Can Another Person Close The Hospital
Can Another Person Close The Hospital

Can another doctor close the hospital or get it for you

Doctor's appointment
Doctor's appointment

Sometimes a patient does not have the opportunity to personally approach a medical institution to receive a sick leave. And in some cases, the patient in the process of treatment has to change the doctor or clinic. Patients are concerned about whether another person can close the hospital, whether it is allowed to change a doctor or clinic during treatment, and what to do in this case with a certificate of incapacity for work.

Can other people come to close the sick leave or the presence of the patient is mandatory

Another person can get sick leave in return for the patient. But in this case, a prerequisite must be provided: the powers of the patient's official representative are confirmed by a power of attorney drawn up with the involvement of a notary.

Otherwise, the sick leave will not be issued to another person.

Sick leave signature
Sick leave signature

Is it possible to close a sick leave in another clinic, in another city, with another doctor

The legislation does not regulate the obligation to contact the health care institutions at the place of permanent residence. Often, health problems arise while on a business trip, visiting relatives, or traveling for other reasons.

The employer is obliged to accept the certificate of incapacity for work, regardless of the location of the clinic that issued it. It is not forbidden for a patient to open a hospital in one city, but to close it in another. The main condition is that the document notes a change in the place of treatment.

The law provides for the following validity period for a document confirming temporary incapacity for work:

  • Up to 15 days for initial registration.
  • The possibility of extending up to 30 days, if the patient's condition forces it.
  • The maximum issue period is within a calendar year.

The employee is obliged to hand over the document at the place of work no later than six months after the expiration of its validity.

Sick leave on vacation
Sick leave on vacation

But in order to avoid unnecessary questions and problems, it is easier to close one document when changing the place of treatment and open a new one in another clinic. In this case, in a closed sheet, the doctor indicates that the patient needs to continue treatment.

The legislation does not prevent another person from obtaining a sick leave if a corresponding power of attorney has been issued for this person. A patient can open a certificate of incapacity for work in any medical institution and change a clinic or doctor during treatment, without negative consequences when submitting a document at the place of work.
