Ryazhenka Or Kefir - Which Is Healthier And How They Differ
Ryazhenka Or Kefir - Which Is Healthier And How They Differ

How does fermented baked milk differ from kefir: which is healthier?


Kefir and fermented baked milk are dairy products loved by many. However, not everyone knows how they differ from each other and what properties they have. It is important to find out for yourself these nuances, so that fermented baked milk and kefir bring the body exclusively benefit.

How fermented baked milk differs from kefir

Ryazhenka differs from kefir in the following parameters:

  • Raw materials. Fermented baked milk is made from baked milk, kefir is made from ordinary milk (whole or with a low percentage of fat).
  • Mode of production:

    • Kefir. Alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation is carried out. The product is produced at a temperature of 18-23 o C. The specific indicator is determined by the microbiological composition and the season.
    • Ryazhenka. In this case, only lactic acid fermentation is used. Streptococcus bacteria and Bulgarian bacillus are added to baked milk. Before starting the production of fermented baked milk, the milk is kept for several hours at a temperature of 95 o C. The fermentation process is carried out at 40–45 o C for 3–6 hours. Long-term heat treatment makes fermented baked milk the purest type of fermented milk products.
  • Fat content. Kefir has 0%, 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5%. For fermented baked milk - from 2.5 to 6%.
  • Caloric content (per 100 ml). Kefir - 30–56 kcal, fermented baked milk - 54–100 kcal.
  • Colour. For kefir it is white, for ryazhenka it is yellowish-beige, cream.
  • Taste. Kefir is sour, sometimes sharp. Ryazhenka is tender, sweetish.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better - fermented baked milk or kefir. Each drink has its own unique taste, and also has a different effect on the body. That is why it is important to understand the properties of the products, which will be discussed below.

Video: expert opinion about fermented baked milk

In what cases is fermented baked milk more useful, and in what - kefir

Fermented baked milk and kefir have different effects not only on the digestive system, but also on the body as a whole. That is why it is important to understand which product to choose in this or that case.

For the digestive tract

One of the main criteria for choosing a fermented milk product is the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir is high in acid, which irritates the stomach wall. In this regard, the product is contraindicated for people suffering from ulcers or high acidity. However, with sluggish digestion, kefir will be useful. The drink gently stimulates intestinal motility and helps relieve constipation.

Fermented baked milk in a transparent glass
Fermented baked milk in a transparent glass

Fermented baked milk is suitable even for people with high stomach acidity

Ryazhenka is a more neutral product for the digestive tract. It does not ferment the intestines. Fermented baked milk can be used even by people with high stomach acidity. In addition, the drink helps to strengthen the immune system and restore the intestinal microflora.


Both fermented baked milk and kefir have an important property for weight loss - the acceleration of metabolism. However, if there is no increased acidity of the stomach, it is recommended to give preference for weight loss to a white fermented milk product. The fact is that the calorie and fat content of kefir is lower than that of fermented baked milk. In addition, the drink has laxative and diuretic properties.

Kefir in a transparent glass
Kefir in a transparent glass

In the absence of problems with stomach acidity, it is better to use kefir for weight loss.

If you have an ulcer or stomach acidity, don't be discouraged. Fermented baked milk is also suitable for weight loss, as it speeds up metabolic processes and saturates the body with useful substances. In addition, the sweetish drink saturates for a long time. Thanks to this property, you will eat less, which means you will lose weight faster.

More recently, my friend Olya has lost almost 10 kg. Before that, I had not seen her for several months, and when we met my delight knew no bounds! Olya replied to my questions that she was just eating right. I was convinced that there was some secret. During the conversations, it turned out that the friend had been drinking fermented baked milk throughout the entire weight loss - a favorite drink of her childhood. According to Olya, it is an excellent substitute for snacks. It turns out that she had a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, and between meals she drank her favorite fermented baked milk. The friend also noted that the portions were reduced, because they wanted to eat much less after a hearty drink.

Video: expert opinion about kefir

Other indications

In addition to the beneficial effect on the digestive tract and help with weight loss, the described fermented milk products help in a number of other cases. So, indications for the use of fermented baked milk are:

  • hypertension,
  • liver disease
  • atherosclerosis.

Indications for the use of kefir will be as follows:

  • reduced vision
  • diabetes,
  • dysbiosis.


Ryazhenka and kefir are useful fermented milk products. However, before consuming these drinks regularly, you need to know the condition of your gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is important to understand the purpose of including fermented baked milk or kefir in the menu. If the first drink is more suitable for enriching the body with useful substances, then the second is more suitable for losing weight.
