Psychologist's Advice On How To Cope With Cheating
Psychologist's Advice On How To Cope With Cheating

"Take off your crown," - the psychologist told how to survive male infidelity


Cheating is a serious test of feelings in the life of every couple. The calmness and happiness of both partners in the future depends on how to get through this period.

Channel Five Air Tips

Channel Five psychologist Tatyana Vlasevskaya gives several tips that can help in such a situation. It is worth listening to the opinion of a professional.

A pause is necessary, says the psychologist. Time will help you reflect on what happened and prioritize. Cheating is the factor that can drastically change relationships.

You can completely destroy the family and blame your partner for the rest of your days. You can endlessly dig into yourself and draw self-deprecating conclusions. And you can avoid the risk zone without great losses and build your future life on a new basis.

But essentially this is correct. Sometimes it's worth setting aside ambition and looking at the situation through the eyes of another person.

Don't compare yourself to your mistress

One should not be limited by mutual understanding and readiness to forgive a traitor. You need serious work on yourself and your feelings. Wounded pride is a bad counselor. Sometimes women start comparing themselves to their husbands' mistresses. And the comparison is often not in favor of the wife.

The rival seems younger, more interesting, smarter and more beautiful. If you give free rein to negative emotions, they will overwhelm your head. But you can say to yourself: “I am no worse. And the appearance is attractive, and I look after myself. Besides, she's honest - I'm not fond of other people's husbands."

Don't try to look for a reason

Such searches will lead to a dead end. Subconsciously justifying her husband's betrayal for the sake of preserving the family, women blame themselves. Not beautiful enough, stupid, bad housewife - the list can be endless. And for each point, you can recall a suitable case.

It is ridiculous to even think that at the moment of betrayal, the spouse vindictively recalls an unsuccessful borscht or an uncleaned apartment. If something did not suit him, he could with full right, honestly and openly admit it. And in the end, no one forces another to live with you forcibly. If I wanted to - I left. This must be remembered. Betrayed - he, not the woman.

Meeting with a friend


This is a magical remedy. Girlfriends exist in order to support in difficult times. But you shouldn't throw yourself on the neck of a person who, instead of providing moral support, will begin to ache behind his back and gloat. And yet - there is no worse counselor who in difficult times laments: "I told you so!"

It's hard to be in a delicate balance when weighing every word. It is doubly difficult when it happens in your own home. The need to constantly control oneself, resentment, anger can cause a nervous breakdown and prolonged depression. And there is no better remedy than sitting with a friend. If this is a real friend, she will regret, sympathize, and bring criticism.

According to statistics, 75% of men cheat on their soul mates. That is, the situation is not so rare. There is only one way out of this situation: to survive and move on. With a crown on his head.
