How And How Much To Cook Soft-boiled And Hard-boiled Eggs After Boiling: Instructions For Cooking Chicken, Quail And Others
How And How Much To Cook Soft-boiled And Hard-boiled Eggs After Boiling: Instructions For Cooking Chicken, Quail And Others

How and how much to cook soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs

how to boil eggs
how to boil eggs

Eggs have long become an everyday product of our diet; it is not for nothing that any refrigerator has a special place for storing them. They are fried and boiled, added to baked goods, salads, casseroles, sauces, soups and other dishes. There are a great variety of recipes containing this product. But it is not always possible to cook the eggs so that the desired result is obtained. Especially when it comes to their varying degrees of readiness.


  • 1 About the benefits of eggs

    1.1 Average daily intake of eggs, depending on age and physical activity

  • 2 How to cook eggs
  • 3 Some helpful tips
  • 4 How and how long to cook eggs

    • 4.1 Soft-boiled
    • 4.2 Into the bag
    • 4.3 Hard-boiled
    • 4.4 For children
    • 4.5 For salads

      4.5.1 Cooking time table for eggs from different layers after boiling water

    • 4.6 Boiling eggs without shell (poached)

About the benefits of eggs

The benefits of eggs for our body can hardly be overestimated, and the conventional wisdom about the harm to the liver is greatly exaggerated. The yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol, which was the reason for the assumption that its level in the blood increased when eggs were consumed. On the basis of recent studies, it turned out that the "good" cholesterol in eggs displaces the "bad" one from the body.

Eggs contain up to 13% animal protein, which is 98% digestible. An egg eaten for breakfast makes you feel full for half a day.

In addition, the product contains:

  1. Vitamins A, D, E, group B (B 3, B 6, B 12), K are necessary to maintain immunity and normal metabolism.
  2. Trace elements: iodine, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, nutrition and respiration of cells, and the synthesis of hormones. Sulfur helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.
  3. Choline, lycetin are useful for the nervous system and brain cells.
  4. Cholesterol prevents damage to blood vessels, the formation of sclerotic plaques, is a building material for brain and liver cells, and is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone.
  5. Essential amino acids for cell building.

They are recommended for everyone, except for diabetics and people prone to allergies.

Average daily consumption of eggs, depending on age and physical activity

Daily intake depends on health status, physical activity and age, the exact amount will be determined by a nutritionist. Here are the average rates for different age groups.


  • adults - 1-3 pcs. in a day;
  • children under 2 years old - 2-3 yolks per week;
  • children 4-6 years old - 3-5 eggs per week;
  • athletes-athletes - 10 pcs. and more.

For athletes, digestible protein helps to build muscle quickly.

Chicken eggs
Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are a familiar product on our table


  • up to 3 years old - up to 3 pcs. in a day;
  • up to 10 years old - 3 pcs.;
  • over 10 years old - 4 pcs.;
  • athletes - athletes - 14-20 pcs.

In terms of nutritional value and content of nutrients, quail eggs are 2-5 times higher than chicken eggs. They almost never have salmonellosis, which is especially important for children

Quail eggs
Quail eggs

In terms of nutritional value, quail eggs are 2-5 times higher than chicken eggs.

Duck is twice as large as chicken and much fatter. Overweight people are not recommended to eat them more than once every 2 days.

Duck eggs
Duck eggs

Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs, their yolk contains more fat

Turkey is second only to quail in terms of usefulness. One egg weighs on average 75 g, replaces two chicken eggs.

Turkey eggs
Turkey eggs

Turkey eggs are second only to quail eggs in usefulness.

The ostrich contains 25-38 eggs in terms of chicken eggs. Before preparing such exotic, calculate the number of eaters.

Ostrich eggs
Ostrich eggs

One ostrich egg can feed 10 people

How to cook eggs

Boiling eggs is a simple process and does not require complex devices. This requires only dishes, water and a heating source. Used as a heater:

  • gas stove;
  • electric stove;
  • oven;
  • microwave;
  • slow cooker;
  • double boiler;
  • egg cooker;
  • oven;
  • bonfire.

In a desperate situation, you can even use an electric kettle, it combines a water tank and a heating element. Although the device is not intended for this and does not have a temperature controller.

Despite the simplicity of the process, there is always a desire to simplify it. Evidence of this is the egg cooker. The device consists of a water tank with a heating element and a grate. Unlike the way we are used to, cooking is done with steam.

Egg cooker
Egg cooker

Cooking in an egg boiler is done with steam

Some helpful tips

  1. Fresh eggs (up to 4 days old) are more difficult to peel; use older ones for bagging and hard boiling. This applies to home, store, during sorting and transportation have time to "grow old".
  2. The color of the shell depends on the breed of bird and feed, it does not affect the quality and taste of the eggs.
  3. Before cooking, wash the eggs with soap and water to avoid salmanellosis contamination.
  4. Do not put eggs fresh from the refrigerator in boiling water - the shell will burst.
  5. You can identify a spoiled egg by dipping it in cold water. Fresh will remain at the bottom or stand upright, rotten ones will float up.

    Determination of egg freshness
    Determination of egg freshness

    A fresh egg sinks in water, a spoiled one floats

  6. Examine the shell. In a rotten egg, they are smooth and shiny, in a fresh one - matte and rough.
  7. Soft shells and spots on them are a sign of a spoiled egg.
  8. Bring the egg to the light bulb. Dark spots are visible in the damaged area.
  9. Shake the egg. A rotten squirrel will flounder inside.

How and how long to cook eggs

Depending on the cooking time, the eggs are soft-boiled (with liquid white and yolk), in a bag (soft white and liquid yolk) or hard-boiled (hard white and yolk).

Eggs of varying degrees of doneness
Eggs of varying degrees of doneness

The degree of readiness of eggs depends on their freshness, cooking time and stove power.

Soft boiled

Cooked eggs are not peeled, but cut off a sharp edge with a sharp knife and eaten with a spoon.

Serving soft-boiled eggs
Serving soft-boiled eggs

A soft-boiled egg is not peeled, but eaten with a teaspoon from the shell

Method 1:

  1. Pour cold water over the eggs so that there is a layer of at least 1 cm above them.

    Eggs in water
    Eggs in water

    Cover eggs with cold water and bring to a boil

  2. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. salt or pour in the same amount of vinegar.

    Adding salt
    Adding salt

    Add salt or vinegar to the water to prevent the protein from leaking out

  3. Wait until it boils, reduce heat to minimum.
  4. Simmer for 2 minutes to obtain a runny white and yolk.
  5. It will take 3 minutes for the protein to "grab" and the yolk to remain liquid.
  6. Remove from heat and cool immediately under running water.

    Egg under running water
    Egg under running water

    Chill the eggs immediately after boiling.

Method 2:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt or vinegar.

    Boiling water
    Boiling water

    Bring water to a boil

  2. Use a spoon or slotted spoon to dip the eggs into the water one at a time.

    Loading eggs into boiling water
    Loading eggs into boiling water

    Dip eggs into boiling water using a spoon or slotted spoon

  3. After boiling, cook for 1 minute.

    Eggs in boiling water
    Eggs in boiling water

    After boiling water, wait 1 minute

  4. Remove cookware from heat, cover and wait 5 minutes.
  5. Dip in cold water. The protein will turn out to be soft, and the yolk will be liquid.

Many useful kitchen appliances have appeared in our everyday life that simplify cooking. One of them is a multicooker. Cook in it in the same way as in a regular saucepan, or steam it.

Method 3:

  1. Pour 1.5 tbsp into the multicooker bowl. water.
  2. Insert the steaming wire rack and place the eggs on top of it.

    Eggs in a slow cooker
    Eggs in a slow cooker

    Place the eggs on the steaming wire rack

  3. Select the "steamer" mode, set the timer for 3 minutes.
  4. After the end-of-cycle beep, cool the eggs under running water.

    Cooling eggs
    Cooling eggs

    After boiling, immediately chill the yahua under running water.

Use a steamer or egg cooker, the principle of cooking in these devices is the same. Cooking in an egg cooker is described in detail in the instructions for the device.

Into the bag

This is an intermediate option between "soft-boiled" and "hard-boiled", so it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Cook in the same ways as soft-boiled eggs, changing the boil time:

  • When cooking according to the first method, keep on fire for 4-5 minutes after boiling to get a liquid or viscous yolk.
  • In the second method, keep it under the lid after turning off the heating for 6-7 minutes.
  • Steam for 5-6 minutes. For multicooker and steamer of different power, the times may differ.
Eggs in a bag
Eggs in a bag

The egg has soft white and a thin or viscous yolk

Hard boiled

It would seem that such eggs are the easiest to cook. But here, too, cooking time plays an important role. The digested protein becomes rubbery, and a grayish coating appears on the yolk.

Hard boiled eggs
Hard boiled eggs

Hard boiled eggs have hard white and yolk

The protein will be completely cooked, and the yolk will be dense, but crumbly, if, after boiling the egg, boil for 7-8 minutes. This rule applies if boiled in cold or hot water. When steaming, the time can be increased to 10 minutes.

For kids

Eggs should be washed with soap and water before boiling to reduce the risk of salmonellosis. For the same purpose, children should only cook hard-boiled eggs, fully boiled.

Start with the yolk as the protein can trigger an allergic reaction. The cooking technology does not differ from those described above.

For salads

Hard-boiled eggs are used for salads. The yolk should be well cooked, without a viscous center.

It happens that when peeling eggs, the shell does not lag behind the protein well. Several tips will help you avoid this:

  1. Do not cook hard-boiled and too fresh eggs in a bag (up to 4 days), they are worse to clean.
  2. Chill them in cold water immediately after boiling.
  3. Before the end of cooking, lightly tap the shell with a knife so that it cracks and water gets inside.
  4. Clean with cold running water.

Cooking time table for eggs from different layers after boiling water

Egg type Soft boiled (min.) Hard-boiled (min.) In a bag (min.)
Chicken 2 7-8 five
Duck - 12 -
Gusinoe five fifteen -
Quail one five -
Turkey - ten -
Caesarinoe - five -
Ostrich 45 90-120 -

The degree of readiness of an egg at the same boil time depends on its size, freshness, and power of the stove. The exact time can only be determined experimentally.

Apart from the usual method, eggs are boiled without the shell. They are called "poached", they are added to various soups, salads, sandwiches are prepared.

Boiling eggs without shell (poached)

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, salt to taste, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar.
  2. Beat the egg gently into the bowl to avoid damaging the yolk.
  3. Wait for the water to boil.
  4. While stirring the water in a circular motion, gently pour the egg into the center of the funnel.
  5. Reduce heat so the water is almost boiling, but not boiling.
  6. Wait for the protein to curl up and turn white.
  7. Remove the egg with a slotted spoon on a napkin. The dish is ready.

    Poached egg
    Poached egg

    Use poached egg in a dish or make a sandwich with it

Choose whichever degree of doneness you like best. Experiment with the cooking time and remember the best time. And then you will always have a delicious, healthy and nutritious breakfast.
