8 Tips To Make Cleaning Faster And Easier
8 Tips To Make Cleaning Faster And Easier

Fast and clean: 8 life hacks for housewives tired of tedious cleaning


Cleaning is an integral part of our life. It gets scary when you realize how much time it takes. Here are some tips to help you streamline and speed up the process.

Take everything with you

Professional cleaners use carts in their work. They put inventory in them.

In everyday conditions, the cart will be replaced by a plastic box. It is convenient to move around the house with it, without running after the left cleaning agent or rags. A simple solution will save you tons of time.

Use vinegar to remove plaque

Vinegar easily removes plaque from plumbing. You just need to moisten a rag in it, wrap it around the tap or shower head and leave for 40 minutes. A tight bag is also suitable, into which you should pour vinegar and fix it on the watering can with an elastic band. After an hour, the limescale will turn into a loose gruel.

For work, ordinary table vinegar 6-9% is suitable. The essence (70%) is dangerous, you must definitely dilute it in water.

To finish what has been started

Washing the dishes, vacuuming, dusting, removing the curtains, and then the machine has finished washing, which is signaled by a loud beeping - in such an environment it is easy to stretch the cleaning for the whole day.

Consistency is important in cleaning, otherwise the apartment will turn into an endless battlefield. They hung up the linen and removed the curtains, wiped off the dust that would fall off the tulle, and vacuum, wash the dishes, and then the floor.

Chalk greasy stains

Chalk is an absorbent that easily removes grease. It's not for nothing that weightlifting athletes rub their hands with them before testing.

You can rub the soiled area with chalk chips and wait a little. After 15-20 minutes, the fat will be absorbed into the chalk. To be sure, you need to soak the item before washing.

Leave the floors for later


It is necessary to clean the room from top to bottom. First sort things out on the shelves. If you store small knick-knacks in a separate container, then parsing horizontal surfaces will take a little time.

After "dry" cleaning, proceed to wet cleaning. Wipe the chandelier, sconces, shelves, window, not letting in indoor plants, countertop.

Then vacuum. The mop appears last, so as not to wash the floor multiple times.

Do not mix cleaning products

Household chemicals require careful handling due to toxicity. When faced with heavy pollution or just in a hurry, few people read the instructions. Rust, plaque or burnt grease is poured with several corrosive substances. This leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition, nausea, dizziness, chemical burns of the respiratory system and eyes.

Do not mix: ammonia and whiteness; vinegar, peroxide, or bleach; pipe cleaners of various brands; ammonia and whiteness.

Wash windows when there is no sun

No matter how many glass with soft fiber, stains remain on them. Many will blame the cleaning agent for this, but the sun is actually the reason.

Under the influence of direct rays, chemical molecules evaporate with lightning speed, leaving behind stains that cannot be removed. It is best to postpone window cleaning for cool and cloudy weather.

Mask scratches with walnuts

You will need the pulp of a walnut or the skin of a young fruit. They need to rub shallow scratches with soft circular motions. Then polish the damage with a soft cloth and walk over the surface completely.
