What Ended The Series Wild Angel: A Short Description With A Photo
What Ended The Series Wild Angel: A Short Description With A Photo

Love and intrigue: how the series "Wild Angel" ended

TV series Wild Angel
TV series Wild Angel

The series "Wild Angel" was hugely popular in 1998-1999. The multi-part film was broadcast in over 80 countries around the world. A difficult story about the love of a rich guy Ivo and an ordinary girl from the church shelter Milagros captivated the hearts of millions of people. Almost everyone followed the development of the couple's relationship. Find out how the series ended, what happened to the main characters.

How the series "Wild Angel" ended

The main character Ivo, who was the son of the entrepreneur Federico Di Carlo, in the final episode finally marries Milagros, who came to the house of the rich by accident and worked as a servant for a long period. It immediately turns out that the girl was all this time next to her own father, unaware of it. As it turns out, Federico kicked out Milagros's mother after she became pregnant. Ivo was not his own son. Luisa, the mother of Victoria and Ivo, was already pregnant with her son when Federico married her.

Ivo and Milagros
Ivo and Milagros

Ivo and Milagros finally connect in the final episode

The second storyline includes Victoria and the driver Rocky Morgan. At first, the couple actively quarrels, then friendship arises between them and after that a spark runs through. At the end of the series, Victoria and Rocky get married in secret. Parents are against their daughter to marry a person who is lower in social status.

Victoria and Rocky
Victoria and Rocky

Victoria and Rocky get married at the end of the series

Federico and Luisa at the end of the series still accept the union of Ivo and Milagros, as well as Victoria and Rocky. Grandmother Angelika is most happy for the couple. In the finale, Luis and Federico leave the house of Ivo and Milagros, and they themselves go to travel. Victoria and Rocky leave for Paris.

Luisa and Federico
Luisa and Federico

In the finale, Luis and Federico leave the house of Ivo and Milagros

Lina, one of Milagros's best friends, who also works as a servant, falls in love with Ivo's friend Bobby. Passion flares up between the couple, they get married. However, Bobby cheats on Lina, after which they part for a while. In the finale, the girl forgives the betrayal, the couple reunites.

Bobby and Lina
Bobby and Lina

Bobby and Lina converge again at the end of the series.

Also, Gloria (Millie's best friend, servant in Di Carlo's house) and Chamuco (junior butler and food delivery man) become close. Socorro (Marta's mother, cook) and Ramon (gardener) will be married on the same day. The plot is complemented by the union of the maid Martha and the butler Bernardo. Finally, the girl abandons her dreams of a high society groom and gives her heart to an ordinary man who is also Milagros' uncle.

Gloria and Chamuco
Gloria and Chamuco

Gloria and Chamuko end up getting married

In the final episode, a big secret is revealed. As it turns out, Milagros's mother did not die during childbirth, and all this time she was with her daughter in a shelter at the monastery. It remained a mystery why the woman did not reveal the secret earlier, because the girl grew up an orphan, not knowing that a loved one was constantly looking after her.


In the final scene, it became clear that Millie's mother was still alive.

Andrea - Federico's secretary, in the end repents of all his actions and asks for forgiveness from Ivo. Before that, she had an affair not only with him, but also with his father. Former girlfriend Ivo (Pilar) is taken to a psychiatric hospital as she is trying to kidnap him.


Andrea finally repents of her actions

I loved this series very much and did not miss almost a single episode. I liked the main character, who differed from everyone else in her extraordinary charisma and presentation of herself.

The plot of the series "Wild Angel" - video

The series "Wild Angel" brought great popularity to the actress who performed the main role - Natalia Oreiro. Many teenagers tried to be like her, collected posters from the film, etc. No one was left indifferent by the touching and complex relationship of Milagros and Ivo, who had fought for their love for a long time. The final of the series, happy for many characters, satisfied almost all viewers without exception.
