What Not To Do Right After Eating
What Not To Do Right After Eating

Drink tea, lie down and 5 other things you shouldn't do right after eating


After lunch, some people like to sleep or work, and many go for a walk. Postpone these activities for a while. Digestion of food requires a fair amount of stress from the body, so after eating it is better to give up your usual activities.

To drive a car


Sometimes after eating a person gets sleepy. This happens because the body throws energy into digestion.

Wait at least forty minutes, perhaps this will save your life and the safety of others.

To drink tea


Many people like to drink a cup of aromatic tea after dinner. Postpone the ceremony for about a couple of hours. This must be done for at least two reasons:

  • the liquid will certainly reduce the concentration of gastric juice, this can disrupt digestion;
  • tea contains tannins, they interfere with the body's absorption of iron.

Doctors believe that fans of the popular drink may develop anemia over time and, as a result, constant fatigue and decreased performance.

Go to the gym


It is not difficult to disrupt digestion if you go to workout after a hearty meal. Your body will try to quickly adjust to exercise, which will reduce the quantity and quality of enzymes important for digesting food.

The opposite can happen. During sports, the body will continue to sleep. This is due to the fact that the relaxation system is automatically activated in it. Then even fainting is possible when lifting weights or a difficult jump.

Any fruit


A slice of apple can be eaten 20 minutes before meals. But it is not recommended to eat fruit right after lunch.

An hour and a half after eating, you can already drink natural juice, enjoy a slice of orange or a banana.

Lying on the sofa


Doctors usually forbid taking a horizontal position immediately after eating. The reason is that gastric juice begins to flow into the esophagus, and the patient in this case is provided with at least heartburn.

This rule also applies to absolutely healthy people. After lunch, it is best to sit quietly for half an hour. And then go for a walk, just don't run or play volleyball.



You also can't take a bath or shower after lunch. Warm water changes body temperature, and your body will definitely react to this. The digestion process is suspended, which can cause discomfort in the gastroenteric region and even mild pain.

It is better to wash only after half an hour. If you absolutely want to do something, find yourself an easy job. For example, dust off furniture or hand wash dishes.

To smoke


A popular but bad habit also negatively affects the process of digesting food. Nicotine has the ability to bind oxygen in the body. And when this vital element is not enough, cells begin to absorb toxic substances.

Therefore, it is believed that a cigarette in the afternoon is equal to approximately ten cigarettes smoked at other times. Determine what is more important to you: a dubious pleasure that threatens your health, or peace and safety.
