How To Use Onions To Get Rid Of Ants And Ice
How To Use Onions To Get Rid Of Ants And Ice

For Ants & Ice: 8 Uses of Onions You May Not Know About


Onions are a real superfood that is not only included in most dishes, but can also act as a helper in everyday life. Take note of these 8 bow uses you weren't sure about.

Get rid of soot and grease

Often times, grilling can cause grime and grease to build up on the grate, which can be much more difficult to remove than buying a new grill. However, onions can help solve the problem by removing food debris, soot and grease from the grill. The same action will disinfect it, which will improve the taste of the dishes that you will cook in the future.

To do this, cut the onion in half, chop a part on a fork and wipe the grate.

Drive away insects

Some insects, such as mosquitoes, cannot tolerate the onion smell. To scare them off, rub the open areas of the body with the bulb. This will prevent mosquito bites, although this smell can also drive people away from you.

Eliminates unpleasant odors

Onions are a good odor absorber, and they do quite well with paint odors. To do this, cut the onion into 4 parts, place them in a bowl of water, which is left overnight in a room with freshly painted walls. In the morning, all that remains is to ventilate the room.

Remove rust

Rust appears as a result of metal oxidation. Onions, on the other hand, can not only stop this process, but also remove its result, that is, rust. To do this, just cut the onion with a rusty knife. If it is another metal object, then the rusted area can be rubbed with the cut onion.

Will prolong the freshness of certain foods


The proximity of some vegetables and fruits with onions can help prolong the freshness of the latter. In particular, this applies to avocados, which can become unusable just one day after purchase. For protection, put half an onion in the container with avocado. The latter will emit sulfur compounds, which can significantly slow down the oxidation processes in the avocado, which means it will stay fresh longer.

Protect from ice

So that every winter morning you do not waste time scraping ice from the windshield of a car, in the evening you can grate it with half an onion. Due to this, a kind of film is formed, which will not allow moisture to linger on the glass.

Returns shine to metal

The bow not only removes rust from metal, but also returns the shine to this material. Freshly squeezed onion juice copes well with this task. To get it, the onion must be peeled, chopped in a blender, and a little water must be added to the resulting gruel. Moisten a piece of cloth with the resulting solution and rub it on a metal surface. Dry rags will help to finish the job, which needs to be polished.

Get rid of ants

The onion smell is not tolerated not only by mosquitoes, but also by ants. To get rid of uninvited guests, you need to put chopped onions in places where ants are most concentrated. They won't put up with the unbearable smell and will leave your home.
