5 Simple Rules To Help Protect Your Skin From Premature Aging
5 Simple Rules To Help Protect Your Skin From Premature Aging

5 powerful ways to protect your skin from premature aging and wrinkles


Staying young and beautiful as long as possible is every woman's dream. But unfortunately, stress, bad ecology, unbalanced diet do not have the best effect on the condition of our skin. Low collagen levels lead to wrinkle formation. To delay this process, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Use healthy supplements

One of the most important supplements for improving skin condition is omega-3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can be taken as a pill or seafood included in the diet.

You can add this spice to various dishes or even to a cup of coffee.

Choose cosmetics with antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that prevent aging in the body in general and the skin in particular.

Choose creams, capsules or serums that contain vitamins C, E, tannin, amino acid complexes, coenzyme Q10.

Soothe and protect the skin


Unfortunately, the ecological situation, especially in big cities, leaves much to be desired.

To strengthen the protective barrier and soothe the skin after contact with negative environmental factors, use serums that contain hyaluronic acid or niacinamide in your care.

Try a light therapy mask

New in the field of beauty are LED masks (masks for light therapy).

This mask helps get rid of inflammation and irritation, reduces flabbiness and dryness, and generally has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin.

Monitor nutrition

Even the most expensive creams and beauty products won't help you stay young if you don't balance your diet. To look younger, include foods high in vitamin C in your diet: red peppers, oranges, tangerines, etc.

Also, don't forget about drinking pure water. It used to be thought that you need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. But today scientists believe that water should be consumed based on the calculation of 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight. For example, if your weight is 60 kg, then you need to drink at least 1.8 liters per day.
