What Foods Should Not Be Heated In The Microwave And Why
What Foods Should Not Be Heated In The Microwave And Why

What foods cannot be heated in the microwave

Microwave food
Microwave food

The microwave made life much easier for people with its appearance. But not all products are "friendly" with it - some, when heated, lose their beneficial properties and may even become hazardous to health.

Frozen meat

Many microwave ovens are equipped with a defrost function. But it is better not to test it on meat. Defrosting will turn out to be uneven - from the edges the meat will seem to be cooked, and in the center it will be cold. This will not only affect the taste of the finished meal, but also the health benefits. A large temperature difference is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, so it is much easier to poison such a product than naturally thawed.


Perhaps you or your children have already experimented with cooking raw eggs in the microwave. If so, then you know perfectly well how it will end - the shell will crack under pressure, and the white and yolk will stain the entire microwave chamber. But you should not heat boiled eggs in the microwave either. Protein changes its structure and becomes dangerous for our body. Such a product can cause mild poisoning with diarrhea, as well as provoke attacks of chronic intestinal diseases.


The benefits of egg white are significantly reduced when microwaved

Chicken and mushrooms

Chicken and mushrooms, like eggs, are high in protein. As we already found out, reheating in the microwave does not benefit him. Therefore, chicken or mushroom dishes are best consumed immediately after cooking. And if there is anything left from yesterday, prepare a cold salad with some vegetables - you will get a healthy and light dinner.

Salad greens

Few people may need to microwave a lettuce leaf, but it's worth warning. Spinach and other salad greens, when heated in the microwave, lose most of their vitamins. The nitrates in their leaves turn into toxic substances that can cause poisoning. And the taste loses its freshness.

Salad greens
Salad greens

If you need to reheat a dish containing a salad leaf, remove it in advance - this will preserve both the taste and the benefits.

Dairy products

Kefirs, fermented baked milk and yoghurts contain many bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In their normal state, they are good for our digestion. But under the influence of the microwave, they go over to the side of evil and contribute to the rapid folding of the product. It becomes not only tasteless, but also harmful to the body. It would hardly occur to you to drink sour kefir?


After heating in the microwave, unpleasant seals form on the surface of kefir - this is the result of the work of bifidobacteria


Potato starch also changes its structure when heated in the microwave. It breaks down, and when eaten, stimulates more active storage of fats in the body and reduces their consumption. Therefore, you should not reheat potatoes in the microwave, unless your goal is to gain fat mass quickly.

Roast potatoes
Roast potatoes

It is better to eat your favorite potatoes cold than to reheat


Honey is appreciated not only for its pleasant sweet taste, but also for its beneficial properties. However, when heated in the microwave, they are lost. Only the taste remains, and it becomes empty. If honey has crystallized from long storage, it is better to try melting it in a water bath.


If honey crystallizes over time, this is good - it means that the product is natural and healthy.

Microwaves can sometimes seriously harm foods, destroying their benefits and even making them dangerous to the body. But now you know that it is better not to reheat in the microwave.
