Why You Can't Dilute Tea With Cold Water And Mix Boiled Tea With Raw
Why You Can't Dilute Tea With Cold Water And Mix Boiled Tea With Raw

Why it is believed that tea should not be diluted with cold water


Food myths are the most tenacious of everyday misconceptions. It is understandable - no one wants to get poisoned, and sometimes it is better to play it safe. One of the most popular myths is that tea is diluted with cold water.

The ban on diluting tea with cold water: the origins of the delusion

There are two types of misconceptions that tea cannot be diluted with cold water. The first is superstition. Some believe that such an action can entail a cooling of feelings on the part of a loved one. It is believed that such a ritual was resorted to (and is resorted to) by sorcerers and witches to quarrel two loving people. Perhaps, we will not dwell here in detail on explaining why this superstition is irrational, and if there is a cooling in relations, if there is a place to be, it is definitely not because of tea.

Witches drink tea
Witches drink tea

Witches might have been offended to hear such ridiculous stories being made up about them.

The second misconception is not connected with the tea itself, but with the mixing of boiled and unboiled ("raw") water. Proponents of this theory argue that the use of such a drink will lead, if not to death, then to diarrhea and vomiting for sure. This myth deserves special attention and a detailed explanation.

Supporters of "live food" and similar trends argue that after boiling water becomes "dead". But untreated - "live", contains many useful elements and is very useful for the body. When mixing them, our body allegedly does not understand which category to classify the resulting fluid, and because of this, intestinal malfunctions occur. As a result, we are promised diarrhea, chronic diseases, and death. Which, of course, is not true.

Boiling water
Boiling water

The myth about the dangers of boiled water has not yet been scientifically proven.

When boiled, water really loses some of its elements and becomes more "empty", but this does not affect its "vitality" in any way. It's just that in such a liquid, the concentration of bacteria and viruses is much lower than in unboiled one.

What happens when you mix them? Nothing special - just the concentration of trace elements becomes uniform (that is, more than boiled, and less than “raw”).

Real reasons why you shouldn't mix raw and boiled water

However, all of the above does not mean that drinking a mixture of boiled and "raw" liquid is absolutely safe. By diluting tea with cold, unboiled water, we expose ourselves to the same danger as with the usual use of unboiled water - just the risk of catching an infection is slightly reduced. If you add cooled boiled water to the tea, then there will be no difference for the body at all.

Separately, it should be said about dilution with bottled or spring water. It is safe, but it can spoil the taste of the tea. Better still wait ten minutes than ruin your tea party.

You can dilute tea with cold water if you are sure of its quality and purity.
