Honey Savior 2019: What Date Will Be, What Should And Should Not Be Done
Honey Savior 2019: What Date Will Be, What Should And Should Not Be Done

Honey Spas 2019: what can and cannot be done on this day


Honey Savior is one of the main church holidays. It is celebrated in mid-August, during the beginning of the Dormition Fast. In addition to its usual name, Spas has other names: Makovey or Spas on the water surface.

History of the holiday Honey Savior

The date of celebration of the Savior of Honey is unchanged: it is celebrated annually on August 14. This holiday existed in Ancient Russia, and got its name due to the fact that in the middle of August our ancestors began to collect honey. According to tradition, the first honeycombs were donated to the gods, for which the holiday of Honey Savior was created.

Folk traditions

On the day of the celebration of the Savior of Honey, it is customary to consecrate honey in churches. It is believed that the delicacy receives medicinal properties, so it can be eaten only in exceptional cases. In addition, poppy heads and dry herbs can be consecrated in the church on this day. The ministers of the church go to reservoirs and springs to consecrate the water in them.

Honey and pastries with poppy seeds
Honey and pastries with poppy seeds

On this very day, our ancestors began to collect honey from apiaries, then everyone gathered by the reservoirs, ate honey, sang songs and had fun

The children of our ancestors went to the apiaries that day. Local beekeepers treated the children with honey. It was believed that the more honey the beekeeper gives to the children, the easier the bees will endure the winter cold.

Cooking food with honey and poppy seeds is considered an obligatory tradition of the Honey Savior. As a rule, pies or gingerbread with this delicacy are baked on this day.

What not to do

On Honey Spas it is prohibited:

  • swear with people around;
  • use offensive language;
  • be in a bad mood;
  • wish other people harm.

Signs and superstitions

Our ancestors believed in such superstitions related to the Savior of Honey:

  1. If you wash yourself with morning dew on this day, you can get rid of diseases and troubles.
  2. Raspberries collected at Honey Spas have the most beneficial substances for the body.
  3. If you sow winter crops on August 14, then you can count on quick shoots and a rich harvest.
  4. To help those in need on this day - to find good luck and health for the whole next year.
  5. By collecting poppy seeds on Honey Savior, you can protect your home from the intrigues of evil spirits, as well as from scandals between households.

According to folk tradition, on this day, amulets-poppies are consecrated - bouquets of flowers and herbs, which necessarily include viburnum, sunflower, poppy heads, marigolds, myta and wormwood

There are also a number of signs associated with the Day of the Savior of Honey:

  • if on this day swallows and swifts flew to the South - expect a quick cooling;
  • if it rains on August 14, autumn and spring will pass practically without precipitation;
  • if on the night of the Honey Savior the roses have bloomed and shed their petals, it means that the water in the reservoirs has cooled down, and you can no longer swim.

The traditions of celebrating the Savior of Honey have changed over time, but the holiday is still popular and significant. And the signs and superstitions associated with this day are still relevant.
