Mortise Lock For Doors: Design Features, How To Choose And Install Correctly
Mortise Lock For Doors: Design Features, How To Choose And Install Correctly

Types, features of selection and installation of mortise locks

Mortise lock
Mortise lock

Any door lock serves to prevent unauthorized people from entering the room. If a thief tries to open the door, then the lock should provide maximum resistance. To ensure the safety of your home, you need to install a solid door and a reliable locking mechanism. One of the most common options is mortise locks, which can be used on both entrance and interior doors.


  • 1 Design features of mortise locks

    • 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages
    • 1.2 Degree of secrecy and security
  • 2 Types of mortise locks

    • 2.1 Levers
    • 2.2 Cylinder
    • 2.3 Crossbars
    • 2.4 Electronic mortise locks
    • 2.5 Code
    • 2.6 Smartlocks
    • 2.7 Video: types of mortise locks
    • 2.8 Features of choosing a mortise lock
  • 3 How to install a mortise lock yourself

    • 3.1 Installation in a wooden door

      3.1.1 Video: installation of a mortise lock in a wooden door

    • 3.2 Insert into a metal door

      3.2.1 Video: installing a mortise lock in a metal door

  • 4 Tips for using mortise locks

    • 4.1 Lubricating the lock

      4.1.1 Video: how and with what to lubricate the mortise lock

    • 4.2 Cleaning the lock
  • 5 Reviews

Design features of mortise locks

Due to their characteristics, mortise locks have become very popular. It is the best choice for metal entrance doors. It is better not to install these models on the entrance wooden doors, since the mechanism is located close to the outer surface of the canvas, therefore, it is quite easy prey for intruders. For interior wooden canvases, this option is also great.

Mortise lock
Mortise lock

A mortise lock with large steel bolts is ideal for a metal entrance door

The main feature of mortise structures is that they fit inside the door, and only a handle, a keyhole and a decorative strip remain outside. To install such a model, a hole is made in the door leaf into which the lock is inserted, and then it is fixed at the end of the door. The striker is mounted on the box.

The modern version of mortise locks is inset or built-in devices. They are placed inside the canvas during fabrication. To remove such a structure, you will have to disassemble the door leaf. Only the crossbars protrude outward, which can exit not only from the side, but also from above and below the door. This solution allows the doors to be completely blocked, which significantly increases their safety.

Insert lock
Insert lock

The inset lock is placed inside the door leaf during its manufacture

In order to illegally enter the apartment, attackers try to open the secret of the lock or damage the crossbars. In modern mortise locks, crossbars are made of high-strength steel, which is difficult to damage with a hacksaw or file. Crossbars are often made cylindrical, while they rotate around their axis, which makes it impossible to saw them. Lock secret mechanisms are also constantly being improved, so it is very difficult to open them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of mortise locks are the following:

  • do not spoil the appearance of the door, as they are inside it;
  • have a high degree of reliability;
  • allow you to quickly replace the cylinder secret in case of failure.

Disadvantages of mortise locks:

  • the complexity of installation. To install such structures, you will need certain skills;
  • difficult repair. If the secret of the lever mechanism breaks, you will have to dismantle the lock to replace it;
  • limited scope. After installing such a lock in wooden doors, the strength of the leaf decreases.

    Mortise lock in a wooden door
    Mortise lock in a wooden door

    When installing a mortise lock in a wooden door, you have to gouge a rather large niche, which, of course, weakens the strength of the door leaf

Secrecy and security

A good mortise lock should not only provide maximum security, but also have such qualities as durability, reliability and ease of use. A high-quality mortise lock can cost more than the price of the door itself.

When choosing a lock, one should pay attention to its following characteristics:

  1. The degree of secrecy. This parameter takes into account the resistance to mechanical damage, the likelihood of key matches, and the security against breaking. There are the following degrees of secrecy:

    • low;
    • medium;
    • high.
  2. Hacking resistance. Determined by the amount of time it takes to open or damage the lock. There are 4 classes:

    • the first is less than 5 minutes;
    • the second - from 5 to 15 minutes;
    • the third - 15-30 minutes;
    • the fourth - more than 30 minutes.
  3. Reliability - the number of working cycles for which the lock is designed. Depending on the selected model, this parameter can range from 25 to 100 thousand cycles. Locks with a handle and a latch are usually rated for 200-250 thousand cycles.
  4. Strength - the ability to withstand mechanical stress. It is necessary to pay attention to the strength of not only the bolt, but also the body and the striker.

Varieties of mortise locks

The modern industry offers a wide variety of mortise locks. To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing species, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

By the way they work, mortise locks are:

  • locking - they have only crossbars, and they do not have a locking tongue and can be installed separately;
  • locking-fixing - in their design, in addition to the crossbar, there is also a latch. It locks the door and retracts after pressing the handle.

    Locking and fixing mortise lock
    Locking and fixing mortise lock

    In addition to the crossbars, the locking and fixing mortise lock also has a latch


In leveler models, the secret part consists of several plates (levers), which is why they got their name. When the key is turned, the plates are displaced in a certain order, after which the mechanism opens or closes.

Among the disadvantages of such a lock, it should be noted:

  • pretty big key;
  • a large through keyhole through which you can peep. Trash also often gets into it;
  • the complexity of key recovery. If they are lost and there is no spare, you will most likely have to buy another lock.

The secret mechanism of the lever lock is reliably protected by the body and hidden behind the material of the door leaf. You can get to it only through the keyhole. To protect the secret from drilling, armored linings are additionally installed.

Lever mortise lock
Lever mortise lock

The secret part of a mortise lock consists of several plates

It is necessary to purchase a lock with at least six levers, otherwise it will not be able to provide the necessary security


A more modern option is cylinder locks. The secret in them is made in the form of a cylinder in which the pins are located. In the event of a breakdown, it can be easily and quickly replaced without removing the lock. After the key is inserted into the keyhole, the pins (pins inside the lock cylinder) are set to the same height and it becomes possible to open or close the door.

Cylinder lock device
Cylinder lock device

After the key is inserted into the keyhole, the pins are set to the same height and you can open the lock

The security level of cylinder locks depends on the number of pin combinations. The simplest models have no more than 5,000 combinations, so they are suitable for interior doors. Models with a medium security level have from 5 to 500 thousand combinations. The most modern models allow you to create from one to several million options, but their cost is quite high.

Cylinder mortise lock
Cylinder mortise lock

Cylinder mortise lock has a cylinder-shaped secret

For maximum protection of the house, it is recommended to simultaneously install a cylinder and a lever lock on the door


Mechanical transom mortise locks are popularly called garage or rack locks. Their principle of operation is based on the fact that there are grooves on the key of the lock that correspond to the protrusions on the crossbar. The key is placed in the keyhole and pressed on it, after which the bolt is pushed back and the doors are opened. Due to the low degree of security, rack structures are usually not installed on the entrance doors to the apartment, but for warehouses, utility rooms or garages, they are the best option.

Mortise garage lock
Mortise garage lock

The deadbolt lock is installed in a garage or utility room, it is usually not used in apartments

Electronic mortise locks

Usually electronic locks are called electromagnetic models, they can be sliding or holding. The holding devices do not have a bolt and they only work due to the force of the electromagnet. The principle of operation of shear models is based on the fact that when voltage is applied, an electromagnet is triggered, while the core is attracted to the body and the protrusions of the magnetic circuit enter the core. Sliding models provide more reliable fixation of the door in comparison with the retaining ones. We must not forget that such mechanisms, when the power is turned off, cease to perform their functions, therefore, together with them, an autonomous power source must be additionally installed.

Electronic mortise lock
Electronic mortise lock

Electronic or electromagnetic lock requires additional installation of autonomous power supply


Such models got their name due to the fact that a code panel is used to open them. It is enough to dial the preset digital combination and the mortise lock will open. Such designs are usually used at the entrance to an entrance or office. There are modern models that can be installed at the entrance to the apartment, but their cost is very high.

Code mortise locks
Code mortise locks

Coded mortise locks are usually installed at the entrance to the staircase


Smartlocks are the most modern modifications of mortise locks. They have a digital screen, and they can work both from the mains and from the battery. According to the method of opening, smart locks are divided into:

  • digital - they have a panel on which you need to dial a certain code. Only then can you open the door with a key;
  • with a scan of the retina or a fingerprint;
  • with electronic key access;
  • combined - they can be opened with both a regular and an electronic key.

After receiving the signal, the solenoid connected to the mechanical deadbolt starts working and the doors open.


Smartlock is the most modern modification of the mortise lock

Video: types of mortise locks

Features of choosing a mortise lock

To choose the right model, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • decide on the functions of the door on which it will be installed. For entrance and interior doors, different models are needed;
  • if the mortise lock is installed in a wooden panel, its thickness should not exceed 70% of the door thickness;
  • when buying, ask for a guarantee - the larger it is, the better the product;
  • find out on which door the selected lock can be installed, since it can be right-handed or left-handed;
  • If you choose a lock with a handle, it must be in harmony with the material and color of the doors;
  • at the entrance to a house or apartment, it is necessary to install locks of the third or fourth class of resistance to burglary;
  • pay attention to the presence of the manufacturer's logo. If it is not on the case, then it is better not to buy such a product.

How to install a mortise lock yourself

To install a mortise lock yourself, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • ruler and construction square;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinder.

    Mortise Lock Installation Tools
    Mortise Lock Installation Tools

    To install a mortise lock, you need to prepare a standard set of tools

Installation in a wooden door

If you decide to independently install a mortise lock in a wooden canvas, the work is done in the following order:

  1. Marking. If there is only one lock, then it is usually installed at a height of 90-110 cm from the floor. If there are several of them, a distance of about 30-50 cm must be left between them. A lock is applied to the canvas and its upper and lower parts are marked, as well as the place for the keyhole and the handle. With the help of a level, all lines are transferred to the opposite part of the canvas.

    Door leaf markings
    Door leaf markings

    If there is only one lock, then usually it is installed at a height of 90-110 cm

  2. Creating a recess for the lock. At the end of the door, using an electric drill, holes of the appropriate depth are made along the contour of the lock. After that, a part of the canvas is removed with a chisel and a hammer and a place for the castle is prepared.

    Place for a castle
    Place for a castle

    First, holes are drilled, and then a recess for the lock is prepared with a chisel

  3. On the front side of the door, holes are made for the keyhole and for the handle.

    Creating holes for the keyhole and handle
    Creating holes for the keyhole and handle

    To create holes for the handle and keyhole, a drill of the appropriate diameter and a special crown are used

  4. Insert and secure the lock.

    Installing a lock in a wooden door
    Installing a lock in a wooden door

    A lock is inserted into the hole prepared at the end of the door and fixed with self-tapping screws

  5. A secret is inserted into the lock and fixed in the case using the screw that comes with the kit.

    Inserting a secret
    Inserting a secret

    The secret of the lock is fixed with a long screw

  6. Install decorative overlays and handles (if provided by the design) on both sides of the canvas.

    Installing handles and decorative strips
    Installing handles and decorative strips

    Decorative strips and handles are installed on both sides of the canvas

  7. Mark the place for mounting the striker. The crossbar of the lock is lubricated with varnish, graphite or oil. Close the doors and turn the lock so that the bolts come out and touch the pillar of the door frame. This gives space for the hole in the striker.
  8. Mounting the striker. With the help of self-tapping screws, the striker is fixed.

    Mounting plate
    Mounting plate

    The strike plate is fixed on the box so that the crossbars of the lock can freely enter it

It remains to check the operation of the castle. When turning the key, the door should close without much effort or twitching.

Video: installation of a mortise lock in a wooden door

Insert into a metal door

The sequence of work on installing a mortise lock in iron doors will be almost the same as in the previous case. It will be a little more difficult as metal is harder than wood.

Installation is carried out in this order:

  1. Door leaf markings.
  2. Preparing the hole for the lock. This is done with a small grinder.
  3. Making holes for the handle of the lock and for the keyhole. A drill and drill of the correct diameter must be used.

    Hole preparation
    Hole preparation

    The holes for the handle and lock cylinder are made using an electric drill

  4. Installing the lock, fastening the cylinder and the handle, as well as fixing the body to the door leaf with screws or self-tapping screws.

    Installing a lock in a metal door
    Installing a lock in a metal door

    The lock is installed in a recess made for it and fixed with self-tapping screws or screws

  5. Mark out the place for mounting the striker. The work is done in the same way as on a wooden canvas.
  6. With the help of a grinder, places are created in the box for the entry of the crossbar.

    Preparation of a place for entry of crossbars
    Preparation of a place for entry of crossbars

    A niche is cut in the door frame for the entry of the crossbars

  7. Fix the striker.

    Mounting a strike plate in a metal box
    Mounting a strike plate in a metal box

    The striker is fixed on the door frame

If you did everything correctly, the lock will open easily and securely fix the doors in the closed position.

Video: installing a mortise lock in a metal door

Tips for using mortise locks

To ensure trouble-free operation of the mortise lock for a long period of time, it must be properly operated. If the castle is not looked after, then it can break down very quickly and instead of being an obstacle for a thief, it will create problems for the owners, because of which they will not be able to get into their house.

Lock grease

It is not necessary to lubricate the mortise lock often; it is enough to do this once every six months. Different lubricants may be used depending on the model. For example, for cylinder models, engine oil or WD-40 aerosol is better suited. Not the entire lock is lubricated, but only its crossbars, after which the mechanism is opened / closed several times. For lever models, it is better to use graphite powder, which can be obtained from the lead of a simple pencil. The powder is blown into the keyhole, after which the mechanism is also opened and closed several times.

Lock grease
Lock grease

Special agents are used to lubricate the lock

In some locks, manufacturers make special holes through which grease is poured. The key is usually the source of the larva's pollution, so you need to keep it clean and periodically remove dirt from it. There are special compounds that are designed for models used on street doors. They contain silicone and components that prevent the mechanism from freezing.

Video: how and how to lubricate a mortise lock

Cleaning the castle

If you feel that when you open the lock, its mechanism began to work hard, it means that it is dirty. There are special lubricants, for example, Lock Cleaner, with the help of which the lock is cleaned from dirt and dust that gets inside through the keyhole. They treat the keyhole with grease and wait for a while. After that, you need to insert the key without turning it, and pull it back. Together with the key, you will remove the dirt that needs to be wiped off with a dry cloth. This procedure should be followed until the key is clean. If you do not have the appropriate skills, then you should not disassemble the mortise lock, it is better to entrust it to specialists.

Cleaning the castle
Cleaning the castle

A cleaning agent is poured into the well, after which the key is inserted without turning it and pulled back until all the dirt is removed

Expert advice:

  • if the lock is frozen, then the key is heated with a lighter, and then they try to open the doors;
  • if the mechanism is "stagnant", then the key can be greased with soap or wax, this can help open it;
  • a rusty key can be cleaned with special compounds. If they are not there, then you need to rub it with a half of an onion and after a few minutes with a dry cloth;
  • if the key is broken in the lock, you can get a piece of it with a jigsaw file. It is thin and durable, you need to insert the nail file, turn it and try to pick up the piece of the key, and then pull the nail file towards you with it.

If used correctly, a mortise lock will work reliably and protect your home from thieves for many years


On the modern construction market, there is a large selection of mortise locks, both domestic and foreign. To choose a reliable and high-quality lock, you need to pay attention to the products of well-known brands, and also take into account the degree of its secrecy and the class of burglary resistance - the higher they are, the better. Although a high-quality door lock is quite expensive, you shouldn't skimp on the security of your home. Only a high-quality lock combined with a solid door can reliably protect your home from intruders.
