment on time using medications (including anti-inflammatory, anti-infective creams).

How to relieve itching and pain

The first thing to do is to disinfect the bite with iodine, alcohol, or antibacterial soap. This will help prevent the spread of the infection.

The next task is to relieve the itching. The easiest way is to apply a piece of ice or gauze soaked in cold water to the bite. This will stop the urge to scratch for a few minutes. A longer effect is given by the use of a cream with hydrocortisone or antipruritic drugs (Fenistil gel, Psilobalm). Can be used:

  • tea tree oil;
  • strong tea leaves;
  • decoction of chamomile.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in liquid and apply to the itchy part of the body.

Veterinary collar
Veterinary collar

If you have treated the cat with some kind of cream or oil, then do not forget to put a collar on the animal that does not allow licking of the product

Allergic reaction

Insect allergies (an acute reaction to enzymes from insect saliva) are treated with antihistamines. In the case of local edema, skin rash, it is better to use creams and gels. If a reaction occurs in the form of an increase in temperature, nausea, vomiting, you should take an antiallergic drug inside (in the form of tablets, drops) or give an injection.

With a strong reaction to bites in humans, topical corticosteroids (Methylprednisolone aceponate, Mometasone furoate, etc.) are prescribed. In very severe cases of allergy to flea bites, take Prednisol (course no more than 3 days).


Advantan - an ointment based on methylprednisolone aceponate - is used for severe allergic reactions to flea bites

Flea allergies in cats are also treated with antihistamines. Since the animal tends to lick or wipe the creams on the floor and furniture, it is preferable to inject medications through injections - for example, to give injections of Dexamethasone, Flumethasone, Methylprednisolone, Betamethasone, etc.

Dermatophiliasis treatment

Due to repeated scratching of one place, dermatophilisis occurs - a secondary infection, accompanied by the appearance of pustules (abscesses) or ulcers. For treatment, the treatment of wounds is used with a 1-2% solution of menthol or salicylic alcohol (3-4 times a day). The patient is given antibiotics:

  • Amoxiclav;


    With the development of dermatophilisis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, such as Amoxiclav

  • Coamoxiclav;
  • Trimethoprim.

The remedy should be selected by a doctor depending on the stage and form of dermatophilisis and its complications. It is important to note that this therapy is suitable for both humans and cats - the only difference is in the dosage of the drugs.

How to get rid of cat fleas

There are several ways how you can rid your pet of parasites. They all have their pros and cons.

Table: popular cat flea remedies

Type of funds Advantages disadvantages Examples of funds and price
Collar Causes minimal side effects in the animal Collars cannot act on all parts of a cat's body, therefore parasites often "sit out" in the area of the hind legs and tail, where they hardly feel the smell from an anti-flea product
  • Bars (200-220 rubles);
  • BioBand (300-340 rubles);
  • Beaphar (440-460 rubles).
Sprays The drug treats all the cat's fur, so all parasites, wherever they hide, fall under its influence Toxic. Even at low concentrations, the risk of side effects is high.
  • Ms. Kiss (250-290 rubles);
  • "Inspector" (550-600 rubles);
  • BlokhNet (160–170 rubles).
Drops Deal with parasites better than other products Even more toxic than sprays
  • Bars (300-310 rubles);
  • Ultra-Dana (140–150 rubles);
  • Ms. Kiss (160-175 p.).
Shampoos The whole body of the cat is processed. Since the drug is then washed off, the likelihood of intoxication is minimal. Cats do not like to swim and will strongly resist the procedure
  • "Four with a tail" (120–150 rubles);
  • Ms. Kiss Shampoo (170-200 rubles);
  • BioVax (130-160 rubles).

Photo gallery: flea remedies for cats

The collar is good for cats walking freely outside
Flea spray
Flea spray
Flea spray is effective but toxic
Drops on the withers for cats
Drops on the withers for cats
Flea drops should be applied strictly to the withers so that the animal cannot lick them off
Flea shampoo
Flea shampoo
Flea shampoo is perfect for the primary treatment of an animal from ectoparasites

Video: how to choose a flea remedy

Removing fleas from pregnant cats and kittens

To get rid of parasites in a cat waiting for offspring, as well as small kittens, it is necessary to choose anti-flea remedies with a natural composition. For example, sprays and shampoos of Celandine, Animal Play or GreenFort are allowed for pregnant animals and babies. They include:

  • mango oil;
  • extracts:

    • citronella;
    • lavender;
    • bergamot;
    • carnations.

These components are not capable of causing acute poisoning if the animal accidentally licks the product from the fur.

Flea shampoo "Celandine"
Flea shampoo "Celandine"

Flea shampoos with natural composition are suitable for pregnant cats and kittens

In case of severe flea infestation, plant sprays will be ineffective - powerful synthetic preparations are needed. It is necessary to treat pregnant cats and kittens with them carefully, to select medicines based on the information from the instructions. For example, "Front Line" is allowed to be used from three weeks of age, drops "Bars" - from ten weeks.

"Frontline" drops on the withers
"Frontline" drops on the withers

Front Line withers are approved for use in kittens from 3 weeks of age

Room processing

Do not think that collars, sprays, drops get rid of fleas once and for all. The parasites, stunned by the smell, jump off the animal and sit in secluded corners of the house. When the effect of the drugs is over, the insects will again bother the pet. That is why when dealing with fleas, it is imperative to treat all rooms. For this, special insecticidal preparations are used.

Since fleas are physically unable to eat the poison, drugs are available in the form of sprays, powders and suspensions. The principle of action of any remedy for fleas lies in the airborne spread of substances, which, after inhalation by parasites, affect their nervous system and cause paralysis.

Examples of anti-flea remedies suitable for the treatment of premises in an apartment or private house:

  • Spray "Raptor against crawling insects" is an aerosol preparation with a slight mint scent. To process a one-room apartment, you will need 2 cylinders.
  • Sinusan is a professional remedy for fleas and other parasites. It is very effective, but it has a strong and unpleasant odor that takes a very long time to disappear.
  • Delcid in ampoules - dissolves in water, which must be rinsed off all surfaces in the apartment. It is inexpensive, one package is enough to process the whole house (2-3 rooms).

    Delcid and personal protective equipment
    Delcid and personal protective equipment

    When spraying Delcid, a person should use personal protective equipment: respirator and gloves

It is important to remember that all indoor drugs can cause side effects in humans and cats. That is why, during the processing of the rooms, pets must be taken out of the house, and all procedures must be carried out in protective masks and gloves. It is also not recommended for people themselves to live in treated rooms until the product is completely weathered (as a rule, it takes 2-3 days).

Cleaning of premises from parasites
Cleaning of premises from parasites

After treating the premises with flea solutions, it is necessary to thoroughly vacuum and rinse the floors with clean water several times.

Preventive measures

Parasitic infection, like any other disease, is easier to prevent or treat in the early stages than to try to get rid of in an advanced form:

  • To prevent your cat from being attacked by fleas, try not to let him go outside and limit your pet's contact with animals that you are not sure of the cleanliness.
  • Clean the house as often as possible, do not walk around the apartment in street shoes (after all, parasites can be brought on the soles of boots).
  • Examine and brush your pet regularly - if you detect the slightest sign of fleas, take immediate prophylaxis (for example, wash it with a flea shampoo). The sooner you find fleas (before they multiply), the faster you eliminate them.
Collar for a cat
Collar for a cat

Flea collars are not very good at dealing with severe infestations, but are ideal for prevention.

Fleas not only cause discomfort in the animal, but can also infect a cat with worms, cause allergies, dermatitis, infectious diseases, and lead to anemia. In humans, cat fleas do not settle, but they will easily leave a couple of itchy bites. To cope with harmful insects will help the application of special products (shampoos, sprays, drops) to the cat, as well as careful treatment of the premises with antiparasitic solutions.
