How To Wipe Off Super Glue From Various Surfaces And Objects
How To Wipe Off Super Glue From Various Surfaces And Objects

We wipe superglue from various surfaces with anti-glue and other methods

Rub off superglue
Rub off superglue

Superglue is a little home savior and a great construction assistant. Very often we turn to his help and no less often we stick to him ourselves or accidentally glue objects together. How not to stick and wipe stains from stained surfaces is useful for everyone to know.


  • 1 The main feature of super glue
  • 2 Methods to remove super glue

    • 2.1 Professional way
    • 2.2 Chemical methods

      • 2.2.1 Use of Dimexide
      • 2.2.2 How to use acetone and nail polish remover
      • 2.2.3 How to remove glue using white spirit or refined gasoline
    • 2.3 Folk ways

      • 2.3.1 Options for removing adhesive with warm water
      • 2.3.2 Vinegar for cleaning glue from fine fabrics
      • 2.3.3 Lemon juice or citric acid
      • 2.3.4 Fat, margarine, petroleum jelly, olive oil
      • 2.3.5 Salt or baking soda for cleaning fresh stains
      • 2.3.6 How low or high temperatures affect the adhesive
    • 2.4 Mechanical method of removing adhesive
  • 3 Remove superglue from various surfaces

    • 3.1 We remove the glue moment from human skin

      3.1.1 Video: removing superglue from hands

    • 3.2 We clean textiles from superglue

      3.2.1 Video: removing the glue stain from clothes

    • 3.3 Clean suede products from superglue
    • 3.4 We clean hard smooth surfaces from superglue: glass, tiles, marble
    • 3.5 Wipe off superglue from wood

      3.5.1 Video: rubbing superglue off the laminate

    • 3.6 Cleaning the phone screen or laptop monitor
    • 3.7 We clean metal and lock larvae from glue
  • 4 Precautions for handling super glue

The main feature of super glue

Superglue was invented in the middle of the twentieth century in America as a result of experiments to create material for telescopic sights. The resulting substance did not meet the requirements of the developers, but due to its super property of instantly gluing everything was patented. Superglue, Super Moment, Second are composed of one substance that can instantly solidify when interacting with the smallest particles of moisture from the air. This is cyanoacrylate. It immediately bonds the surfaces it comes into contact with. Moreover, the gluing is very strong. Therefore, removing traces of glue is quite problematic.

Super glue
Super glue

Superglue of any brand contains cyanoacrylate in the base

Unfortunately, this glue can stick to any surface, so you need to work with it very carefully. You can wipe off the stain from the surface if it is not cotton or wool, with which the glue can react violently before burning.

Ways to remove super glue

Removing super glue is a painstaking process that takes time, patience and accuracy. There are many ways to deal with super glue stains, and they all fall into four groups:

  • professional;
  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • folk.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Professional way

High-quality superglue, which is resistant to moisture, chemicals, temperature extremes, can only be removed with professional tools. Usually in their name there is the word "antikley". The tool is sold in hardware stores and in modeling departments. The efficiency of this method is quite high. The disadvantage is increased toxicity, which is why it is necessary to work with the substance in a ventilated area and protect it from contact with the skin of the hands and face. It is also advisable not to use it on children's clothes. The procedure for removing the adhesive stain is as follows:

  1. Using an ordinary household sponge, Anticlea is applied to a dried spot.
  2. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Remove the lagged substance with a dry napkin.
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Antiklei - the professional assistant in removing super glue stains

Chemical methods

Chemical methods include options for cleaning surfaces from superglue with various chemicals.

Use of Dimexidum

Dimexide is a drug that can be purchased at any pharmacy. It does a good job of removing dried glue stains on various surfaces such as a computer monitor or phone display.

  1. The substance is applied to the stained surface with a cotton swab.
  2. They stand for some time.
  3. Rub the stain gently.
  4. Already separated particles are removed with a dry napkin.

The efficiency of the method is very high: the work proceeds quickly enough, the stain is removed without damaging the surface. The disadvantages include the fact that this drug easily penetrates through the skin into the blood of a person, therefore, it is necessary to use this tool with gloves.


Dimexide is a gentle and effective assistant in removing glue stains

How to use acetone and nail polish remover

Acetone removes dried glue from hard surfaces and natural fabrics. Since the substance is toxic, it must be used in a ventilated area.

  1. Before starting the process, check how the material reacts to acetone: conduct the test on an inconspicuous area of fabric or surface.
  2. Treat the area with glue with acetone.
  3. Using a circular motion from the edges to the center, try to wipe away the dried stain.
  4. Treat material with soapy water.

If the fabric contains acetate, then you cannot use acetone to clean it, as it will melt.

Instead of acetone, you can use nail polish remover, in which it is present. The method is considered effective, but when working with acetone, safety precautions must be followed:

  • protect the respiratory tract;
  • keep acetone away from fire;
  • do not use on children's things;
  • carry out a test for the interaction of acetone with the surface to be cleaned.

Acetone will help remove old glue stains

How to remove glue with white spirit or refined gasoline

Fresh glue stains can be tried to be wiped off with white spirit or gasoline. The effectiveness is as high as that of acetone, but the risk of spoiling the item increases. Disadvantages: toxicity. Handle solvent in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

White Spirit
White Spirit

Solvents such as White Spirit will only help remove fresh adhesive stains

Folk ways

Often the above means are not at hand, and the stain needs to be removed as soon as possible. In this case, proven and fairly safe folk methods will come to the rescue. Their efficiency and speed of removal of dried glue, of course, cannot be compared with chemical and professional ones, but they are safer for humans and spare the material.

Warm water glue removal options

Most superglue containing cyanoacrylate can be soaked in warm, preferably hot water. In it, cyanoacrylate loses its adhesive properties. The method is not the most effective, but safe. It is also applicable for gluing the skin of adults and children.

  1. Hold the surface with glue in water for at least 20 minutes.
  2. Pick up the edge of the dried glue spot and carefully remove it.

Usually warm water is used in conjunction with other means, for example, soapy water.

  1. Dissolve soap, washing powder, or other safe product in warm water.
  2. Soak the area with the glue in the solution for 15–20 minutes.
  3. If soaking is not possible, then put a damp cloth on the glued surface and cover it with foil and tape so that it is damp all the time and the stain is better soaked.
  4. Remove the stain for the softened and slightly peeled edge of the glue.

The method is more effective on fresh spots. Has a high degree of safety.

Soap and detergents
Soap and detergents

Warm water and any detergent will help soften the glue, which will further simplify the process of removing it

Vinegar to remove glue from fine fabrics

Use a vinegar solution to remove fresh glue stains from delicate fabrics.

  1. Check in advance how the fabric reacts to vinegar on an inconspicuous area.
  2. Add a tablespoon of the product to a glass of water and apply to the stain.
  3. Rub the fabric thoroughly.
  4. When the glue comes off, rinse thoroughly and wash the item.

Acetic essence is used to remove glue from metal surfaces. Be careful: work with goggles, gloves, preferably over an exhaust hood or in the fresh air, to avoid getting the vinegar and its vapors in the eyes, on the skin and in the respiratory tract.


Vinegar solution is used to remove stains from fine fabrics

Lemon juice or citric acid

Lemon juice can be substituted for acetone. The efficiency will be lower, but this method is safer for humans and any surface to be treated.

  1. Moisten the dried glue with juice.
  2. Use a toothbrush to scrub the stain.

Lemon juice is a gentle acetone substitute for adhesive removal

Fat, margarine, petroleum jelly, olive oil

In this way, the glue is wiped off the skin of adults and children. Always be guided by your sensations: if it seems to you that the glue is coming off with the skin, stop immediately. Use fatty products along with a soap solution.

  1. Apply a generous amount of grease to the area of skin with glue.
  2. Rub vigorously until the sticky spot softens.
  3. Gently pick up the softened edge of the glue and peel it off your skin.
  4. Wash your hands with soapy water.
Vegetable oil
Vegetable oil

Any fat will help to cope with the superglue stain on the skin of the child.

Salt or baking soda to clean fresh stains

Salt or baking soda will help remove any glue that has stuck to your skin. The method has good efficiency: the glue is removed quickly and all. It is safe for adults and children.

  1. Apply a slurry of warm water and salt (soda) to the skin area.
  2. Rub the stain vigorously.
  3. When after a while the glue begins to lag behind the skin, pick it up and remove it.
Salt and soda
Salt and soda

Salt and baking soda are good helpers for removing fresh glue from skin

How low or high temperatures affect glue

There are super glue types that are not resistant to high and low temperatures. Usually in this way glue is removed from clothes, but it is also good for fabric upholstery of furniture, has good efficiency and relative safety for humans. However, it is not applicable to all materials and is not suitable for leather.

  1. The stained fabric is laid on cardboard.
  2. Iron the top through a sheet of paper with a hot iron.
  3. After a while, the glue is absorbed into the paper, and the material remains clean.

You can also put the fabric with a fresh stain in the freezer. Some types of superglue are afraid of negative temperatures and become brittle, after which they can be easily removed.


Almost all types of super glue lose their adhesive properties at high and low temperatures

Mechanical glue removal method

This method is used mainly on hard surfaces. It consists in the fact that a spot of superglue is torn off, scraped off or beaten off from the soiled material with any tool. The main rule: the tool with which you will remove the glue from the surface should not cause additional damage to the material. For example, using a sharp razor exposes the glass surface to an additional risk: scraping off the glue stain can leave a lot of scratches on the glass. In its pure form, the mechanical method is used to remove glue from durable coarse weaving fabrics.

  1. Gently tap the stain to split it, in the process some parts may fly off the fabric.
  2. Scrape off the rest with a needle. You need to work carefully so as not to leave clues on the fabric and not to damage the thread.

More often the mechanical method is used in conjunction with other methods. For example, the glue first softens so that it can be picked up from the edge. Then they try to remove the glue from the edge to the center with a soft cloth, silicone spatula or hand. Disadvantages: risk of damaging the cleaned material. Already dried glue spots are removed mechanically. It does not pose a risk to the skin of a person or child, unless, of course, the stain is on the skin. However, the desired effect is most often achieved in conjunction with other methods.

Removing superglue from various surfaces

Superglue can be found everywhere: on your skin, clothing, floor, phone, surface where you glue.

We remove the glue moment from human skin

Human skin is a delicate living tissue. Therefore, try to use the most gentle methods of removing superglue from it. And in case of failure of everything you have tried, do not despair. The stain will disappear by itself in a maximum of 2 days. When trying to remove super glue from your hands, proceed in the following order:

  1. Wash the skin area with warm water and soap.
  2. Apply salt or soda gruel to the stain.
  3. Rub for about a minute.
  4. Add more gruel and repeat, periodically wetting the area with glue in warm water.
  5. After a while, pick up the edges of the adhesive spot and separate a thin film of glue from the skin.

There are also other effective ways to combat superglue on human skin.

  1. Liberally lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly, oil or margarine and rub well, you can use a nail file, but be careful not to damage the skin.
  2. If the glue layer is thick on your hands, you can try rubbing it off with a nail file or pumice stone. Then use water, soap and salt.
  3. If the stain is on your eyelids, only warm water and a clean, damp cloth will help. Gently rub the glued area. See your doctor for help. If glue gets into the eye, it is necessary to rinse with clean and warm water and consult an ophthalmologist.
  4. If glue gets on your lips, dip your mouth into a bowl of warm water, try to push the saliva through the glue from the inside. If the glue starts to come off, spit it out and never swallow it.

    Glue on the skin
    Glue on the skin

    When removing glue from human skin, use the safest means - petroleum jelly, warm water, soda, salt

What not to do:

  • do not peel the glue from the skin if you feel that it comes off with it and at the same time you experience pain;
  • Do not rub the area with glue with abrasive materials (pumice stone or a nail file) too vigorously, as this can damage the skin that is not touched by the glue.

Video: remove superglue from hands

We clean textiles from superglue

Often, in the process of work, glue gets on our clothes or upholstery. Such stains spoil the appearance and require cleaning.

Adhesive on textiles
Adhesive on textiles

You can clean the fabric of superglue in different ways - with a rolling pin, acetone, vinegar and other means.

Action options:

  • Dried glue is beaten off with a rolling pin or wooden crush.
  • The thing is put into the freezer, heated with a hairdryer or iron, if there is no synthetics in the fabric.
  • The upholstery of a leather sofa or eco-leather products gets rid of glue stains with professional Anti-glue.
  • Often fabrics stained with glue are wiped off in warm water using detergents.
  • Natural fabrics are rubbed with acetone using a toothbrush. After completing cleaning, the fabric is rinsed and washed. It is necessary to test in advance on an inconspicuous area of the tissue the reaction of the material to acetone. It can discolor some things.
  • For thin fabrics, use a vinegar solution.
  • If the thing is dear to you, and none of the methods works, take it to the dry cleaner.

Video: removing a glue stain from clothes

We clean suede products from superglue

The following remedies will help you remove a superglue stain from suede:

  • gasoline if the stain is fresh;
  • thinner if the stain is old and dry;
  • acetone or nail polish remover;
  • solution of 5% ammonia;
  • means for removing false eyelashes.

    Suede leather
    Suede leather

    Suede items are cleaned of superglue with solvents

To remove a sticky stain from suede, proceed as follows:

  1. Wipe the glue spot on the suede with warm water or hold it over the kettle. Hot steam will soften the dirt.
  2. Apply your chosen product to a clean cloth and treat the stain.
  3. After completing the cleaning, apply a special impregnation to the suede and lift the nap with a brush.

We clean hard smooth surfaces from superglue: glass, tiles, marble

To clean superglue from hard, smooth surfaces, you can use any of the above products, observing safety rules.

  1. We soften the glue for 20 minutes by applying a damp cloth soaked in the chosen product to the problem area.
  2. We try to pick up the edge of the stain and gently scrub the glue from the surface with a soft tool (silicone or wooden spatula).
  3. We wash the cleaned surface with soap and water.

Glasses lenses require more gentle cleaning.

  1. Soak glasses for a while in soapy hot water.
  2. Wipe off the glue stain with a soft cloth.
  3. Rinse well after finishing work.

Wipe off superglue from wood

Highlights in the process of removing superglue from wood surfaces:

  • if the wooden surfaces are finished, then the glue is removed with acetone or nail polish remover, and after cleaning, the surface is washed and polished;
  • also use citric acid instead of acetone;
  • the laminate is cleaned of glue with Dimexide;
  • unpainted wood is cleaned with mineral oil;
  • if it is not difficult to restore the wooden surface after cleaning the glue, a mechanical method is used: the stain is sanded, having previously pasted over its edges with construction tape.
Superglue on a wooden surface
Superglue on a wooden surface

Clean wood surfaces from glue with mineral oil, acetone, Dimexidum

Video: rubbing superglue off the laminate

Cleaning the phone screen or laptop monitor

The best remedy for removing superglue stains on displays and monitors is Dimexide. It gently removes stubborn stains without leaving a trace. However, do not forget about safety precautions: work with Dimexide with gloves.

Phone screen with glue spot
Phone screen with glue spot

If superglue gets on the phone screen, then it can be removed with Dimexid

We clean metal and lock larvae from glue

To clean metal surfaces from glue, use:

  • acetone, alcohol, solvents such as White spirit and B 646;
  • undiluted vinegar;
  • Dimexide;
  • Anticlea.

From the bitter experience of the unfortunate people who were poured into the castle with glue, it is clear that the cleaning process will take a lot of time and effort. The glue from the castle can be cleaned using Antique Glue and tools at hand.

There is also a method of burning glue, however, it has a high degree of danger, especially if it is a castle in a residential apartment. The probability of starting a fire is very high.

Superglue Precautions

At least once in a lifetime, everyone has glued themselves to superglue. Let's take a look at the basic precautions so that in the future, superglue only glues what we need:

  • often glue gets on our hands during the process of bonding surfaces, when we have applied too much of it, so try to squeeze out as little substance as possible from the tube, then there will be less chance of getting your hands dirty with it;
  • if the tip is clogged in an already open tube, the hole can be carefully re-made with a thin needle, without pressing the tube at this moment, so that the glue does not pour out;
  • do not try to blow through the hole with your mouth and do not squeeze the contents forcibly towards your hands and face;
  • while squeezing out the remnants of glue, do not twist the tube: very often it seeps through the creases formed as a result of such twists;
  • work with glue with rubber gloves;
  • Prepare the work area in advance: cover or remove all surfaces at risk of being stained.

Always choose the most gentle superglue cleaning option. Think ahead about the organization of the workplace when using this type of glue. And then you will get out of this "sticky" business clean.
