Salt My Floor To Get Rid Of The Problems And Dirt In The House
Salt My Floor To Get Rid Of The Problems And Dirt In The House

Salting the kitchen floor before cleaning: my simple way to get rid of problems and dirt in the house


I often wash my floor with salt. Now this may seem strange to you, I was also surprised when a friend told me about this method of cleaning. Then I was especially embarrassed by her statement that washing floors with salt removes the negative accumulated in the room. But later I had to admit: when I started adding salt to a bucket of water, the family became more friendly, scandals, nagging each other over trifles were gone, and everyday problems stopped unsettling us.

Salt from dirt

I'll start, of course, with more mundane arguments about the benefits of such cleaning.

If there are stains on the floor or work surfaces, it is best to make a saturated saline solution with the addition of baking soda and vinegar. Sometimes I mix these three ingredients, add quite a bit of water so that the free-flowing mixture turns into a thick paste. I apply homemade stain remover directly to the stain, wait 10-15 minutes and continue cleaning.

If all is not so bad, a mild saline solution will suffice.

Disinfection of the apartment


Salt, by the way, removes not only dirt and grease, it does an excellent job of destroying viruses, bacteria, and other pathogenic organisms.

As a child, when someone fell ill in the family, dad treated every room every day with a purple (quartz) lamp. Now I myself have a family and children whose health needs to be taken care of. But I don't use my father's disinfection - instead, I wash the floor with warm, almost hot water with the addition of a whole package of salt. It cleans not only linoleum, but also disinfects the air - in such conditions, not a single microbe will survive.

Getting rid of negativity

Salt has long been considered one of the strongest ways to get rid of negativity.

Witches and fortune-tellers prepare special Thursday salt, which their clients place in the corners of the apartment to protect its residents from various influences.

I am not so superstitious as to believe in the curse and the evil eye in their usual sense, but from my own experience I know that the energy of a room treated with such a folk remedy is noticeably improved. Now all the household members have the strength and energy for new achievements, we began to laugh more often, we enjoy spending weekends at home, and guests began to visit more often: they say we are very warm and cozy.
