Planting Grapes With Cuttings And Seedlings In Spring: Terms And Instructions
Planting Grapes With Cuttings And Seedlings In Spring: Terms And Instructions

Planting grapes with cuttings and seedlings in spring

Grape bush
Grape bush

Grapes have ceased to be considered a southern culture; they are now planted north of Moscow. You can plant a bush both in spring and autumn: it mainly depends on the climate of the region. The landing technique is simple, but you need to choose the right place and prepare it in advance.


  • 1 Pros and cons of spring planting grapes, suitable timing
  • 2 Step-by-step instructions for planting grapes in spring

    • 2.1 Planting grape seedlings

      2.1.1 Choosing a place for grapes

    • 2.2 Preparing the landing pit

      • 2.2.1 Spring planting process
      • 2.2.2 Video: spring planting of grapes
    • 2.3 Planting cuttings

Pros and cons of spring planting grapes, suitable timing

Many gardeners prefer seedlings with a closed root system: they appeared not so long ago, but they are gaining surprising popularity. This applies not only to grapes, but also to many fruit trees and shrubs. They can be planted in almost any warm season. If we talk about traditional seedlings, with open roots, then grapes are planted in spring and autumn: both cases have their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of spring planting are:

  • a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil;
  • a long warm period for the seedling to take root;
  • the ability to track the process of survival and growth of the bush;
  • low risk of damage to the seedling by rodents;
  • the comfort of working in the garden.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the possibility of return frosts;
  • difficulty in buying the right variety;
  • the risk of an imminent onset of too hot weather.

As for the timing of spring planting, they, depending on the region, can be stretched from the end of March to the end of June. They also depend on the variety, the state of the purchased seedling: if it has started growing, it is much more difficult to plant without the risk of damage. It is important that the soil at the root depth has time to warm up to at least 10 o C. As for the air temperature, it depends on the condition of the seedling: grapes with blossoming leaves are planted only when the slightest risk of spring frosts is gone. Bushes with dormant buds can be planted early: in most regions this is done at the end of April. As for the cuttings, the question of timing is much more complicated here: cuttings are usually planted directly into the soil in the fall, and if they are left for the spring, then from them, starting from February, seedlings are grown at home. They are transferred to the garden in early summer.

Step-by-step instructions for planting grapes in spring

Novice growers often buy ready-made seedlings and only with a little experience try to work with cuttings.

Planting grape seedlings

Preparatory work for spring planting begins in the fall: the pit must be prepared in advance.

Choosing a place for grapes

For grapes, both a flat place and a small slope of a southern or southwestern direction are suitable. Northern slopes and lowlands should be eliminated immediately. The type of soil for grapes is not important: it grows almost everywhere, except for clearly swampy areas; groundwater should not come closer than one and a half meters to the surface. The site must be sunny and sheltered from the winds.

Grapes at the fence
Grapes at the fence

Often, to protect from the winds, grapes are planted near a fence or at home.

It is best to plant grapes after any vegetables, but you can also plant after fruit trees, just not after grapes. Ideally, before planting grapes, it is worth sowing siderates: oats, mustard, rye, etc. He does not like grapes when horseradish, tomatoes, corn grow nearby, he perceives other neighbors normally.

Planting pit preparation

Since grapes are planted for many years, it is necessary not only to dig a planting hole, but also to refine the area around the future bush within a radius of at least two meters. To do this, in the fall, they dig up the earth on the bayonet of a shovel, applying fertilizers: they will be required in a few years, and digging holes again, risking damaging the roots, is useless. When digging, you can not throw stones and other debris, but the rhizomes of perennial weeds must be removed. Up to one and a half buckets of manure, a liter of wood ash and 50-60 g of superphosphate are introduced under digging for 1 m 2.

A landing pit is also prepared in the fall. For different varieties, it may have slightly different sizes, but the standard is at least 80 × 80 × 80 cm. In clay soils, they dig even deeper. Drainage is laid on the bottom with a layer of 10-15 cm: crushed stone, broken brick, etc. However, there is another approach: first, a layer of 20 cm of soil with fertilizers (for example, 500 g of azofoska), then drainage, and above - soil mixed with humus (3: 1). If the soil is strongly acidic, put 300-400 g of lime. However, filling the hole can be postponed until the spring: after all, grapes are planted deep, placing the roots to the entire dug depth. Since autumn, you can limit yourself to placing in a drainage pit and preparing a potting mix: it should be stored nearby. When planting several bushes between the pits, they leave from 1.5 to 2.5 meters, depending on the grape variety.

Planting pit for grapes
Planting pit for grapes

The irrigation pipe must be strong and wide enough

Spring planting process

If a seedling with an open root system is bought in the spring, proceed as follows.

  1. Transfer the seedling to the site in a damp cloth. Upon arrival, they remove all the upper roots: you need to leave only those that are located on the heel. The seedling is soaked in water for a day, and before planting, the roots are dipped in a clay chatterbox.

    Clay talker
    Clay talker

    Chatterbox and clay and mullein provides better survival rate of seedlings

  2. Try on a seedling by placing it on a drainage hole. Several buds should stick out above the ground. If necessary, pour a mixture of soil with humus into the pit. Drive in a landing stake.
  3. A small mound of soil is poured into the hole, a seedling is installed, and the roots are straightened. Having evenly covered them with soil, they are trampled down and carefully watered, spending at least two buckets of water.

    Planting a seedling
    Planting a seedling

    The roots must be straightened so that they are stress-free

  4. The hole is filled up to the top, leaving 1–3 kidneys outside. If frosts are still possible, they temporarily fall asleep, forming a mound.

    Seedling after planting
    Seedling after planting

    If it is already warm, the kidneys do not need to fall asleep, especially when they began to swell

Watering will be required later, with the appearance of leaves from under the ground. With the onset of warmth, the mound should be raked, and the seedling should be watered through the pipe (in the first year, weekly, until the water quickly leaves).

Video: spring planting of grapes

Planting cuttings

Cutting is the standard method for propagating grapes. Cuttings are cut in the fall and in the southern regions they are immediately planted in prepared soil. They are pieces of annual shoots from 30 cm in length and 5 mm in thickness with 4-6 developed buds. In the middle lane, cuttings are stored until February in a cellar at a temperature of about 0 ° C. In February, they are planted in pots (many enthusiasts try to plant cuttings directly in the soil in April, but this takes experience and luck). Cuttings are planted in the ground obliquely, leaving 1–2 buds on the surface and temporarily covering them with spunbond.

Planting grapes by cuttings
Planting grapes by cuttings

Often, before planting in the ground, cuttings are forced to take root.

Cuttings for growing in an apartment are cut at the end of winter so that 2-3 buds remain on them: the lower cut is made oblique, the upper one is straight. The upper cut is covered with plasticine, and the cutting after soaking in water for a day is planted in a pot with any light soil. Cover it with a bag until the leaves appear and keep it in a warm place. Caring for cuttings in a pot consists of watering and a couple of dressings. It is not difficult to grow a seedling: by the beginning of summer, it is a bush with many bright green leaves.

Rooting cuttings
Rooting cuttings

It is convenient to grow seedlings from cuttings in plastic bottles

Rooted cuttings are planted after passing the threat of spring frosts. The pit is prepared in the same way as for ordinary seedlings, but they are not planted so deeply, leaving a few open leaves on the surface.

Spring planting of grapes is easy, but all preparatory operations are carried out in the fall. It is better for a novice gardener to buy a ready-made seedling, but it is much more interesting to grow it yourself from a cutting.
