How To Install Add Block For Yandex Browser - Why Is It Done, How The Adblock Works, How To Configure It And Remove It If Necessary
How To Install Add Block For Yandex Browser - Why Is It Done, How The Adblock Works, How To Configure It And Remove It If Necessary

AdBlock for Yandex Browser: pros and cons, installation, configuration, removal


Advertising is the main source of income for website owners. However, today it has become too much on the Internet. In most cases, it is useless and only interferes with focusing on useful content. How does the AdBlock extension help? How can I install it on Yandex Browser and then configure it? Can I delete it if I don't like it? Let us examine these questions today.


  • 1 About AdBlock extension: pros and cons of a blocker

    1.1 AdBlock and Adblock Plus: a small comparison

  • 2 How to download, install and configure AdBlock for Yandex. Browser

    • 2.1 Download and install instructions
    • 2.2 Instructions for setting up the program

      • 2.2.1 Enabling and Disabling an Extension: Two Ways
      • 2.2.2 Options for customization: display of unobtrusive ads, filters and much more
  • 3 How to remove AdBlock

About AdBlock extension: pros and cons of a blocker

AdBlock is an extension for various browsers that saves users from annoying advertising elements of pages (banners, pop-ups, blinking buttons, etc.). With an ad blocker, pages load faster and become cleaner - you can focus on the useful content of the pages. What are the features of AdBlock? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Let's start with the positives:

  1. The extension blocks all types of advertisements, including banners and flash videos.
  2. Its menu gives access to the main functions.
  3. The program offers additional protection against viruses and surveillance.
  4. You can add your own ad blocking filters to AdBlock.
  5. The extension is free to use. Developers charge only at the request of the user.

The disadvantage of AdBlock is that it affects the performance of the browser and computer, taking away some of the RAM.

AdBlock and Adblock Plus: a small comparison

AdBlock and Adblock Plus are two separate blockers that were created by different developers, that is, they are not versions of the same product, as is often believed. The first was Adblock Plus. Inspired by this add-on, the creators of AdBlock developed their product.

The principle of operation and functionality are similar, but there is still a difference between them.

Adblock Adblock plus
Expansion menu A novice user gets access to the main settings of the extension immediately when he opens the menu. The menu for this add-on is very laconic. The average user might not realize that the extension offers many other options for customization.
Settings This ad blocker lends itself to more fine tuning than Adblock Plus. The extension cannot boast as many customizations as AdBlock.
Filtration Provides the ability to create custom filters. Here, more convenient editing of custom filters.
Who suits This add-on is suitable for both novice users and professionals. For beginners, working with Adblock Plus can be daunting.

How to download, install and configure AdBlock for Yandex. Browser

Where can you download the AdBlock extension for Yandex. Browser? How to install it and work with it further? What parameters can be changed in it to customize it for yourself?

Download and install instructions

AdBlock can only be downloaded from the official extension resource. The add-on store created for Yandex Browser and Opera does not have this blocker anymore. Let's move on to specific installation steps:

  1. Open Yandex Browser and go to the official website of the AdBlock extension: It is important to open the site using Yandex. Browser, since the extension will be installed only on the browser from which the installation start button will be pressed.
  2. Click on the blue "Get AdBlock Now" button.

    Official site AdBlock
    Official site AdBlock

    Open the official AdBlock website to download and install the extension

  3. Click on "Install Extension" in the small window.

    Installation confirmation
    Installation confirmation

    Click on "Install extension"

  4. In a new open tab, you will see the installation process in progress.

    AdBlock installation process
    AdBlock installation process

    Wait for the installation process to complete

  5. A window will appear in which the developers will thank you for installing AdBlock and ask you to set the price for the extension yourself. This contribution is voluntary. To pay or not is up to you.

    Thanks from the developers for the installation
    Thanks from the developers for the installation

    You can optionally pay for using AdBlock

Instructions for setting up the program

How do I get to the ad blocker gadget settings? How do I enable or disable an extension?

Enabling and disabling an extension: two ways

Ad blocking can be enabled or disabled in the add-on menu:

  1. Click on the extension icon in the upper right corner of Yandex Browser (white hand on a green background in a hexagon).
  2. Click on the "Resume ad blocking" line.

    Disabled blocker
    Disabled blocker

    Open the blocker menu

  3. As a result, the green background in the icon will change to red. A palm will appear instead of a hand showing "Class". You will see many other items in the extension menu that you can use to: pause ad blocking on the current page, generally prohibit the extension from working on this page and on the site as a whole. Don't worry if you accidentally click on the wrong option - you can always get everything back.

    AdBlock enabled
    AdBlock enabled

    AdBlock extension has been enabled

You can enable and disable the extension in the Yandex Browser menu. How do I find AdBlock in the inner tabs of this browser?

  1. Click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner).
  2. Select "Add-ons".

    Yandex. Browser menu
    Yandex. Browser menu

    Open the "Add-ons" section in the browser menu

  3. Scroll the tab that opens to the very bottom.
  4. In the block "From other sources" find AdBlock and move the switch to the "Off" position, located opposite the extension.

    Section "Supplements"
    Section "Supplements"

    Turn off AdBlock in the "Add-ons" section

  5. As a result, the icon will disappear from the top bar of the browser.

Customization options: unobtrusive ad display, filters and much more

In the extension menu, click on the "Options" item - a new tab with settings will open.

General tab
General tab

Enable or disable options in the General tab

In the first tab "General" you can enable or disable many options by adding or unchecking the corresponding item. What specific points can a novice user include here?

  1. Serving unobtrusive ads to support website builders who profit from ads.
  2. YouTube channel whitelist. You will be able to decide on which YouTube channels the ad will go and which will not.
  3. Blocking individual elements on the page using a special item in the context menu, which is invoked by right-clicking on this element.

    Context menu
    Context menu

    Click on the AdBlock item in the context menu to block a page element

  4. Show the number of blocked advertising elements both on the extension's icon and in its menu.

    AdBlock Icon
    AdBlock Icon

    The AdBlock icon shows the number of blocked ad elements on the current page

  5. Permission to collect anonymous data about the use of the filter list and information about the content that was blocked by the filters. This will help developers improve the quality of their extension.

In the "Filter Lists" tab, you can disable or enable certain filters. They are also presented as a list. To activate the filter, you need to check the box to the left of it. All filters are updated automatically by the extension.

Filter Lists Tab
Filter Lists Tab

Enable or disable filters in the "Filter Lists" section

The main filters are as follows:

  1. EasyList. This is the main filter that prevents most of the page ad elements from loading. It is desirable that it be enabled for better removal of ads from visited sites.
  2. Custom AdBlock Filters. These are the user's personal filters that can be added at the bottom of the tab by entering the URL of the ad item.
  3. Acceptable advertising. If you don't want to see even acceptable ads, uncheck the box next to this item.
  4. Russian & Ukrainian + EasyList. This clause specifies the languages that are recognized by the filters.

You can add filters for other languages yourself if you visit foreign sites. To do this, click on the "Select a language" menu and find the required languages in the list.

In the "Other filter lists" section, the extension offers to activate the following options:

  1. EasyPrivacy (privacy). This filter provides protection against surveillance while surfing the Internet.
  2. Farboy's Annoyances. The filter prevents pop-ups inside the page, social media widgets and other irritants from loading.
  3. Protection against malware. The filter provides additional protection against viruses for your browser and computer.
  4. List of AdBlock removal warnings. The filter removes warnings that the page uses a blocker).
  5. List of anti-social filters. These filters block social media icons from launching.
  6. Cryptocurrency mining protection list. Mining is the creation of cryptocurrency (bitcoins) using the computing resources of a computer. Ordinary users start to participate in mining without knowing it. In the codes of many sites, a special script is included that starts mining at the expense of your computer. As a result, the PC starts to freeze, overheat and discharge quickly. AdBlock filters block such scripts from running.

What can you do in the Settings tab?

Settings tab
Settings tab

Open the "Customize" tab to see additional options for the extension

  1. Block ads by their URL. To do this, click on the corresponding blue link, enter the ad URL, page domain and click on "Block!"

    Blocking ads by URL
    Blocking ads by URL

    Set up ad blocking by its URL

  2. Hide a section of a web page. Enter the page domain and CSS corresponding to the page element. Click on "Block!"

    Disable certain sections of web pages
    Disable certain sections of web pages

    Hide a specific section of a web page

  3. Enable displaying ads on a page or domain. Just write the address and click on OK.

    Displaying ads on specific sites
    Displaying ads on specific sites

    Specify the addresses of domains and pages on which ads should not be blocked

  4. Disable displaying ads on specific domains. Enter the domain names in the format shown below the line and click OK.

    Block ads only on certain sites
    Block ads only on certain sites

    Create your list of sites on which ads will always be blocked

How to remove AdBlock

If you no longer need AdBlock, you can easily and quickly remove it in Yandex. Browser. What needs to be done specifically?

  1. Open the Yandex Browser menu and select Add-ons from the list.
  2. Go to the very bottom of the tab to see AdBlock. Move the cursor over it - the word "Delete" will appear to the right of the switch. Click on it.

    AdBlock extension in the "Add-ons" section
    AdBlock extension in the "Add-ons" section

    Click on "Delete"

  3. Confirm the deletion.

    Delete confirmation
    Delete confirmation

    Click on "Delete" to confirm the deletion

  4. A new tab will inform you that the extension has been removed and ask you to indicate the reason why you removed AdBlock.

    Message stating that AdBlock has been removed
    Message stating that AdBlock has been removed

    Optionally, you can name the reason why you removed AdBlock

AdBlock effectively solves the problem of intrusive advertising elements on web resources. It can be installed on Yandex. Browser through the official website of the mini-program. The extension is suitable for both beginners and professionals. In the "Parameters" section you will find many items for fine tuning it. If you don't like AdBlock, just delete it in the "Add-ons" section in "Yandex Browser".
