Table of contents:

Pear Veles: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Pear Veles: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Video: Pear Veles: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Video: Pear Veles: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Video: How to Grow Pear trees - Complete Growing Guide 2024, April

Pear Veles is a popular and beloved variety by many gardeners

Veles pear
Veles pear

A special place in our gardens is occupied by the beautiful pear. As a result of the work of breeders, new excellent varieties with improved characteristics appear. One of these is Veles. Delicious, juicy, fragrant fruits of this tree can not leave indifferent either children or adults. But the pear is appreciated not only for its excellent taste - it is also incredibly healthy. Folic acid promotes the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems. The presence of fiber, potassium, iodine, as well as low sugar content make it a dietary product. Due to the set and ratio of vitamins and microelements, pear is beneficial for diseases of the heart, lungs, and digestive organs. And the refreshing taste of the fruit helps to improve mood and cope with depression.


  • 1 Description of pear Veles
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages

    2.1 Video: pear Veles

  • 3 Landing features

    • 3.1 Photogallery of the best pear pollinators Veles
    • 3.2 Step by step planting process
    • 3.3 Video: planting a pear seedling
  • 4 Care

    • 4.1 Pruning rules

      4.1.1 Video: Spring Pruning - How to Prune a Tree Correctly

    • 4.2 Watering
    • 4.3 Fertilization
    • 4.4 Shelter for the winter
  • 5 Diseases and pests

    • 5.1 Table: Veles pear diseases
    • 5.2 Photo gallery: how the disease manifests itself
    • 5.3 Table: the most likely pests of the Veles pear
    • 5.4 Photo gallery: how to recognize a pest
  • 6 Harvesting
  • 7 Reviews about the Veles variety

Description of Veles pear

Velesa, which has the second name Daughter Excellent, belongs to the autumn varieties, especially popular in central Russia. For its breeding, the owners of excellent taste were used - the varieties Venus and Lesnaya Krasavitsa.

Veles pear is a medium-sized tree with a spreading crown. The adult plant reaches 4 m in height. The branches are long and thick, with evenly spaced large rings. Dark green smooth leaves with serrated edges are attached to brown shoots.

Pear Veles
Pear Veles

Veles fruits look very attractive

The fruits are symmetrical, regular pear-shaped and rather large, the average weight is 140-180 g. The color varies from green to yellow, but all have a slight reddish blush. The skin is smooth and even. The pulp is milky or creamy, very juicy and sweet.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety include excellent taste, large size and beautiful appearance of the fruit. The value of Veles is added by:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • high yield with regular fruiting.
pears on a branch
pears on a branch

The high yield of Veles pear is one of the advantages of this variety

There are few disadvantages of the Veles variety. These include:

  • the tendency of flower buds to freeze during spring frosts;
  • late entry into fruiting (usually 5–6 years);
  • crushing fruits on old trees with high yields.

Video: pear Veles

Landing features

Preparatory work begins with choosing the right place for planting. For this, one should take into account the intolerance to the variety of close occurrence of groundwater. The plot should be bright and sunny, with fertile soil of weak acidity (Ph 5.5-6.0).

When choosing a site, it is important to consider the presence of nearby pollinators. Veles belongs to self-fertile varieties, that is, she does not need pollinators. But as many gardeners have long noticed, yields increase when there are other trees in the neighborhood. For Veles, ideal neighbors can be:

  • Voskresenskaya large;
  • Simply Maria;
  • Chizhovskaya or any of the autumn varieties.

The main thing is that they have the same flowering time.

Photogallery of the best pear pollinators Veles

Voskresenskaya large variety
Voskresenskaya large variety
Voskresenskaya large variety
Variety Just Maria
Variety Just Maria
Variety Just Maria
Chizhovskaya variety
Chizhovskaya variety
Chizhovskaya variety

Planting pears can be carried out in autumn and spring, the main thing is to meet the deadlines. The quality of the planting material is also of great importance. This should be a 2 year old healthy seedling.

When buying in the spring, you should pay attention to the integrity of the bark of the seedling and the absence of signs of diseases and pests. The root system must be well developed, the roots cannot be cut off - this will complicate survival. When planting in spring, it is important to plant a tree before sap flow begins.

For spring planting, preparation begins in the fall.

  1. To do this, you need to dig a hole 45–50 cm deep and 60–80 cm in diameter (the size of the hole depends on the soil fertility).
  2. In the center, drive in a peg for tying a seedling.
  3. Pour 2-3 buckets of fertile soil mixture into the pit with a mound - the garden soil is mixed with compost or rotted manure in a ratio of 1/1. Instead of organics, you can use 1 kg of superphosphate.
  4. If it was not possible to prepare in the fall, then in the spring you need to have time to dig a hole 3-4 weeks before the intended planting. During this time, the earth will have time to compact and will not sink.
Planting pears
Planting pears

Pear planting scheme

Step-by-step planting process

  1. Place the seedling on a mound so that the root collar is 4–5 cm above the soil surface. If necessary, add earth or remove excess.
  2. Cover the roots of the seedling with soil and water abundantly (2-3 buckets per well, depending on the moisture content of the soil).
  3. Sprinkle on top with dry earth to the desired level and compact slightly.
  4. Tie the seedling to the peg.
  5. Make a near-trunk circle and mulch it with peat, rotted sawdust or dried grass.

Video: planting a pear seedling


Care consists in timely pruning, proper watering and feeding, taking preventive measures to prevent diseases and the appearance of pests, and preparing for winter.

Pruning rules

Skillful pruning of Veles pear helps to solve several problems at once:

  • an increase in the quantity and quality of fruits, and, as a result, an increase in productivity;
  • getting rid of diseases - it's not a secret that a neglected tree is more often exposed to diseases and pest attacks.

The first pruning is carried out at planting, shortening the shoots by 1/3 of the length. This will serve as the beginning of the formation of the crown.

Crown formation
Crown formation

Pear crown formation

All subsequent pruning should be done in early spring, in March or April. In this case, dried and damaged shoots, branches hanging or touching the ground are removed. Of the young shoots, the strongest and smoothest are left. In mature trees, all excess branches should be removed annually to lighten the crown and increase yields.

Video: spring pruning - how to prune a tree correctly


In the first year of planting, a young seedling is very sensitive to a lack of moisture and should be watered 1-2 times a week with 2 buckets of water per trunk circle. Watering becomes less frequent as it grows. For an adult tree in dry weather, it is enough 3-4 times a month to pour 2-3 buckets of water into the trunk circle.

Sprinkler irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation

Sprinkling is an ideal method for watering Velesa

You can stop watering the Veles pear in August to stop the growth of shoots and enable the tree to prepare for winter.

If the weather is hot and there has been no rain for a long time, then watering should be continued so that the root system is well saturated with moisture before the onset of cold weather.


The Veles variety has its own requirements for fertilization. If the tree grows on poor soils, then fertilizing should be annual, on fertile soils, on the contrary, infrequent.

For spring mineral dressings for 1 sq. 2 you can take:

  • 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 15-20 g of urea;
  • 50 g superphosphate;
  • 40 g of phosphate rock;
  • 20 g of potassium sulfate.

After flowering, the pear needs organic feeding - it can be an infusion of weeds or chicken droppings diluted in water (1 kg of droppings per 10 liters of water) infused for a week, then diluted in water 1/20. The application rate is 5 liters per tree. Such dressings can be carried out 3-4 at intervals of a week.

The tree responds well to foliar dressing with complex mineral fertilizers. Such spraying increases the plant's immunity and resistance to various diseases and pests, as well as stimulates the formation of ovaries. In garden stores today there is a large selection of a wide variety of fertilizers. Liquid fertilizer Good power has proven itself well. It contains a full set of trace elements + humates + succinic acid. The methods of use are described in the instructions for the drug.

Top dressing
Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied for digging

In the fall, you can feed with a solution of 1 tablespoon of potassium chloride and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of water - pour around the perimeter of the trunk circle. During digging, embed ash into the soil - 100 g of ash per 1 m 2. There should be no nitrogen in autumn dressings.

Shelter for the winter

Veles pear is a fairly winter-hardy variety and does not require special shelters for the winter. To prepare, it is enough to perform a number of usual activities:

  • remove fallen leaves from the trunk circle;
  • carry out water charging irrigation;
  • loosen the soil and cover it with peat or old sawdust with a layer of 10–12 cm;
  • for a young seedling, tie the branches to the trunk so that the strong wind does not break them;
  • wrap a tree trunk with agrofibre or any breathable material (this will protect the plant from damage by rodents; you can also put a cloth soaked in turpentine or mint oil near the trunk - mice cannot stand these odors);

Diseases and pests

The Veles variety is quite resistant to diseases and pests, but in case of violations of agricultural technology or adverse weather conditions, the plant can get sick.

Table: Veles pear diseases

Disease Signs Treatment Prevention
Black cancer Small wounds on the branches grow and turn into dark red spots. The fruits become smaller, black rot appears on them. Cutting off damaged bark with a sharp knife. Treatment of the wound with a solution of copper sulfate (dilute 10 g in 1 liter of water).
  1. Burn foliage in autumn.
  2. Do not leave spoiled fruits on the tree.
  3. Carry out pruning and feeding on time.
  4. To destroy pests, they can become carriers of diseases.
Fruit rot Brown spots appear on the fruit. The pulp loses its flavor and becomes loose. As the disease progresses, the spots grow, the fruits are mummified. Removal and burning of diseased branches and fruits.
Septoria Brown spots appear on the leaves, the leaves dry out and fall off.

Spraying diseased and neighboring trees with Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 l of water):

  • in the spring before bud break;
  • after flowering;
  • 17–20 days after


Photo gallery: how the disease manifests itself

Black cancer
Black cancer
Black cancer - eats away at the bark
Septoria spots on leaves
Fruit rot
Fruit rot
Fruit rot affects fruits

Table: the most likely pests of the Veles pear

Pest Signs of defeat Control measures Prevention
Leaf gall midge Growths appear on the leaves and shoots - galls. Damaged fruits dry up and fall off. Cut and burn damaged branches.

Compliance with agricultural techniques:

  1. Timely feeding and trimming.
  2. Autumn digging of the trunk circle. Burning fallen leaves.
  3. Preventive spraying on dormant kidneys with Fitoverm solution (4 ml per 2 liters of water). It is advisable to carry out a second treatment for the opened kidneys.
Medianitsa Some parts of the tree are underdeveloped, leaves and ovaries fall off, branches dry up, the tree looks weakened.

Clear the tree from damaged bark, dry branches and moss. Treat with Fitoverm (4 ml per 2 l of water) before and after flowering.

Fitoverm is dangerous for bees, therefore it is not recommended to use it during flowering.

Gall mite Small brown bumps appear on the leaves, which turn black over time. Damaged leaves fall prematurely. Cut and burn damaged branches. Treat the tree with a solution of colloidal sulfur (100 g per 10 l of water) along the expanding buds, then at the beginning and at the end of flowering.
Fruit moth The caterpillar of the moth moth eats only the fruit. Spray Fitoverm with insecticide (4 ml per 2 l of water) before and after flowering.

Photo gallery: how to recognize a pest

Leaf gall midge
Leaf gall midge
Leafy gall midge damages shoots
Copperhead damages shoots and fruits
Gall mite
Gall mite
Gall mite sucks out juices from leaves and shoots
Pear moth
Pear moth
Pear moth destroys fruits


Veles pear is a high-yielding variety. The yield of one adult tree reaches from 50 to 100 kg.

The first and largest fruits of Veles can be removed in mid-August. This will relieve the tree a bit and allow the rest of the pears to ripen faster. Therefore, the harvest is carried out in 2–3 stages.

If you plan to put the pear in storage, you need to collect slightly unripe fruits. The pear intended for fresh consumption or for processing is removed after full ripening.

Veles has good taste, so jams, preserves, marmalades, compotes and confitures are wonderful. There are a great variety of recipes and the main difficulty here is to make a choice.

Pear jam
Pear jam

Whole Pear Jam

A very tasty juice is obtained from the Veles pear, from which you can make wine if desired. In winter, compotes and jelly are boiled from dried fruits, stuffing for pies is made, they are added to porridge and simply eaten as dried fruit.

Reviews about the Veles variety

If you are faced with a choice of which variety to plant in your garden, then the Veles pear is an excellent solution. Large, juicy and sweet fruits, unpretentious care, resistance to diseases, pests and frosty winters make Veles attractive for both an amateur and an experienced gardener.
