Planting Clematis In Open Ground In Spring: Instructions With A Photo
Planting Clematis In Open Ground In Spring: Instructions With A Photo

Planting clematis in open ground in spring: tips for flower growers


Clematis is an incredibly beautiful flower, and every owner of a summer cottage wants to decorate his garden with it. Today we will talk about how to plant clematis in the spring and discuss the legibility of this luxurious vine in terms of planting and further cultivation.


  • 1 Choosing a place for planting clematis
  • 2 Suitable time for planting
  • 3 Preparing the soil for seedlings
  • 4 Preparing seeds for sowing
  • 5 Most Common Seed Planting Methods
  • 6 Video about the spring planting of clematis

Choosing a place for planting clematis

It depends on the correct planting how clematis will grow and bloom. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to some rules. You need to follow three points:

  • choosing a suitable place for the plant;
  • correct planting process;
  • care for the transplanted clematis.

You can plant clematis saplings or grow them from seed, but choosing a location is very important.

  1. Give preference to well-lit sunny areas: clematis is unlikely to bloom in the shade. But at the same time, remember that the root system must be shaded to avoid overheating and drying out.
  2. The wind is one of the main enemies of clematis. Do not plant the plant in an area that is too open, especially if the weather is too windy, otherwise clematis sprouts, and especially its flowers, will be damaged.
  3. Avoid places where water flows from the roof to the ground. If you still plan to plant clematis next to the building, make sure that the distance between the wall and the support is at least 50 cm. Thus, you will prevent rotting of the root system due to its frequent presence in the water.
  4. Try not to plant clematis in low-lying areas: they accumulate too much moisture, which can harm the plant roots.
  5. If your site is located in an area where the groundwater level is very high, ensure the outflow of liquid from the plant. For example, dig a few grooves that allow water to flow freely. For greater reliability, they can be equipped with metal pipes or a netting rolled into a roll.
Clematis on the fence mesh
Clematis on the fence mesh

It is very important to choose the right place for planting clematis.

Suitable time for landing

The choice of the best time to plant clematis depends on the type of root system of the seedlings. For example, if you are going to transfer cuttings with closed roots, this can be done in the spring, summer, and fall. If the seedling has already entered into force and is ready for planting before spring, grow it in a greenhouse or on a windowsill.

Seedlings with an open root system should only be replanted in spring, April or early May. During this period, the kidneys have not yet begun active growth and have not swollen. Do not miss this time, since clematis has very early growing periods, and late planting will lead to a disruption in the life rhythm of the plant. Liana may not take root well in the first year and will not have time to gain enough strength to overwinter.

White clematis
White clematis

Spring is the best time to plant open-root seedlings

Many gardeners choose to grow clematis from seed. In this case, the timing of sowing and, accordingly, germination, depends on the size of the seeds. Thus, clematis are divided into three groups:

  1. Small, with a seed size of 1.5 X 3 mm or 3 X 5 mm. Germination can last from 2 weeks to 4 months. Such seeds are perfect for sowing in the ground and are stored without losing their properties for up to 4 years.
  2. Medium, seed size 3 X 5 or 5 X 6 mm. Germination capacity lasts up to 3 years, seeds sprout together in 1.5-6 months after planting.
  3. Large, the size of the seeds is 5 X 6 and 10 X 12 mm. The germination period for such seeds is long, sometimes more than a year. These varieties are recommended to be grown from cuttings.

If you decide to grow clematis from large seeds, keep in mind that you need to sow them in the fall, immediately after harvest. But the seedlings are likely to be uncooperative, and the germination period can take up to 500 days. Therefore, it is better to start planting clematis in the spring, having previously prepared the seeds.

Preparing the soil for seedlings

So, you have already chosen the place where clematis will grow, and now you need to prepare the planting pit. For one seedling, the size of the pit should be 60 X 60 X 60 cm. If there are many seedlings, you can simply dig a deep and wide trench. At the bottom of each pit, lay a layer of broken brick, expanded clay or rubble, about 10-15 cm, to ensure drainage.

Clematis plants prefer a structured, breathable, nutritious soil, so you need to prepare the soil before planting. Take some soil from the hole, clearing it of weeds, add peat, manure and sand. The ratio should be 1: 1: 1: 1. Add the missing components depending on the composition of the soil on the site. Add about a liter of ash and 100 g of complex fertilizer to the prepared mixture.

seedlings prepared for planting
seedlings prepared for planting

Seedlings prepared for planting

Fill the clematis hole about halfway with the soil mixture, filling it with a small mound. Place a clematis seedling on top of the mound, gently straighten the roots, sprinkle with the remaining earth. After planting is complete, sprinkle the root collar with sand: this will prevent it from rotting and subsequently retain the required amount of liquid.

Clematis should be planted with a shallow depth, so it will be possible to form a powerful healthy bush over time. The planting depth depends on the size of the cutting: adult bushes need to be buried 15-20 cm, young ones - 6-12 cm. This will prevent the plant from freezing in winter and overheating in summer.

When planting several clematis in a row, maintain a distance between the seedlings of about 1-1.5 meters.

Preparing seeds for sowing

First of all, the seeds of clematis need to be stratified. To do this, prepare a soil mixture of earth, peat and sand in equal parts, and sow seeds into it to keep them at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. Such conditions can be provided either in winter under a layer of snow, or in the refrigerator.

Seedlings of clematis
Seedlings of clematis

Seedlings of clematis in soil mixture

Usually, with such a planting, seedlings appear in 10-20 days.

Stratification can also be carried out for medium-sized seeds. Moreover, the period of their keeping in the prepared soil is reduced to 1 month. Many gardeners prefer an easier and faster way: they soak the planting material for several days. If you choose this option, then keep in mind that you need to change the water very often, about every 3 hours.

After soaking, the seeds must be sparged for a week. Get a simple aquarium compressor to oxygenate the water in which you will hold your seeds. Such preparation will ensure the germination of seeds in 10 days, and the appearance of sprouts in 3-4 days.

Small seeds can be simply soaked without resorting to stratification or bubbling.

The most common seed planting methods

So, we already know that the timing of sowing clematis depends on the size of the seeds. It is also worth noting: if you want to plant a plant in spring, then you need to go through all the preparatory stages, the beginning of which will take place in the fall. For example, large and medium-sized seeds are sown in jars, boxes or pots in the fall, and stored in a relatively warm place throughout the winter.

There are several methods of planting clematis seeds, but the most common of them have gained their popularity for their simplicity and effectiveness.

  1. Kivistik method. The seeds are sprinkled with coarse sand, covered with glass. The container with planting material should be stored at a temperature of 20 degrees, controlling soil moisture, until April. After that, the container can be moved to a plastic greenhouse, and as the seedlings strengthen, plant them in a permanent place.
  2. Sharonova's method. Seeds are planted in autumn in a half-liter container filled with humus. Store in a shaded room, covered with foil. Seedlings will appear in 3 months, after which they can be dived into boxes at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
  3. Sheveleva's method. The seeds are planted in jars, after 3 months they need to be placed in the refrigerator. In the spring, you will receive a sufficient number of seedlings, almost ready for planting in a permanent place.

For transplanting clematis grown from seeds, choose sandy or loamy soil with an alkaline or acidic reaction. Dive the sprouts no earlier than the two-leaf stage, and be sure to maintain a distance of about 20 cm between them.

Seed shoots of clematis
Seed shoots of clematis

How quickly clematis seeds grow depends on the chosen planting method.

Such seedlings are generally already prepared for growing in open areas, but it is better to plant when warm weather is established. With prolonged cold and dampness, it is better to wait a little and grow the seedlings on the windowsill and in the greenhouse. Be sure to provide them with moderate watering and protection from drafts and direct sunlight.

Video about the spring planting of clematis

Clematis have long earned a place of honor among the plants used for landscaping and garden decoration. We hope that our tips will help you turn your summer cottage into a beautiful blooming garden with your own hands. Share with us your experience in growing clematis or ask your questions. Good luck!
