How To Put Cutlery After Eating In A Restaurant
How To Put Cutlery After Eating In A Restaurant

Restaurant etiquette: how to put cutlery after a meal

Dinner at the restaurant
Dinner at the restaurant

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette is a parameter by which you can determine the level of a person's upbringing. It is always pleasant to look at a restaurant client who does not wave a knife, does not put dirty forks on the tablecloth and without words can tell the waiter about the course of the meal by just the position of their cutlery on the plate. Sometimes it may seem that there are too many rules of good form and it is impossible to remember them, but in fact they are all logical and it is not difficult to apply them in the right situation. Variations in the location of appliances after meals are no exception.

How to put cutlery at the end of a meal

After the pleasant time in the restaurant is over, you need to give the waiter a sign on what to do with the plates on the table. For this, devices are useful, which can be positioned in different ways:

  • The meal is over and you can clean up. To give such a signal, the fork and knife must be placed on the plate parallel to each other, placing the handles on the rim. They do not need to lie flat, they need to be positioned like the clock hand pointing to 5 (turning slightly to the right). The edge of the knife needs to be positioned towards you, but with a fork there are two options - prongs up (American style) or prongs down (European style). There is often information that the end of the meal can be reported by putting the fork and knife straight, with the handles at 6 o'clock, but this is the wrong option - just turn them a little and everything will fall into place.

    The meal is over
    The meal is over

    At the end of the meal, the fork and knife must be placed parallel to each other, turning the handles for 5 hours

  • The meal was over and the meal was excellent. Here you need to put the fork and knife also parallel to each other, but turning their handles at 9 o'clock. The knife should still be turned with the point towards itself.
  • Waiting for the second course. The waiter will understand that the time has come to change the food ordered if the fork and knife lie perpendicular to each other (the knife should lie with its handles for 3 hours, parallel to the guest and the point in his direction).

    Looking forward to the next dish and the dish is excellent
    Looking forward to the next dish and the dish is excellent

    The arrangement of the appliances indicates that you are waiting for the next dish or that the food was very tasty.

  • I liked everything, I will be a regular guest. It is very simple to leave such a compliment - you need to put the fork on top of the knife and place them diagonally on the plate, turning the handles for 5 hours.

    Fork on the knife
    Fork on the knife

    By placing the fork on the knife and turning their handles for 5 hours, you can not only declare your gratitude, but also inform you about your desire to become a regular customer

There are in the rules of etiquette and methods of placing devices that do not carry gratitude, but reflect the client's dissatisfaction:

  • I did not like the dish - the knife edge is wound in the middle between the fork tines and, in the crossed state, the devices are placed on the plate with the edge up.
  • I didn't like the service - a similar crossing of devices as in the previous version, but the tip should be directed towards the client, down.
  • A complaint book is required - the fork is on the left edge of the plate, the knife is on the right, and their points are directed towards the guest.
Dish and service didn’t like, bring complaint book
Dish and service didn’t like, bring complaint book

You can also show your dissatisfaction with the dish or service with the arrangement of the devices.

An important rule must be remembered - if the devices have already been lifted from the table for use, then they should no longer return to it. If there is a need to put aside a fork or knife for a while, then they should be left on the plate.

It is a useful skill to correctly place appliances on a plate not only during meals, but also afterwards, because this way you can serve information to the waiter without saying a word. This is simple knowledge, but it will definitely form a positive impression of the person who applies it correctly.
