6 Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
6 Ways To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home

6 ways to remove eyelash extensions at home and not lose yours


Sometimes one wave of eyelashes is enough for women to win the hearts of men. But due to the fact that they often get tangled, fall out, rub - there is a desire to get rid of them. Sometimes, getting to the procedure for removing the eyelashes is not easy due to a lack of free time or a dense appointment with the master. You can cope with this task at home.

Dissolve the glue with a debonder


After two weeks, fake eyelashes often lose their original appearance, as the glue no longer holds them so well. During this period, it is necessary: either to make a correction, or to remove them. One of the most effective remedies for removal is Debonder. This drug is often used in beauty salons.

For gluing eyelashes, glue containing different resins is mainly used. "Debonder" quickly dissolves such glue, but it can only be used if eyelashes are extended by the beam method. "Debonders" are of two types, aggressive and gentle.

To remove eyelashes, put a cotton pad on the lower eyelid after soaking it with milk or cream. The drug should be applied thoroughly and wait 1-2 minutes. Better to start from the outer edge of the eye. To remove, you need to use a small brush, gently combing through the entire row.

Since Debonder is a rather aggressive liquid, it is important to ensure that it does not get on the mucous membrane of the eyes. If all the material did not come off immediately, then you should not pull and pull out anything, it is better to wait still. Only when all residues have been removed from the eyelid can the eyes be rubbed with a tonic. At the end of the procedure, apply cool cotton pads to your eyes.

Treat with a remover


"Remover" is a gel product. Its use is safer in comparison with the previous one, because the thick base does not allow the drug to flow onto the mucous membrane of the eye. Since it is hypoallergenic, it is often used by people with sensitive skin. On sale "Removers" are available in the form of lotion, gel, paste and cream. It is applied to the eyelashes in the same way as Debonder. The drug has the ability to strengthen its own eyelashes.

Use albucid


This drug is often used to treat conjunctivitis. Application is accompanied by a slight burning sensation as the glue dissolves. The usage algorithm is as follows:

  1. The prepared cosmetic disc must be placed under the eyelid.
  2. The product must be distributed over the entire lash line.
  3. The second layer is applied 2 minutes after the first, and the third one 2 minutes after the second.
  4. Removal should start after 30 minutes, and if eyelashes are not removed well, then you need to wait a little longer.

Treat with vegetable oil


In this case, the most common option is castor oil, which is sold at any pharmacy. If you do not have time to bother, then it is quite possible to use sunflower oil.

To remove, you need to apply oil to a cotton pad and place it under the lower eyelid so that the cilia touch the disk tightly. Apply the oil with a cotton swab over the entire length of the eyelash extension. After 30 minutes, proceed to the removal. This procedure has a beneficial and regenerating effect, activating the growth of hair follicles.

Apply cream


The fattest cream you have is suitable for this procedure. But don't waste your money. You can use an inexpensive baby cream or hand cream.

For the procedure, first of all, we clean the area around the eyes from cosmetics and sebum residues. Then, with your finger, or with a cotton swab, apply the cream to the entire lash line. After 10-15 minutes, wipe it off with a cotton pad and begin to remove the eyelashes using tweezers. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure for applying the cream. Using a cream is one of the inexpensive, effective and safe methods for removing hair extensions from the eyes.

Steam over hot water


This method is good because during its implementation you are unlikely to be able to harm your natural eyelashes. Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to cleanse your face with a tonic from dirt and sebum residues. You will need a bowl and hot water, the temperature of which should be at least 70 degrees. Pour water into a bowl and bend over it for 10 minutes, covering with a towel. Do not bend over too low to avoid scalding.

Then, using a cotton swab soaked in vegetable or castor oil, rub your eyes until the eyelashes begin to fall off. You can repeat the procedure if necessary. After removing all the remnants of the built-up material, you should wash yourself thoroughly to remove the remaining oil.

There are a number of recommendations that should be followed after self-removal of eyelash extensions. The main nuance is that you should not use force and pull out anything. This can damage natural hairs. Also, it is worth refraining from repeated building procedures for at least one week.

If the Japanese cross-hair extension procedure was used, then it is strictly forbidden to remove eyelashes on your own. After removal, it is recommended to rub restoring oils into the eyelids, combining them with each other. And in conclusion, it should be said that you should not rub your eyes after removing.
