Repaired Raspberries Caramel: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos, Videos And Reviews
Repaired Raspberries Caramel: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos, Videos And Reviews

Raspberry Caramel: a raspberry garden paradise

raspberry caramel
raspberry caramel

Raspberries are the second most popular berry after strawberries in our gardens. Repaired varieties have increased the period of consumption of fresh berries. But their taste was not very pleasing. Until the raspberry variety Caramelka appeared. Large-fruited and very sweet, with a pronounced taste, it immediately became in demand among gardeners. The variety is undemanding, but nevertheless, before planting, it is worth learning all the nuances of caring for it.


  • 1 Description of the remontant raspberry variety Caramelka

    1.1 Distinctive features

  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  • 3 Landing features

    • 3.1 Landing dates
    • 3.2 Site selection
    • 3.3 Site preparation
    • 3.4 Selecting a seedling
    • 3.5 How to choose a seedling and where is it better to plant raspberries - video
    • 3.6 Step by step process
    • 3.7 Landing pattern
  • 4 Care

    • 4.1 Watering
    • 4.2 Fertilizers
    • 4.3 Cropping
    • 4.4 Garter
    • 4.5 Shelter for the winter
  • 5 Diseases and pests characteristic of the raspberry variety Caramelka

    • 5.1 Diseases, treatment measures and prevention - table
    • 5.2 How does the disease manifest itself on raspberries - photo gallery
    • 5.3 Pests, control measures and prevention - table
    • 5.4 How to recognize a pest - table
  • 6 Harvesting
  • 7 Reviews of raspberries varieties Caramel

Description of the remontant raspberry variety Caramelka

The Caramelka variety is a novelty among the raspberry variety. Having passed variety trials, raspberries Caramelka began to appear on garden plots since 2013. It was immediately appreciated not only by gardeners who grow raspberries for themselves, but also by farmers who grow and sell berry crops. The variety was bred specifically for central Russia.

Raspberry Caramel
Raspberry Caramel

Raspberry varieties Caramelka bred specifically for growing in central Russia

Raspberry bushes Caramel are medium-sized and erect, their height does not exceed 1.5 m. The stems are strong, capable of withstanding the severity of the harvest, so there is no need to tie up the bushes. Young shoots are herbaceous, second-year ones are lignified. Usually, raspberry harvesting is greatly complicated by the numerous thorns that cover the stems. But Caramel is a pleasant exception, it is not as prickly as its relatives.

The leaf plate is triple-shaped. Dark green above, light below. White flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences.

Raspberry leaves
Raspberry leaves

Raspberry leaves Caramel have a triple shape

Raspberry Caramel belongs to large-fruited remontant varieties. The weight of the berry ranges from 6 to 12 g. The stem is easily separated, the separation is dry, which significantly increases the transport quality.

The berry tastes amazing. Caramel is much sweeter than other remontant varieties due to its high sugar content - 10% and low acid content - only 0.96%. The berries are bright red. They are very tender, juicy and aromatic. Tasters boldly put 4.6 points on taste. I also want to note the density of the fruit, which allows you to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time. Berries appear on one-year and two-year-old shoots.

Raspberry Caramel
Raspberry Caramel

Caramelka raspberries are large in size

Distinctive features

A feature of the Caramelka variety is the high sugar content of the berries and excellent transportability. Raspberry Caramel has good shoot formation, which increases productivity and allows you to quickly multiply the variety on the site.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages disadvantages
High yield and large berries Hates drought

Possibility to pick berries twice

a season

Root growth too much
Great dessert taste

Wonderful presentation of berries and

excellent transport qualities

Good frost resistance
Raspberries Caramel on a plate
Raspberries Caramel on a plate

One of the advantages of the Caramelka raspberry is its excellent dessert taste.

Landing features

Despite the unpretentiousness of the Caramelka variety, good growth and future harvest of the raspberry bush will depend on the correct choice of a seedling, place and planting date.

Landing dates

You can plant remontant raspberries Caramel in spring and autumn. Spring planting should take place before the onset of the sap flow process, in early March. Autumn - in early October, but no later than the onset of the first frost, for central Russia. In the southern regions - the second half of October. The September planting for remontant varieties is not suitable due to the fact that the growth of the root mass and the accumulation of nutrients in it occurs later than in ordinary raspberries.

Seat selection

Raspberry Caramel should grow in well-lit and warm areas, because remontant varieties need more light than simple ones. Even a little shading can lead to a decrease in yield and a delay in the onset of ripening of berries.

Raspberry branch
Raspberry branch

Caramelka raspberry loves sunny places

An ideal place for planting in central Russia would be the southern section, closed on the north side by some kind of building, fence or densely planted bushes. Such a cozy place creates its own unique microclimate. In spring, snow melts faster, so the ground starts to warm up earlier. In autumn, due to the heat accumulated by the wall or by the intake, the site cools down a little later. And in winter, raspberries are completely protected from the prevailing cold wind.

As for the hot southern regions, here you can choose a cooler place for Caramel, even a little shading at noon will be appropriate. Raspberries will be good near plums and apple trees.

Despite the moisture-loving nature of Caramelka raspberries, the groundwater at the planting site should not approach higher than 1 - 1.5 m to the soil surface. The root system does not tolerate flooding and stagnant water.

Site preparation

Raspberry precursors play a large role in site selection. It is undesirable to plant Caramel on the site where eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes grew before it - they have common pests and diseases. And in the area where raspberries grew, other varieties of this plant cannot be planted for 5-7 years due to the so-called soil fatigue.

The soil should be loose, moisture permeable and fertile, because remontant Caramel should consume more nutrients than simple raspberries. Loam and sandstone are preferred.

Prepare the site in advance. For autumn planting, preparation begins in spring, and for spring planting, on the contrary, in autumn.

  1. The site is well dug up, roots and weeds are removed.
  2. Siderates are sown - phacelia, mustard, pea-oat mixtures. The green mass is then dug up.
  3. On light and medium loams, up to 20 kg of decomposed humus, compost or peat, 180 g of nitroammophoska or 200 g of superphosphate and 250 g of potassium sulfate are introduced for digging for 1 m 2.
Site preparation for planting raspberries
Site preparation for planting raspberries

It is necessary to prepare the site for planting raspberries at least a year in advance.

Sapling selection

A healthy seedling is the key to a good and stable harvest in the future. You need to choose planting material in special nurseries.

  1. A healthy seedling is at least 20 cm high and 5 mm in diameter.
  2. Pay attention to the roots. If they have dry and damaged areas, it is worth choosing a different seedling. A healthy root system should be well developed, dense and elastic.
  3. The base of the seedling must have at least 3 buds.

During transportation, the roots are wrapped with a damp cloth.

Raspberry seedlings
Raspberry seedlings

Before purchasing seedlings, you need to visually inspect

How to choose a seedling and where is it better to plant raspberries - video

Step by step process

  1. Based on the structure of the root system of the remontant variety Caramelka, which is closer to the rod type than to the fibrous type, the depth of the pit should be at least 50 - 60 cm. The width is about 50 cm.
  2. An additional 4 - 5 kg of humus is added to the bottom of the pit. The nutrients will stimulate the formation of a deeper root system, which will further increase resistance to possible periods of drought, and make the yields stable.
  3. A low mound is formed from the soil, on the sides of which the root system is placed. After that, they fall asleep with earth, trying not to leave voids between the roots.
  4. Control the depth when landing. Avoid both deepening and high planting of the root collar - it should remain at the soil level.
  5. Pour up to 5 liters of water into the formed irrigation circle (even if you are planting in damp weather) and after the moisture is completely absorbed, lay out a layer of mulch of 5-10 cm. It will prevent rapid soil freezing during autumn planting, and in the spring it will help to retain moisture and improve air exchange in the soil …
Planting raspberries
Planting raspberries

After watering, the raspberry seedlings need to be covered with mulch.

Landing scheme

Since good lighting plays one of the main roles for Caramel raspberries, the planting pattern should not be continuous, but rather individual. Bushes should be spaced at least 70 or 90 cm apart. Enough space is also left in the aisles - from 1.5 to 2 m.

Raspberry bushes
Raspberry bushes

Raspberries of the Caramelka variety should be planted less often, at a distance of at least 70 cm from each other


How you care for raspberries directly affects its health and stability of crops.


The superficial root system of Caramel raspberries makes the variety hygrophilous. The soil should be moistened abundantly so that moisture penetrates to a depth of 40 cm. But it is unacceptable to arrange a swamp in a raspberry grove. Roots affected by waterlogging take a very long time to recover and poorly absorb water and nutrients.

The main watering needs to be done:

  • before flowering;
  • in the process of growth and ripening of the crop;
  • during preparation for winter.

On average, raspberries need to be watered once a week and a half. Weather conditions should be the reference point for humidification frequency. In the south, where the temperature is creeping to around 30 ° C and no rain is expected, watering is more frequent than in the middle lane. In hot weather, with insufficient watering, the berries will become smaller and lose their juiciness.

There are many ways to water raspberries, from irrigation ditches to sprinkling. But the most reliable and economical is the drip method.

Watering raspberries
Watering raspberries

The drip method is the most economical way to water raspberries


If the pre-planting preparatory period went by all the rules and the necessary fertilizing was made, then the first 2 years you can not fertilize raspberries. And then the nutrient inputs should become annual. And since the remontant raspberry Caramel needs an increased amount of mineral and organic substances, it needs to be fed at least 3 times per season.

  • The first top dressing is applied in early spring. Fermented mullein in a ratio of 1/10 or a solution of chicken manure - 1:20 will replenish the supply of nitrogen necessary for growth. Enough will be 3 - 5 liters of composition per 1 m 2.
  • In the summer, you can not do without mineral fertilizing. For each m 2 make 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate and urea. Only those potash fertilizers that do not contain chlorine are applied under raspberries!
  • Autumn feeding is required, since at this time the fruit buds of the next harvest are laid. 30 - 35 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate are diluted in a bucket of water. The solution is enough for 1 m 2.

Raspberries of the Caramelka variety need organic and mineral dressings


In the fall, after harvesting and complete fall of the foliage, Caramel is cut off. Moreover, the process can be called radical, since you will have to leave no more than 3 cm of shoots above ground level. This measure allows you to protect raspberries from many diseases and pests, as well as keep them from freezing.

If raspberries were not pruned in the fall, then in the spring, before the buds begin to swell, only frostbitten and dry areas of the shoots should be pruned. Healthy branches should not be touched, this will delay the fruiting period for a long time.

Rapidly growing shoots must be removed. No more than 10 - 15 shoots of both annual and biennial should remain on 1m 2.

Raspberry pruning
Raspberry pruning

Autumn pruning of remontant raspberries Caramel is radical


If raspberry Caramel is grown according to all the rules, its strong shoots do not need a garter. But sometimes overfed shoots can grow above normal. Then you can't do without a garter.

The easiest way is tapestry. Near the bushes at a distance of 3 m from each other, long strong stakes or pillars are driven into the ground. Then a wire is fixed on them in 3 rows and bushes are tied to it.

Trellis method of raspberry garter
Trellis method of raspberry garter

The method of tying raspberries onto trellises is very simple.

Shelter for the winter

Caramelka raspberries can easily endure severe winters. If you correctly carry out autumn pruning and cover the root system with 15 or 20 cm with a layer of peat or other mulch, there will be no need to use shelters in winter. When the snow begins to melt, the mulch layer should be removed.

If the raspberries were not cut off, then the shoots should be pressed to the ground, covered with boards from above and covered with a layer of fallen leaves, spruce branches or covering material.

Raspberry shelter for the winter
Raspberry shelter for the winter

If the raspberries did not have time to cut in the fall, you need to build a shelter for wintering

Diseases and pests characteristic of the raspberry variety Caramelka

Repaired raspberry Caramel has good disease resistance compared to common raspberry. Most often, Caramel can suffer from fungal diseases.

Diseases, treatment measures and prevention - table

Disease How does it manifest Treatment measures Prevention

Septoria or

white spot


spots appear on the leaves, which then turn white.

The same spots with purple

borders damage the shoots and

buds. The affected parts of the raspberry

die off, the bush weakens and loses its

ability to bear fruit.

Before bud break, treat

raspberries with a 0.5% copper oxychloride solution

or Bordeaux liquid.

Select for planting only

healthy seedlings.

Collect diseased leaves

cut out affected shoots

and burn.

Thin bushes for

ensuring good

air circulation.

Didymella or



All aboveground organs of

vegetation and the root part are affected.

Below the attachment point of the petiole, spots of light purple

color are formed, later they become brownish-

red or purple. The buds

die off, the leaves

become covered with necrotic spots, and the shoots


Dormant buds in early spring

treat with 3%

Nitrafen solution (300 g per 10 l of water)

or 4% Bordeaux liquid.

In summer, during the growth period, spray

1% bordeaux liquid.

Avoid thickening

planting raspberries.

Fallen leaves, affected

shoots and mummified

fruits are collected and burned.

Severely affected bushes

uproot and


Do not plant raspberries in



Shoots are covered with gray, depressed sores. The

shoot tissue cracks, becomes

like a cork. Fruiting

brushes dry up. The berries turn brown and



A very dangerous disease for raspberries, as it leads to the death of the entire bush.

The virus can enter

plant tissue through damage.

First, the tip of the shoot withers, the

leaves dry, the bark becomes covered with

gray spots and cracks.

The roots die off.

At the first manifestations of the disease, treatment with Previkur, Vitaros, Trichodermin is carried out.

The solution is prepared according to the instructions.

Delete and destroy

withered and withered bushes.

Do not plant next to

raspberry potatoes, tomatoes

and strawberries - these plants

can accumulate bacteria of

this species.


In the spring or early summer, the leaves

and other parts of the raspberry turn

yellow. By the beginning of autumn, the

shoots become thinner, the harvest does not


Infected bushes cannot be cured, they

must be uprooted and burned.

Treat the remaining raspberries with

30% Methylmercaptophos. A solution of

this insecticide is prepared strictly

according to the instructions.

  • Do not plant raspberries in

    low-lying areas where

    there is a risk of

    water accumulation.

  • Prevent alkalization


How does the disease manifest itself on raspberries - photo gallery

Septoriosis first appears as specks on the leaves
Raspberry shoots infected with didimella
Anthracnose leaves depressed ulcers on the shoots
At the initial stage of verticillium, the tops of the shoots suffer
Bacterial chlorosis
Bacterial chlorosis
Bacterial chlorosis is not cured, the plant must be destroyed

Untimely and improper care weakens raspberries and they become a tasty morsel for various pests.

Pests, control measures and prevention - table

Pests How to recognize Control measures Prevention

Raspberry stem


It is not the fly that is dangerous, but its larvae.

They take root in the stem of the

shoot, gnawing passages in it.

The shoot tip withers and

dries up.

At the very beginning of budding, spray raspberry kutas with 3% Karbofos emulsion

or Spark, Confidor or

Decis preparations. The solution is prepared according to the instructions.

Daily inspection of the raspberry

plantation and the timely

removal of wilted shoots

will help reduce the number

of pests.

Raspberry leaf


It lives on the back

of raspberry leaves or on the

tips of the shoots. Lives in

small groups or

singly. It is a

carrier of viral

diseases. Slows down the growth of


During the budding period, process the

planting with Aktara, Confidor or


Excessive infatuation

nitrogen-containing dressing

makes the leaves juicy and

tender, attractive

to aphids.

Application of phosphorus

potash fertilization forms

coarser plant tissues, which reduces the number of aphids.

Destruction of root

overgrowth will not allow

pests to multiply.

Crimson beetle

In May, they begin to eat away the buds, causing damage to flowers and leaves.

The larvae damage the berries, which become smaller and do not


Before blooming flower buds, spray with a solution of

Karbofos - 75 g per 10 liters of water.

At the time of budding manually

shake off beetles on a light-colored


During pupation (end of July)

to carry out loosening in the aisles.




It actively eats leaves and

gnaws anthers in buds.

The female lays eggs in the buds

and gnaws at the peduncle, because of which the bud dries up.

Before flowering, spray with the preparation

Iskra-M (5 ml for 5 liters of water).

After harvest -

process with Karbofos (60 g per 10 liters of


Dig up the aisles in the fall

Collect and destroy the fallen


How to recognize a pest - table

Stem fly
Stem fly
The stem fly larva damages the shoots
Raspberry leaf aphid
Raspberry leaf aphid
Raspberry leaf aphids are disease vectors
Crimson beetle
Crimson beetle
The raspberry beetle and its larvae can leave without a crop
Raspberry-strawberry weevil
Raspberry-strawberry weevil
Raspberry-strawberry weevil damages the harvest


Depending on climatic or weather conditions, fruiting begins in the last decade of July or early August. Ripening occurs gradually, so that ripe berries can be removed daily or every other day. The second harvest of remontant raspberries of the Caramelka variety will delight lovers of sweet and healthy berries at the moment when the berry season has already passed.

Raspberry Caramel is a large-fruited variety and this is the key to high yields. You can collect at least 5 kg of berries from one bush.

Harvested in the morning or evening, in dry weather. The ripe berry is easily separated from the stalk and should be immediately put into a small container. When transferred from one container to another, the tender berry crumples, loses its juice and quickly deteriorates. If you are going to eat fresh raspberries right away or prepare blanks for the winter from them, you can pick them without a stalk. But if the berry is to be transported, then it should only be with a tail.

Raspberry harvest
Raspberry harvest

It is advisable to collect raspberries intended for transportation with a stalk

Stores raspberries Caramel in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. The most favorite winter delicacy is raspberry jam, which is not only tasty, but also healthy, especially for colds. In addition, many other blanks can be made from raspberries - grind with sugar, boil compote or jam, make juice or liqueur.

For medicinal purposes, dried raspberries, its flowers and leaves are used.

dried raspberries
dried raspberries

Dried raspberries are indispensable for colds

Reviews of raspberries varieties Caramel

Sweet remontant raspberries of the Caramelka variety will become a welcome inhabitant of the garden. Possessing many advantages over simple varieties, unpretentious in care, Caramel is also a very useful berry. The beneficial substances contained in it will not only enrich the body with vitamins in the summer, but will also help to stay healthy and full of energy in winter. In addition, the variety is very attractive in appearance and excellent transport tolerance, which makes it attractive for growing on an industrial scale.
