Dormition Fasting In 2019: When It Begins And Ends, Restrictions And Prohibitions
Dormition Fasting In 2019: When It Begins And Ends, Restrictions And Prohibitions

Assumption Fast in 2019: How to Do It Right

Assumption post
Assumption post

A month after the Apostolic Fast comes the many-day Dormition. Let's talk about what goals it pursues and how to carry it out correctly.

Assumption Lent in 2019

The Assumption Fast is the only one held in honor of the Virgin Mary. It begins with the Savior of Honey and ends with the Assumption of the Mother of God. Thus, in 2019 it will take place from 14 to 27 August.

What is the purpose of fasting

The Assumption Fast, like the Great Fast, pursues the goal of spiritual and physical cleansing of a person. He invites Christians to experience the joy of following covenants and serving God. The purpose of this post is to revitalize and renew, to get rid of harmful and dead emotions and feelings. It is believed that a person experiencing the burden of a godly life is not truly righteous. It is for relief, the feeling of an easy and joyful life that the Assumption Fast serves.

What you can and cannot eat on the Assumption Lent

During the entire fast, it is forbidden to eat:

  • eggs;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • meat and seafood.

Dry food is offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of both weeks. This means that you cannot eat thermally processed food and drink hot drinks. What can you eat these days? Fresh vegetables and fruits, dried or soaked foods, nuts, dried fruits, honey. Separately, we note that compotes and jelly cannot be drunk these days.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, cooked food is okay, but it must be cooked without oil. Vegetable oil can be added to meals on Saturdays and Sundays. Wine consumption is allowed on these days.

Vegetables on the table
Vegetables on the table

Dormition fasting involves eating without meat

For people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, as well as young children, the sick, the elderly and travelers, the church recommends not to strictly adhere to the rules of fasting and not reproach themselves for a more free diet.

Special days

There are several special days on the Dormition Fast. First, the Honey Savior - it is celebrated on August 14, and the fast begins with it. On this day, it is customary to cook dishes with honey, consecrated in the church. Secondly, August 19 is the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This holiday celebrates the divine transformation of Christ and his proclamation as the Son of God in the presence of the prophets Moses and Elijah. On this day, you can eat fish, add vegetable oil to food and drink wine. Starting from the Transfiguration, Christians traditionally bring apples and grapes of the new harvest to the church for consecration to feed on them on the next days of fasting.

Other restrictions

It is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol on the Assumption Lent (in addition to wine on designated days). Bad emotions and evil deeds are discouraged. On the other hand, it is strongly recommended to spend more time with your family, help those in need, communicate with clergy and pray daily.

Video: on the meaning and conduct of the Dormition Fast

Do not forget that the goal of fasting is not weight loss or exotic diet, but soul renewal. Therefore, the main task of a Christian at this time is not to follow the rules of nutrition, but to cleanse from bad thoughts and create good deeds.
