Why Do Cats Lie On A Person, Including A Pregnant Belly, On A Sore Spot
Why Do Cats Lie On A Person, Including A Pregnant Belly, On A Sore Spot

Why cats lie on humans and can they heal

The cat lies on the person
The cat lies on the person

Cat lovers are well aware of the habit of these pets - to settle down to sleep on any part of the body of their household. Pet owners are often interested in what is the reason for this behavior of animals, do they feel, when going to bed with a person, a deterioration in his health or is it connected with something else in the behavior of a four-legged friend.

Reasons why cats lie on different parts of the human body

There is still no clear explanation as to why cats, with their wayward and independent nature, love to fall asleep on humans so much. And since pets themselves cannot tell about the reasons for this behavior, it remains only to make assumptions about this. In some cases, this fact has a scientific interpretation, in others it is the result of superstition.

Cat resting on the owner
Cat resting on the owner

Mustached pets love to relax in the household

The most reliable explanations for why a cat lies on a person are as follows:

  • The animal froze and found a warm and comfortable place where it can keep warm.
  • Lying on a person, the cat controls the territory and feels its safety.
  • The pet lacks human attention.
  • Cats have the ability to heal, because more often they lie down on sore spots.

What is true and what is myth

According to existing signs, the constant desire of cats to lie on a person's stomach, chest, head, back, legs is explained by their therapeutic abilities. Thanks to their strong energy, these animals have the ability to guess sore spots. Pets are able to relieve headaches, stomach pains, heart pains, eliminate muscle and joint problems, and suppress depression and stress.

Domestic pet on a woman's head
Domestic pet on a woman's head

A cat lying on its head can relieve migraines

It is worth noting that this pet behaves extremely cautiously, lying on its stomach to a pregnant woman. Superstitions associated with pregnancy, they say, when a cat sits on a woman's stomach and begins to crumple it with her paws, she feels the birth of a new life inside the expectant mother. She seems to know for sure that there is a baby inside, who cannot be disturbed.

Cat on the belly of a pregnant woman
Cat on the belly of a pregnant woman

The cat is able to predict the birth of a new life in the belly of a pregnant woman

Although there is no scientific evidence for such facts, research by scientists proves the plausibility of such signs. Many pet owners also claim that cats are able to predict the disease and relieve the patient's condition.

This can be explained by the fact that when the hormonal background changes during the conception of a child or the appearance of a disease, the temperature of the internal organs rises. Cats perfectly feel such temperature changes, they are literally attracted to the inflamed area.

Cat on the girl's back
Cat on the girl's back

The cat senses where the diseased organ is, because the temperature in this place is increased

Many years of communication with these cute creatures allows me to believe that cats, lying on a person, with their purring and massaging movements of their paws, really calm him down and bring relief.

The most realistic version, which scientists adhere to when explaining the habit of four-legged pets to sleep on humans, says that it is easier for them to keep warm due to the temperature of the human body, which is higher than that of other objects around. In practice, this is confirmed by the fact that cats love comfort and are constantly looking for a warm place, be it a person, another cat or a dog. These animals love to sleep with children, because they serve as inexhaustible sources of heat.

Cat with baby in bed
Cat with baby in bed

Cats love to sleep on children, because they are always warm with them.

The pet's desire to lie down on the owner's chest often, to fall asleep there may be associated with the psychological state of the four-footed friend, since the beating of a person's heart is associated in an adult cat with the period of his childhood when he communicated with his mother-cat. Probably, for some reason, the animal began to miss her. It is possible that the pet often has to be alone, he does not have enough master's attention. He calms down on the chest of his beloved owner to a rhythmic heartbeat and falls asleep in comfort and warmth.

Cat on girl
Cat on girl

The cat lays down on a person's chest when he lacks communication

Another alleged reason why an animal settles down on a human body is to ensure its own safety and the desire to control the controlled space. Because cats are predators, they are used to keeping objects in their surroundings under control. In addition, it is calm and safe to be in the same bed with your breadwinner. Such an explanation may well be admitted.

Resting on the owner, the cat sometimes turns its back to him, which on her part is a great compliment and a sign of trust. The fact is that a pet can be both a hunter and a possible victim. Exercising control over the territory subject to him, the animal, turning away from the owner, makes him understand with such a gesture that he does not expect danger on his part.

The cat lies backwards on the host
The cat lies backwards on the host

If the cat turned back to the owner, she does not expect danger from his side

From all that has been said, we can conclude that the desire of cats to lie down on a person is associated either with the mood and habits of a four-legged friend, or with the state of health of the one on whom he prefers to sleep.
