How To Store Bananas At Home + Photos And Videos
How To Store Bananas At Home + Photos And Videos

Do you store bananas correctly?

how to store bananas
how to store bananas

Both adults and children love to enjoy the delicious taste of these exotic fruits. However, it often happens that after spending only 1-2 days at home, bananas bought in a store or on the market lose their appetizing appearance and taste. This problem can be easily avoided. There are several rules, following which, you can keep a treat at home for as long as possible.


  • 1 What bananas should be kept at home
  • 2 Temperature +14 degrees and other correct conditions
  • 3 Bananas in the fridge: is it ok or not?

    • 3.1 Why do they turn black
    • 3.2 3 Ways to Freeze Bananas

      3.2.1 Video: how easy it is to freeze bananas

  • 4 5 more nuances
  • 5 How to make green fruits ripen during storage
  • 6 Tips of hostesses
  • 7 Video: homemade banana jam
  • 8 Video: so that a bunch of bananas does not go bad

What bananas should be kept at home

In fact, you need to think about this even when buying fruit. You can buy fruits with black spots on the peel, with cracks, scratches, but you should know that they are not suitable as decoration for a festive table or for storage. Green bananas have a grassy flavor and need ripening. This option is acceptable if you buy bananas for long storage (more than 2-3 days). Bananas "for now" should have a smooth peel of an even yellow color, no dents, with slightly greenish legs.

Temperature +14 degrees and other correct conditions

The first step to storing bananas successfully is no plastic wrap. It doesn't matter if you bought the packaged fruit in the supermarket or brought it home in a bag carefully tied by the vendor in the market. Upon returning home, bananas must be removed from the plastic and placed on a plate or hung on a special stand. The latter option is ideal for ripe fruits, since the bananas will not crush each other when suspended.

The optimum temperature for storing well-ripened fruits without visible spoilage, which you are going to consume in the next 1-2 days, is +14 degrees. Considering that such a cool place is not found in every home, bananas are mainly stored at room temperature, but in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight. This could be a kitchen cabinet, a pantry, or a cool glass balcony.

bananas on a stand
bananas on a stand

Special crochet banana holder is a great solution for storing ripe fruits for a couple of days

Bananas in the fridge: is it ok or not?

If the room is too warm or the bananas are already starting to ripen, you will have to decide on storage in the cold.

Why do they turn black

After returning home with purchases, among which there are bananas, many immediately put a bunch of delicious handsome men on the refrigerator shelf. Should I do it? It all depends on what kind of maturity you have acquired. The peel of bananas does not tolerate cold, at temperatures below 12 degrees, under the influence of fermentation processes, it turns black and loses all its positive yellow color. Of course, you can't decorate a festive table with such fruits. But the taste of the product, according to many eminent manufacturers, is not lost at all and can be preserved for 1-2 weeks. So you will be able to please your family with cocktails, smoothies and banana ice cream or muffins.

3 ways to freeze bananas

If necessary, bananas can be frozen. Here are three simple options:

  1. Entirely. Place the peeled bananas on a cutting board, small baking sheet, or heavy cardboard so that they do not touch each other, then place in the freezer. Let the fruit freeze well and harden. Transfer the frozen fruit to a bag, close or tie tightly, and place it back in the freezer. Bananas can be used for about 4 months.

    peeled bananas on a board
    peeled bananas on a board

    Spread the fruit to freeze, leaving gaps

  2. In pieces. Cut bananas without peel into slices no more than 3 cm wide, put on a board, leaving gaps of 1-2 cm, place in the freezer until freezing. Such actions are necessary in order to get exactly the pieces of frozen banana, and not a large lump of frozen fruit. Pour frozen fruit into a bag or container and store for 3-4 months for use in delicious shakes and shakes.

    chopped bananas
    chopped bananas

    Cut the bananas into small pieces for freezing

  3. In the form of mashed potatoes. Another storage option is to freeze banana puree. Peel the bananas, transfer the peeled fruits to a bowl, chop with a blender, or simply mash with a fork. Add a little lemon juice to the resulting mass (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of juice per 250 ml of puree). Mix everything thoroughly, transfer to a tightly closed plastic container and place in the freezer. This blank is best suited for baking.

    container of puree in the freezer
    container of puree in the freezer

    Frozen banana puree can be stored for up to 4 months

Video: how easy it is to freeze bananas

5 more nuances

There are several original ways to prolong the "taste period" of your favorite product:

  1. Store bananas separately. Disassemble the bunch into separate fruits, spread them so that they do not touch. You can wrap each banana in paper or cotton.
  2. Wrap the banana tails in plastic wrap. By limiting oxygen availability, you will extend the shelf life by several days.

    banana tails in foil
    banana tails in foil

    The cling film will increase the shelf life of bananas

  3. Do not store yellow bananas with other ripe fruits, as they will overripe faster.
  4. If bananas start to turn black, immediately send them to the refrigerator. It will no longer be possible to save the appearance, but the pulp will retain its taste for at least a week.
  5. If you need to store peeled bananas (for example, left over from a banquet), transfer them to an airtight container, sprinkle with a little lemon juice and place in the refrigerator.

How to make green fruits ripen during storage

Don't rush to get upset if you had no choice and had to buy green bananas. There is nothing difficult in bringing the fruits to a normal state and making them ripe and tasty. Many vegetables and fruits harvested before ripening ripen thanks to the phytohormone ethylene. The same is the case with bananas.

green bananas
green bananas

Green bananas are common on store shelves

In order for the green fruits to ripen, they must be placed in a paper bag along with ripe fruits (apples, apricots, pears, avocados, kiwi, quince, lemons) and left at room temperature for about 48 hours. During the specified time, it is necessary to periodically look into the bag (1-2 times a day) in order to control the ripening process.

put lemon in a bag
put lemon in a bag

Put a ripe fruit in a bag of green bananas

Air humidity also matters. Therefore, if the room where the bananas are ripening is dry, use an electric humidifier or simply place several containers of water in the kitchen. After 1-2 days, the bananas will ripen and you can enjoy your favorite taste.

bananas with lemon in a paper bag
bananas with lemon in a paper bag

Green bananas in a bag ripen in 1-2 days

Bananas can be stored at home not only fresh or frozen. Drying and drying these fruits are also great ways. And you can also make wonderful jam from sunny beauties.

Hostess tips

Video: homemade banana jam

Video: so that a bunch of bananas does not go bad

Flavored bananas can be a separate treat or an integral part of baked goods, drinks and desserts. Knowing all the nuances of how to properly store these exotic fruits at home, you can pamper yourself and your family with something delicious every day. Enjoy your meal!
