Why Stretching And Yawning Are Good For Your Health
Why Stretching And Yawning Are Good For Your Health

Top 4 reasons stretching and yawning are good for our health


Yawning is good. It has a positive effect on the physical condition due to special physiological processes. Yawning isn't just a sign of boredom or sleepiness, it's important for regulating brain temperature.

More oxygen

Most often, people yawn in rooms that are poorly ventilated and where there is not enough oxygen. A deep breath helps to saturate the blood. The process is reflex, and it is aimed at improving the supply of oxygen to the organs if there is a lot of carbon dioxide. After that, the work of the brain is stimulated, the tone of the body rises, and blood circulation in the heart and lungs improves.

Warm up for muscles

Those who are in a tense posture for a long time notice muscle leakage, the accumulation of lactic acid. A person is faced with the need to change his physiological state. After yawning, efficiency is activated, an increase in the tone of the body is noted. This is due to the activation of blood circulation.

Yawning is a prolonged inhalation followed by a brief holding of the breath. During this period, the air reaches the stomach. This process has a positive effect on the condition of the muscles. For example, with a deep breath and noisy exhalation, it is possible to eliminate muscle tension in the jaw.

If you stay in the same position for a long time, you can begin to yawn reflexively, which improves muscle condition.

Keeping your brain active

With a deep, slow inhalation and sipping, blood flow improves, and more oxygen enters the body. When yawning, the muscles of the mouth, face and neck are strained, so the blood flow in the cerebral vessels is activated.

Yawning improves brain processes, positively affecting overall well-being, so you don't have to worry about yawning in students or employees. An ancient instinct promotes an active, fulfilling learning or work process for many people if they are focused on certain tasks.

The signals that come from the muscles maintain the tone of the cerebral cortex and energize the neurons. This eliminates inhibition in thinking and acting. Brain activity is activated for a short time, which contributes to increased concentration.

Impact on the psychological state


Yawning is good for relieving stress and fatigue by allowing you to distract yourself. Scientists note that yawning can ward off sleep. In cases where serious anxiety or excitement is noted, an ancient and significant physiological sign manifests itself: a person is exposed to instincts, therefore, freezes and holds his breath, and then yawns. A deep breath saturates the blood and organs with oxygen, which is important for psychological preparedness in difficult situations.

Yawning activates brain activity if sleep is undesirable. People most often yawn after waking up or before going to bed.

In addition, the elimination of emotional stress is noted. Distinguished by a sensitive and impressionable character, they can not only start yawning themselves, but also become infected with it. The physiological process determines identification with other people, susceptibility to someone else's mood.

Yawning is an ancient instinct that has a profound effect on the emotional and physiological state of people.