Means For Dust Settling On Furniture
Means For Dust Settling On Furniture

How to process furniture so that less dust settles: 7 proven remedies


Dust is a dangerous allergen and can cause respiratory illness. There are many reasons why dust settles on furniture, and it is impossible to completely get rid of them. However, each housewife sooner or later thinks about how to slow down the accumulation of dust on interior items. For this, there are both purchased means and folk methods.

Anti-dust polish

Similar products are based on silicone and wax. The most popular ones are:

  1. Furniture polish "Antidust" from Pronto. Price: about 200 rubles. Volume: 250 ml. Made on the basis of silicone, intended for processing glass, wood, plastic, household appliances. How to use: spray onto a clean dry surface at a distance of at least 15 cm, then rub with a napkin.
  2. Chirton furniture polish Antidust Classic. Price: about 80 rubles. Volume: 300 ml. This product is based on wax. You can take care not only for wooden products, but also for ceramic, chrome-plated, plastic. The method of application is the same.

Lemon water

You can get rid of dust in an apartment with folk remedies without chemicals. One such way is with a lemon rag.

You need to take one lemon, cut it into wedges and pour seven tablespoons of vegetable oil. Insist for a week, then add a glass of boiling water. Then strain the solution, moisten a cloth and let it dry a little. Wipe furniture with a damp lemon cloth.

Water with essential oil

Essential oils have bactericidal, antiviral, antiseptic properties. These properties of oils prevent the growth of fungi and mold, and also saturate the house with pleasant aromas.

Add 2-3 drops of lavender or rose oil to 100 ml of warm water, dampen a napkin and wipe the furniture surface. When choosing a fragrance, be guided by your exclusive preference.

Water with antistatic agent and shampoo

Another effective way to deal with dust is to mix an antistatic agent, shampoo and water in equal proportions. Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle, treat the furniture and wipe with a soft cloth.

Bleach water

Inexpensive domestic bleach "Whiteness" well disinfects and cleans plastic surfaces, and also protects office equipment from the adhesion of dust and dirt.

When interacting with bleach, one should not forget about safety measures. It is necessary to work with rubber gloves and only in ventilated areas. Before use, "Whiteness" must be diluted with water in equal proportions.

Water with salt

A good folk remedy for protecting an apartment from dust accumulation is a saline solution. Add a teaspoon of table rock salt to a glass of warm water, stir thoroughly and treat the surface, then rinse with clean water and wipe with a dry towel.

This mixture should only be used on light-colored pieces of furniture as it will leave streaks on dark surfaces.

Glycerin water

Glycerin is an indispensable home cleaning product, and it costs literally a penny. Our grandmothers also used it. Parquet and laminate flooring will shine and stay clean for a long time.

Add a small amount of glycerin to a tissue or bucket of water in a 10: 1 ratio. Wipe furniture, mirrors, glass and floor with this solution.

These methods will help to significantly slow down the accumulation of dust on furniture and make your home cozy. Spend just a few minutes preparing the mortar and treating the surfaces to delay the need for general cleaning for a long time.
