Potato Variety Luck: Description With Photo And Main Characteristics
Potato Variety Luck: Description With Photo And Main Characteristics

Your Luck in the country: an excellent variety of potatoes

potato luck
potato luck

Many gardeners plant potatoes on their plots - this is an unpretentious crop that provides nourishing and healthy fruits for the whole winter. To date, many high-quality varieties have been bred, one of which is Luck by right. This potato is distinguished by good keeping quality and excellent taste, therefore it is grown in many regions of our country.

The history of the creation of the variety Luck

The variety was obtained as a result of breeding work of VNIIKH them. A. G. Lorkha from Anoka and Vilnia potatoes. In 1994 it was included in the State Register for the following regions:

  • Far East;
  • North-West;
  • Central;
  • Central black earth;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky;
  • Srednevolzhsky.

Today potatoes Luck are grown not only in vegetable gardens, but also in the fields of agricultural enterprises. The name itself speaks for itself - the variety has many advantages.

Appearance of potatoes

The plant is of medium height, semi-spreading. The bush is framed by large dark green leaves. When flowering, the plant is abundantly covered with bright white flowers. The tubers are quite large: they can reach 250 g. The skin of the fruit is thin and smooth, light beige in color, and the flesh is white. The eyes are small.

Blooming potatoes
Blooming potatoes

Potato Luck has bright snow-white flowers

Distinctive characteristics

The variety is early maturing: the harvest begins 55-60 days after planting. It tolerates low temperatures well and is able to germinate already at 10 ° C. The yield is high - 7–12 kg of fruit can be harvested from 1 bush. Starch content -12-15%. Luck has good keeping quality and is easy to transport, making it suitable for commercial use.

Potato Luck
Potato Luck

Luck is well stored and easy to transport

One of the main advantages of the variety is its taste. Even after long-term storage, it does not change. When cooking, the tubers do not fall apart, they are easily cut.

Luck is characterized by moderate susceptibility to late blight in the tops and moderate resistance to tuber. Viral infections are very rare. The variety is undemanding to soil and therefore is grown everywhere.

Features of planting and growing

The timing of planting potatoes Luck depends on the region. In the south, it is planted in April, and in the northern regions - in May-June. The soil temperature before planting potatoes should be above 10 ° C. As with all early-ripening potato varieties, the root system of Udach is less powerful than that of late-ripening species, so loamy soils are better than others for it.

A popular omen recommends planting potatoes in the period between budding on a birch and the end of flowering bird cherry.

It is desirable that the precursor of potatoes on sandy soil is lupine. On dense soil, these can be winter crops, perennial grasses, legumes. You can plant legumes between the beds, then the waste products of bacteria on their roots will be a source of nitrogenous fertilizers of natural origin for potatoes.

Planting depth of potatoes Luck should not exceed 5-7 centimeters. In this case, a loose and warm soil layer will remain under the seedlings, thanks to which the roots of the plant can develop rapidly.

Planting potatoes Luck
Planting potatoes Luck

Potatoes Luck should not be planted too deep

To increase the yield, it is recommended to use rolling hilling. To do this, the stems are pressed to the ground and evenly fanned out over the surface in different directions. Cut the tops of another plant, for example, mustard, which serves as an organic fertilizer, is laid out on top in the middle.

Video: growing potatoes Luck

Variety reviews

The potato variety Luck is distinguished by its yield, unpretentiousness and excellent taste. Due to its good keeping quality, both summer residents and farmers appreciate it. Try it too.
