8 Foods That Mildly Lower Cholesterol Levels
8 Foods That Mildly Lower Cholesterol Levels

8 foods that lower cholesterol levels

Healthy foods
Healthy foods

There has been a lot of talk lately about the health risks of cholesterol and the need to lower it. However, this is not quite true. Found in all tissues, cholesterol forms cell membranes and supports the body's skeleton. Therefore, the body simply needs it, of course, in limited quantities: the norm of its content in the blood is 5.5 mmol / l. But cholesterol levels above 6.21 mmol / L really need to be lowered. If the problem has not yet developed into a serious diagnosis, proper nutrition (balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates) and eating foods that help lower blood cholesterol levels will help, which we will talk about later. Click on the pictures for details.

Foods that lower blood cholesterol are not a panacea. With food, we get only 20-30% of its total amount, and the remaining 70-80% are produced by the body itself. To reduce blood cholesterol levels, in addition to eating the right foods and balancing fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it is recommended to quit smoking, lose weight if any, and exercise regularly. Be healthy!
