Signs By Which You Can Refer Yourself To The Descendants Of A Noble Family
Signs By Which You Can Refer Yourself To The Descendants Of A Noble Family

5 signs that you are a descendant of a noble family


Not so long ago, people carefully concealed their noble roots, and now almost everyone is trying to find themselves in the family tree of the nobles. There are no benefits from this, but it's still nice to feel like a descendant of some prince or count.

Pale skin

A key feature of noble birth is thin, pale skin. The fact is that a swarthy face in the old days was an indicator of rabble. The peasants worked hard all day long under the scorching sun. Their skin was covered with a bronze tan and quickly aged.

The nobles were not in danger of tanning, because they were only engaged in arranging receptions. But they were still so afraid that their skin would become dark (especially women) that they tried not to go out in the sun at all or took an umbrella with them. And those aristocrats whom nature endowed with dark skin were abundantly powdered with flour.

Thin fingers and ear for music

The main attribute of the noble house was a piano or a grand piano. Almost from the cradle of children of noble families, music teachers were hired and they practiced playing and singing for hours. And at the parties they entertained the guests with their talents.

Playing the piano for a long time helped to form long fingers and a graceful hand. But the peasants did not have time for entertainment and music. They worked hard on the ground all day long, which is why their fingers were mostly short, and their hands were massive and rough. And few people could boast of an ear for music.

Regal posture

The peasants who toiled, bent over to death, could not boast of good posture. In addition, their backs ached from hard work, and therefore they walked hunched over.

But the nobles (especially the ladies) had a regal bearing. The children of noble families were hired etiquette teachers. In addition to good manners, the mentor taught them to walk correctly and keep their backs straight. For this, the daughters of noble families walked up and down for hours with books on their heads.

From such regular "workouts" a graceful hip gait was developed. The specific position of the head made the chin raised, the nose slightly upturned, and the neck swan.

Small foot size

Another sign of aristocracy is miniature legs. The nobles led a sedentary lifestyle. They languished in the drawing rooms, strolled slowly along the avenues of the garden, or traveled in carriages. The stress on their feet was minimal, which kept them small and graceful enough. By modern standards, this is approximately 35-37 sizes.

Another thing is the peasants, who spent the whole day on their feet. They walked a lot and carried weights. Because of this, the legs were swollen and rough. In addition, they wore spacious bast shoes and shoes, in which the feet were trampled in width.

Know how to keep the conversation going

The main entertainment of the nobles was small talk. From childhood they studied different sciences, read many books, and therefore they had something to discuss at dinner parties or balls. The constant chatter contributed to the development of eloquence and good diction.

But the peasants had no time for talking. There was no time for this, and a strict manager could punish. So the poor were mostly silent and tongue-tied.
