9 Proofs That You Are Lucky In Life
9 Proofs That You Are Lucky In Life

Money is not happiness: 9 proofs that you are already lucky in life


A modest income level makes people despondent and unhappy. But if you look at the situation from the other side, it may turn out that you are still lucky.

There is a roof over your head

Nearly 2 billion people on the planet live in substandard conditions or have no home at all.

Even if you have old wallpaper on your walls, don't be discouraged. You at least have them.

You are not starving

About 100 million people are constantly hungry, and about 850 million are regularly malnourished.

Some can only dream about it.

Your parents are alive

Imagine how many orphans and abandoned children there are in the world who don't even know their parents.

So instead of grieving over the unearthly riches that you don't have, better hug Mom and Dad.

Do you have children


The statistics on infertility today are terrifying and break all historical records.

If the Universe has awarded you the opportunity to have children and continue your race, then you are incredibly rich and happy.

There is water

The most valuable resource on earth is drinking water.

The fact that you can quench your thirst at any time is a miracle and happiness.

Traveled the country

Only 10% of the world's population has the opportunity to travel for pleasure, not for work. And you live in a huge country with a diverse culture and nature.

If there is no money for "abroad", you can ride on a budget in your homeland.

Have a mobile phone


It's hard to believe that in the 21st century, more than a billion people do not have a mobile phone.

Even if you do not have a cool smartphone, smile at the button "dialer". After all, you are in touch with family and friends around the clock.

Received higher education

Higher (or even secondary specialized) education is happiness.

And if you consider that many people in the world do not even know how to read and write, then even a high school diploma will seem like happiness.

Go to work

Even if you have not reached your career peaks, even if the job is not paid enough, the very fact of having one should make you happy.

First, you feel useful. Second, you have fellow colleagues. Third, you have confidence in the future, which is invaluable given the current unemployment rate.
