Ways To Get Rid Of Dust Quickly
Ways To Get Rid Of Dust Quickly

6 clever ways to get rid of the dust during a commercial break on your favorite TV show


We all love to spend the evening in the company of an interesting TV series and a cup of aromatic tea. However, during periods of annoying advertising, time can be used to good effect and get rid of dust in a matter of minutes.

Use wet wipes

Wet wipes will help to quickly remove dust particles from those places that are not afraid of stains. Traces may appear due to the fact that hygiene products contain moisturizing ingredients.

It is often not recommended to use regular tissues. They have a completely different purpose.

Take a clean sock

The fleecy fabric collects dust well, so it is better to use, for example, a terry sock. In order to quickly carry out cleaning, just put it on your hand and walk on all surfaces.

Turn on air conditioner and fan at once

This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to get rid of dust. However, you need to have a fan and an air conditioner at home.

Collect dust with a sticky roller

Many pet owners, as well as those who constantly struggle with the cleanliness of the house, are familiar with the sticky roller for clothes. However, it is suitable not only for occasional cleaning of clothes from adhering wool.

The sticky roller can also be used to walk on all textile surfaces in the room, be it the upholstery of a sofa, curtains, decorative pillows or even window mesh.

Wipe the dust with fabric softener


Fabric softener is a great budget cleaner for furniture. The thing is that it contains an antistatic agent, which means that the liquid fights well against dust formation.

For the solution, mix the conditioner with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Then sprinkle the desired area and wipe with a dry cloth.

Spray polish

Furniture polish is suitable not only for getting rid of dirt, greasy marks and giving gloss to varnished surfaces, but also for fighting dust.

In order to get rid of annoying specks of dust, it is enough to sprinkle a dry cloth with polish and wipe all the necessary areas with it. The antistatic agent included in the product will repel dust and prevent it from settling on the surface of the furniture again.
