Potatoes Lapot: Description Of The Variety With Photos, Growing Rules
Potatoes Lapot: Description Of The Variety With Photos, Growing Rules

Potato Lapot is a reliable breadwinner

Potato Lapot
Potato Lapot

It is impossible to imagine our life without potatoes. This crop is grown in all regions of the country, hoping for a generous harvest and a pleasant taste of tubers. The potato variety Lapot does not deceive the expectations of gardeners - even in the photo, the tubers look very impressive. A description of the rules of care will help vegetable growers get a decent harvest.


  • 1 Description of potato variety Lapot

    1.1 Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

  • 2 Planting and care

    • 2.1 Site selection, soil preparation
    • 2.2 Preparation of planting material
    • 2.3 Scheme and landing time
    • 2.4 Watering and loosening
    • 2.5 Table: Top dressing
    • 2.6 Video: caring for potatoes
  • 3 Diseases of Lapot variety

    • 3.1 Table: Disease Control Methods
    • 3.2 Table: Insect Pests

      3.2.1 Photo Gallery: Potato Pests and Diseases

  • 4 Harvesting and storage
  • 5 Reviews of vegetable growers about the variety

Description of potato variety Lapot

Potato bushes of Lapot variety are low. The flower petals are white, sometimes creamy. The flattened tubers look like an elongated cutlet or large bast shoes, covered with a thin, slightly rough skin. The flesh is yellowish.

Potato variety Lapot
Potato variety Lapot

Potato tubers Lapot have an oblong flattened shape

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages disadvantages
Resistant to adverse weather conditions. It is considered an obsolete variety.
Keeping quality. It is difficult to get planting material.
Productivity. Susceptible to infection with late blight, Alternaria.
Ease of care. Attacked by a wireworm.
Resistance to mechanical damage.
Disease resistance.

Planting and leaving

Timely planting and proper care will ensure a good harvest.

Site selection, soil preparation

Lapot prefers sunlit lands. The proximity of groundwater is undesirable. The plot on which the planting of the crop is planned is prepared in the fall, in the spring the soil is loosened, weeds are removed.

A nutrient mixture of compost or manure, ash, poultry droppings is added to the wells, fertilizer is covered with a thin layer of soil and one tuber is placed in sprouts upward, sprinkle potatoes with soil. Large root vegetables are cut so that eyes or sprouts remain on each part.

Planting potatoes
Planting potatoes

When planting potatoes are placed sprouts up

Preparation of planting material

In April, potatoes are taken out of the basement, sorted: diseased, damaged, ugly tubers are removed. Potatoes weighing 30–90 g are suitable for planting. In order to get the harvest as soon as possible, it is recommended to germinate potatoes. One month prior to planting the tubers are entered into a warm room where the temperature is maintained at 15 to C degrees. To make the process go faster, root crops are covered with wet sawdust, sand, peat or earth.

Potato planting scheme
Potato planting scheme

The distance between the holes should be 35 cm, between the rows - 60 cm

In areas with a humid climate and on loamy soils, potatoes are planted to a depth of 7–8 cm, on lighter soil - by 6 cm. If the tubers are not planted deeply enough, the plants are spud.

Watering and loosening

It is useful to add moisture to potato beds at the following points:

  • 2 weeks after germination;
  • during the budding period;
  • during the set of tubers mass - the first half of August.

In hot, dry weather, the potatoes are watered after 5-6 days (less often if it rains and the air temperature is moderate). Evening watering is more useful than morning watering, since in the morning the sun's rays burn the leaves, on which droplets of water remain after irrigation. In August, the temperature drops at night, so it is necessary to water the potatoes in the evening hours so that the drops have time to evaporate and late blight does not develop. One potato bush needs at least 3 liters of water.

Watering potatoes
Watering potatoes

On large areas for irrigation, use the sprinkling method

Dense clay soils retain moisture for a long time, therefore, in order for the plant to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, dry watering is useful - loosening. It is carried out after the shoots become noticeable. It is useful to use mulch to retain moisture. Overcooking, the mulching layer becomes an excellent fertilizer.

Loosening potatoes
Loosening potatoes

Loosening is also called "dry irrigation"

Table: top dressing

Fertilizer type Type of feeding Time of fertilizer application Norm
Urea At the root. After the shoots appear, the plants are watered and the soil is loosened.

For a bucket of water - 1 tbsp. l.

0.5 l per plant.

Herbal infusion At the root. Early summer. 1 L per plant.
Mineral fertilizers At the root. Before hilling. For a bucket of water, 20 g of ammonium nitrate or 25 g of a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 per 10 liters of water.
Urea Spraying. With the emergence of seedlings 2 times a month before the beginning of budding. 100 g of urea, 150 g of potassium monophosphate, 5 g of boric acid, 1 g of zinc, cobalt, copper, manganese. Diluted twice, sprayed plants.
Phosphate fertilizer Spraying. After flowering is complete. 100 g superphosphate in a bucket of water. Irrigation area - 10 m 2.
Humates Spraying. 2 times a month after the appearance of the fourth leaf. Humate - 2 g per 3 liters of water. Irrigation area - 100 m 2.
Nettle infusion Spraying. 1 time in 10 days during the growing season. 1 L per plant.

Video: potato care

Diseases of Lapot variety

Potatoes are resistant to diseases, but to increase immunity, they are sprayed with Saffron, which protects the bushes from late blight and Alternaria. The procedure is carried out once a week. Quite often Lapot suffers from damage by wireworm, bear and Colorado potato beetle.

Table: methods of combating diseases

Name of the disease Signs Prevention and control methods
Alternaria Irregular brown spots on the leaves. Dents appear on the tubers.
  1. Planting potatoes in an area where nightshades were predecessors is contraindicated.
  2. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should not deviate from the norm 2: 3: 3.
  3. It is recommended to use Bordeaux liquid or Redomil Gold (20 g per 8 l of water).
Late blight Brown spots appear on the bush. The plant withers. Tubers deteriorate, dark spots also appear on them.
  1. Hom preparation. For 10 liters of water - 40 g. 3-4 sprays. The last one is 3 weeks before harvest.
  2. Treatment with 1% Bordeaux liquid (100 g of copper sulfate, 150 g of lime per bucket of water).

Table: insect pests

Insect name The nature of the impact on the plant Control methods
Medvedka Damage and destruction of the ground part of the plant.
  1. Application of Medvedka to a depth of 3-5 cm in the ridges and aisles.
  2. Digging a site, eliminating insect nests.
  3. Weed control.
Wireworm Withering of damaged bushes. Tuber damage.
  1. A few beans are thrown into the holes.
  2. The soil is periodically loosened.
  3. Apply the drug Commander.
Colorado beetle Eating leaves and stems. The culture is sprayed with a mixture of copper sulfate and freshly slaked lime.

Photo gallery: pests and diseases of potatoes

Wireworm on potato tuber
Wireworm on potato tuber
The wireworm penetrates the tuber and spoils the potato crop
Medvedka can damage up to 20 potato bushes per day
Late blight
Late blight
With late blight, the wilting of the plant is noticeable, starting with dark spots on the leaves and stems
A symptom of Alternaria is the appearance of irregular spots on the leaves
Colorado beetle
Colorado beetle
Colorado potato beetle actively eats potato tops

Harvesting and storage

Potato digging usually starts at the end of summer. Before harvesting, the tops are cut and removed from the site. The tubers are carefully, trying not to damage, dug out, left for a while in the open air, dried, freed from clods of earth. Accidentally damaged ones are taken and first of all used for food.

Potato harvest Lapot
Potato harvest Lapot

Potatoes Lapot gives a generous harvest - from one hundred square meters to 500 kg

So that the potatoes do not start to rot, they are left for several days in the utility room, dried well and sorted again, sorting by size. Tubers are immediately selected for planting in order to keep them in the light for 3-5 days. In spring, these tubers will be more resistant to diseases and will sprout faster. In the basement, potatoes are stored in wooden bins, in canvas bags. The room should be dark, dry and cool to prevent the tubers from sprouting. Before storing potatoes, it is important to whitewash the ceilings and walls with lime in order to destroy pests.

The bast is delicious both boiled and fried; it is also used as a filling for pies, dumplings, and is used in salads.

Reviews of vegetable growers about the variety

The Lapot variety harmoniously fits into the climate of our country, easily tolerates natural disasters, pleases gardeners with the size and taste of tubers. Lapot responds to minimal care with a generous harvest.
