Rabies Vaccine For A Cat: What Vaccine Is Used, How It Works, When To Do It, Recommendations Of Veterinarians, Reviews
Rabies Vaccine For A Cat: What Vaccine Is Used, How It Works, When To Do It, Recommendations Of Veterinarians, Reviews

Vaccinating a cat against rabies: the only way to protect

Gray cat resting
Gray cat resting

Rabies is an incurable viral disease, accompanied by severe damage to the nervous system and ending in a guaranteed death. All warm-blooded species, including humans, are susceptible to this infection. The danger of rabies is difficult to overestimate; therefore, prevention, as well as control over its spread, is given great attention at the state level in all countries. The situation is complicated by the fact that rabies is not always recognized in time, since it does not always proceed in a typical way. This is also facilitated by the low level of public alertness in relation to rabies in cats.


  • 1 The main routes of rabies infection in cats

    1.1 Video: Pathways of Rabies

  • 2 How rabies vaccine works for cats

    2.1 Is rabies vaccination mandatory?

  • 3 Contraindications to vaccination in cats
  • 4 Where are animals vaccinated against rabies

    • 4.1 Entering into the veterinary passport

      4.1.1 Video: International Animal Passport

  • 5 Preparation for vaccination
  • 6 Vaccination procedure

    • 6.1 Rabies vaccines for cats

      6.1.1 Factors affecting the cost of a vaccine

    • 6.2 Features of vaccination for kittens
  • 7 Potential consequences of vaccination

    7.1 Video: complications of vaccination

  • 8 Is vaccination necessary for bites of a potentially infected animal
  • 9 Testimonials from cat owners about rabies vaccinations

The main routes of rabies infection in cats

Even if the cat never leaves the house, the possibility of contracting rabies cannot be ruled out. And in this case, the meeting of an unvaccinated cat with an infected animal will be fatal both for the pet itself and, possibly, for its owner.

Most often, rabies infection in cats occurs:

  • through a bite;
  • if infected saliva gets on damaged skin.

A source of infection for a cat that does not leave the apartment can be a cohabiting and also unvaccinated dog, as well as rodents infected with rabies that have sneaked into the house.

Rabies virus
Rabies virus

The rabies virus has the ability to infect nerve cells, which is fatal in an infected individual

Of particular importance to these accidents is given both the absolute lethality during infection with rabies, and its high infectivity and danger to all people and animals around them. The only reliable protection for a cat is vaccination against rabies.

Video: ways of spreading rabies

How rabies vaccine works for cats

The principle of action of the rabies vaccine is exactly the same as that of other similar drugs. The vaccine contains antigens of the virus. By interacting with them, the cat's immune system learns to recognize them, as well as to produce antibodies - highly specific groups of proteins that can inactivate a specific pathogen.

If the vaccination is successful and immunity is formed, then the cat's body, when infected, meets the virus fully armed. The cat already has an antibody titer that can inactivate the virus, and if necessary, it will quickly produce additional antibodies. The cat's immune system, pre-prepared to meet the virus, will destroy the virus and save the animal.

The strength of the immune system determines the amount of antibodies that are ready to meet the infection and circulate with the cat's blood. To maintain their high number, which can effectively resist the introduction of the virus, regular revaccinations are performed.

The advantages of vaccination as a method of protecting cats from rabies include its high reliability, provided that all vaccination rules are followed.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the possibility of allergic reactions to vaccine components;
  • the risk of post-vaccination reactions and complications;
  • possibility of vaccine failure.

It is very important to understand that there are no alternatives to vaccination and are not foreseen in the near future.

Drooling cat
Drooling cat

Only timely vaccination reliably prevents the development of rabies in cats

Is rabies vaccination mandatory?

Vaccination of all pets against rabies on the territory of the Russian Federation is mandatory. The owners are responsible for the health, maintenance and use of animals.

Animal owners are obliged (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993 No. 4979-1 "On Veterinary Medicine"):

  • carry out economic and veterinary measures to prevent animal diseases;
  • provide veterinary specialists, upon their request, with animals for examination, immediately notify these specialists about all cases of sudden death or simultaneous mass disease of animals, as well as about their unusual behavior;
  • follow the instructions of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine on the implementation of measures for the prevention and control of animal diseases.

In addition, all domestic carnivores must be vaccinated against rabies (in accordance with clause 9.6. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 2010-06-05 N 54 "On the approval of SP"). Thus, all adult cats are subject to vaccination if they have no contraindications, as well as kittens from the age of three months.

Typically, the vaccine is valid for 1 year, then a second vaccine is required. When using the Nobivac Rabies vaccine, according to its instructions, revaccination should be carried out after 3 years. However, in situations in which veterinary control is provided, it will be required to vaccinate the cat annually, regardless of the type of vaccine used.

In a number of cases, vaccination failure occurs - when all the necessary stickers and signatures testifying to the vaccination are in the veterinary passport, but in fact the titer of antibodies necessary to defeat the virus has not been developed. Usually this happens either when the rules of vaccination are violated, or it is an error on the part of the vaccine, for example, improper storage conditions, which led to a decrease in its antigenic properties. In this case, the cat risks contracting rabies even after being vaccinated. Therefore, preparation for vaccination and a preliminary veterinary examination are so important.

Contraindications to vaccination in cats

There are a number of contraindications for rabies vaccination:

  • fever;
  • infectious disease, invasion by helminths, protozoa;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • change of teeth;
  • an allergic reaction to a vaccine component is known;
  • the animal was recently operated on (it is recommended to vaccinate one month before the planned operation);
  • less than 14 days have passed since the end of treatment with antibiotics, sulfonamides and immunoglobulins;
  • the cat is breastfeeding kittens;
  • general exhaustion of the animal;
  • suspicion of rabies in a cat.

Kittens up to 3 months old and pregnant cats are vaccinated only for epidemiological indications. Pregnant cats that have not been previously vaccinated can be vaccinated only in the first half of pregnancy and only with vaccines that do not contain live virus.

Where are animals vaccinated against rabies?

Rabies vaccinations are given in veterinary clinics, both private and public. If there is no money at all, but the cat needs to be vaccinated, then you can contact the state veterinary station - there is always a supply of vaccine, and they will be vaccinated there for free.

Free rabies vaccination alert
Free rabies vaccination alert

In public veterinary clinics, rabies vaccinations can be given free of charge

It is better to go to a private clinic, ideally to the cat's doctor, since the success of vaccination also depends on the veterinarian, who determines the contraindications to vaccination that lead to its failure, directs the preparation process, and on the clinic itself, which must purchase the vaccine from a reliable supplier. observing the temperature regime during transportation of the drug, as well as to store it correctly. Here you need to pay attention to the reputation of the clinic itself.

Entry into the veterinary passport

If the cat has a veterinary passport, a mark about vaccination is left in the document. An insert from the vaccine with its name, series and batch number is glued in, allowing you to identify the introduced substance, if such a need arises. The date of vaccination is noted, the fact of its implementation is evidenced by the signature and seal of the veterinarian.

Page in the veterinary passport with a note about vaccination
Page in the veterinary passport with a note about vaccination

The veterinary passport indicates the date of vaccination, batch number and name of the vaccine

If there is no passport, then in any case, the clinic will save all this information in the vaccination journal, and it will not be difficult to restore them. All clinics must send information on vaccination of pets against rabies to the state veterinary station.

Video: international animal passport

Preparing for vaccination

The preparatory phase is very important as it affects the success of the vaccination. It includes:

  • measures to rid the cat of flea infestation;
  • anthelminthic measures - 2 weeks before the intended vaccination, the cat is given Milbemax, Decaris or another available drug;


    Prazicide is one of the anthelmintic drugs that can be given to a cat 2 weeks before vaccination

  • 3 days before vaccination, they closely monitor the well-being of the cat, assessing its general well-being, activity, appetite, stool, and the presence of discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • on the eve of the day of vaccination, the pet's body temperature is measured, making sure there is no fever.

Vaccination procedure

On the day of vaccination, the veterinarian conducts a routine examination and measures the body temperature of the cat. If there are no contraindications, then the vaccine is administered. The route of administration is usually dictated by the type of vaccine used, as a rule, it is injected intramuscularly into the thigh area, less often subcutaneously between the shoulder blades. The volume of one vaccine dose is 1 ml.

Veterinarian examines the kitten
Veterinarian examines the kitten

On the day of vaccination, the veterinarian conducts a routine examination

Rabies vaccines for cats

There are a lot of vaccines for the prevention of rabies (both domestic and imported). All manufacturers point to the undesirability of using third-party rabies vaccinations in the general vaccination scheme; at the same time, the vaccine injection sites are separated, for example, the rabies vaccine is injected into the right thigh, and the complex vaccination against other pathogens is injected into the left.

Also, vaccines are divided into:

  • live - containing a live virus, but weakened and incapable of deceleration;
  • inactivated - containing a previously killed virus or its parts;
  • recombinant - containing a complex of virus antigens, obtained by a genetic engineering method.

Live vaccines have several benefits:

  • accelerated formation of immunity (7-10 days);
  • high tension of immunity, which guarantees the best protection;
  • lower price.

The disadvantages of using live vaccines include:

  • more complications;
  • danger to weakened, as well as pregnant animals;
  • the need for two-fold application.

Recombinant vaccines are more stable during storage and transportation, and also significantly minimize the risk of allergic reactions, while ensuring a high level of immune response.

Also, vaccines are divided into:

  • monovaccines - contain antigens of one pathogen;
  • complex vaccines - contain antigens of several pathogens and form immunity against several feline diseases at once.


    Quadricat is a vaccine that protects the cat against panleukopenia, rabies, calcivirosis and herpesvirus infections

Vaccines used to vaccinate cats against rabies:

  • Nobivak Rabies;

    Nobivak Rabies
    Nobivak Rabies

    Nobivak Rabies is a Dutch-made inactivated vaccine that contains dead rabies pathogens, as well as additional components that enhance the effect of the drug

  • Rabikan;
  • Rabizin;
  • Rabifel;
  • dry inactivated vaccine from the Shchelkovo-51 strain;
  • others.

A complete rabies vaccination schedule includes:

  • the first injection of the vaccine in a kitten at the age of 3 months;
  • annual revaccination.

Factors affecting the cost of a vaccine

The cost of a vaccine is affected by the technology of its production:

  • Traditionally, the cheapest is a live vaccine, but now they are vaccinated with a domestic inactivated drug at free vaccination points.
  • The most expensive and safest is the recombinant vaccine.

Also, the cost is influenced by the composition: a single vaccine is always cheaper than vaccination against several pathogens. You will have to overpay for the products of a reputable brand, since it is the guarantor of its effectiveness and safety. Additionally, the price consists of the logistic operator's markups (the price for the same product in Moscow and Vladivostok will be very different) and the price list of the veterinary clinic itself. Thus, the price can reach two thousand rubles for one drug.

Features of vaccination for kittens

The peculiarities of vaccination in kittens are that up to the age of 8 weeks, the baby uses antibodies obtained from the mother-cat, which neutralize the vaccine antigens, and the production of his own antibodies is still imperfect. Therefore, such kittens can be vaccinated only for epidemiological indications in exceptional cases. There won't be much use from it. Even if the vaccination was carried out at such an early age, the administration of the drug is repeated at 3 months, since now the kitten can already form its own active immunity. Further, vaccination is carried out every year.

Unlike an adult cat, the introduction of a vaccine to a kitten can lead to a more pronounced state of immunodeficiency during the development of immunity, therefore, kittens require more careful observation, careful attitude and quarantine for this period.

Possible consequences of vaccination

As a rule, the well-being of a cat after being vaccinated with a monovaccine does not suffer, since modern drugs do not contain phenol in their composition (a toxic substance that really posed a threat to the health of a cat, and also formed the opinion that is relevant to our days that vaccination of cats against rabies is dangerous) …

Since the rabies vaccine is often given on the same day as a complex vaccination (containing the antigens of several pathogens at once) against other feline diseases, it is possible:

  • some decrease in activity and appetite of the cat;
  • a slight increase in body temperature;
  • slight deterioration in well-being.

If these signs do not go away on their own within 2-3 days, you should contact your veterinarian. This condition reflects the straining of the feline's immune system with vaccine antigens and is of course less common if isolated rabies vaccination is given.

In most cases, when administered subcutaneously, a small infiltrate is formed, which dissolves on its own in 1-2 weeks, without causing disturbance to the animal.

Local allergic reactions may occur - itching, slight redness in the area of vaccine administration. These signs require contacting a veterinarian and documentation, and the next time you will have to be vaccinated with a vaccine from another manufacturer.

Since the vaccine is a biological preparation, the possibility of developing anaphylactic shock is not excluded. In order to observe possible changes in the condition, the veterinarian holds the vaccinated animal in the clinic for half an hour after the vaccination. This will make it possible to have time to administer corticosteroids and adrenaline as soon as possible and prevent a real threat to the cat's life from developing.

Another consequence of vaccination is post-vaccination (post-injection) feline sarcoma. In addition to vaccination, it is also caused by the introduction of irritating drugs, oil and other suspensions, in isolated cases - the introduction of microchips. The exact cause of the development of the disease is unknown, it is assumed that its onset is associated with the constant irritating effect of the components of the introduced substance on the connective tissue of the cat.

Post-vaccination sarcoma in a cat
Post-vaccination sarcoma in a cat

Postvaccinal feline sarcoma is a malignant tumor that occurs at sites, usually after subcutaneous or intramuscular injection

Radical treatment consists of extensive excision of the affected tissue. Preventive measures during vaccination include:

  • the use of vaccines that do not contain an adjuvant (carrier substance);
  • preheating the vaccine before administration to body temperature;
  • monitoring the behavior of the post-vaccination infiltrate in dynamics.

Fortunately, this disease is rare, 1 in 10,000 vaccinations (statistics are still being collected), and its danger to a cat is significantly lower than contracting rabies in the absence of vaccination and guaranteed to die from it.

After the introduction of the vaccine, the cat begins to form immunity, so it is important to protect it from stress factors, such as:

  • hypothermia;
  • bathing;
  • excessive physical activity.

Planned operations are possible only a month after vaccination, since the formation of active immunity takes 8–20 days, and unwanted interference in this process may result in vaccine failure. During this period, the cat's contacts with other animals should be limited and not allowed to go for walks.

Video: complications of vaccination

Is vaccination needed for bites of a potentially infected animal

One of the indications specified in the instructions for rabies vaccines is involuntary vaccination, which is carried out in the first 48 hours after being bitten or in contact with an infected animal. In this case, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 14 days at the same dose as for prophylaxis.

In some cases, the veterinarian will re-vaccinate a bitten cat, even if it is already vaccinated. He does this to increase the strength of the immune system, by determining the titer of antibodies or considering the bites as dangerous, for example, if they are located close to the head.

The bitten animal must be in quarantine and under observation for 10 days (if vaccinated, quarantine is also desirable). If the vaccine is not administered within 48 hours after being bitten by an infected animal, the cat will die of rabies.

Testimonials from cat owners about rabies vaccinations

Rabies is a dangerous infectious disease for both animals and humans. The only protection against it is vaccination. Modern vaccinations for cats are safe, there is the possibility of free vaccination at the city veterinary station. The formation of tense immunity plays a large role in protecting against rabies, and this requires adherence to the rules of preparation for vaccination, as well as restrictive measures after it. Determination of the titer of anti-rabies antibodies formed will help to confirm or disprove vaccine failure. Rabies vaccination is mandatory, and this is reflected in the current regulations. Without it, the cat will not be able to attend exhibitions, participate in breeding, travel abroad, and travel on long-distance public transport. Without vaccinating the cat against rabies,the owner endangers both the life of a defenseless animal and his own.
