How To Create Or Register An American Apple Id Account (app Store)
How To Create Or Register An American Apple Id Account (app Store)

Overseas Patient - How to Register Overseas Apple ID


Ever since those seemingly ancient times, when only the iTunes Store was available from Apple's services, Apple began to divide content by regional basis. For North America, new items appeared earlier, for Europe - later. And the countries of the former socialist camp, including the Russian Federation, were not covered at all for a long time, and for a Russian citizen who wanted to make online purchases in Apple stores, there was only one way out - registering a foreign Apple ID account.


  • 1 Benefits of a foreign Apple ID
  • 2 How to register a foreign Apple ID

    • 2.1 Registration using a stationary computer or laptop

      • 2.1.1 Table: mandatory personal data for registration in the AppStore
      • 2.1.2 Table: address data for registration
      • 2.1.3 Video: creating an account in the American AppStore in 3 minutes
    • 2.2 Registering Apple ID from a mobile device - iPhone or iPad

      2.2.1 Video: Create a US Apple ID Account on iPhone

  • 3 Account is not registered - causes and solutions to the problem

Benefits of a foreign Apple ID

Apple services reached out with their tenacious hands to the most remote corners of the Earth. But still the most delicious buns, promotions and free services are provided by the AppStore of the United States of America. However, this also applies to Apple hardware. And if it is better to buy such purchases as music, movies and books in the regional branches of the AppStore (significantly lower prices, and discounts, as for third world countries, are often available), then it is more interesting to connect programs and services through the American branch, and here's why:

  1. Games and programs appear in the American AppStore earlier than in other branches, and some exclusive editions are released only for the USA. Special programs of discounts and cheap subscriptions also only work in the United States.
  2. ITunes radio, Spotify, Rdio services will work only through an American account, and if the problem with access is solved by life hacks, using proxy servers and anonymizers, then applications for these services can only be downloaded using an American Apple ID registration.
  3. Such a nice thing as the free installation service for paid programs FreeMyApps, again only works with an American account - and this is a completely legal way to save a hundred or two dollars. At least, this is much better than installing hacked programs and infecting your device with viruses.

So in order to take advantage of all the abundance, you will have to register a North American Apple ID.

Registration of American Apple ID
Registration of American Apple ID

When registering an Apple ID in the United States, you get access to promotions and free services that are not available to Russian users

How to register a foreign Apple ID

You can create an account in a few simple steps, using both a mobile device and a desktop computer. You can switch accounts "on the fly" without losing installed programs and downloaded applications and subscriptions. Just do not forget that no more than three free accounts can be linked to one mobile device.

Since both options for creating an account (from a desktop PC and from a mobile device) will use the Google Maps service, register yourself a Google account if you do not already have one. Without it, access to maps will be impossible and the task will become somewhat more complicated.

Registration using a stationary computer or laptop

To create an American account from a computer, you need to do the following:

  1. We check if the computer is connected to the Internet, then open the iTunes application if you already have an Apple ID connected.
  2. From the "Applications" section we head to the AppStore category. Scroll down the page and click on the flag to select the region.
  3. We select the United States of America region - it is already assigned by default.

    Selecting a Region in iTunes
    Selecting a Region in iTunes

    The default region in the AppStore is the United States of America

  4. From the list of programs, select any free application, for example, Instagram.

    App selection in iTunes
    App selection in iTunes

    Choosing Instagram as a free app

  5. On the page with a brief description of the application, click the Get button.
  6. In the dialog box for entering authorization parameters, select the "Create Apple ID" item.

    Creating an iTunes account
    Creating an iTunes account

    In the parameters entry window, select the creation of a new Apple ID account

  7. In the invitation dialog box, examine what options will be available after registration, and click Continue.

    Description of the benefits of signing up for iTunes
    Description of the benefits of signing up for iTunes

    When creating a new Apple ID, you can read about the benefits of registering for this service, or you can simply press the Continue button

  8. Read the license agreement and turn on the checkbox confirming that you have read and agreed with it. Click the Agree button to proceed to the next step. If this is not done, registration will be aborted.

    Confirmation of agreement with the license agreement
    Confirmation of agreement with the license agreement

    Check the box indicating your agreement with the license agreement and press the Agree button

  9. Enter your login information and information that will allow you to restore access if you forget your password. Pay special attention to the choice of secret questions and answers to them. If for some reason you lose access to your account, you can restore it only by providing all three answers to security questions.

    Entering registration data
    Entering registration data

    Enter your username, password and three secret questions with answers that will allow you to restore access if necessary

  10. Unsubscribe from mailing lists and anonymous collection of information (disable the corresponding checkboxes) and click the Continue button in the lower right corner of the window.
  11. If you do not plan to make purchases through this account, in the window that appears, select None in the payment methods. Otherwise, you need to enter the details of a bank card, necessarily an American bank or a bank that allows electronic payments abroad. If three free accounts are already linked to your device, you can register only with a bank card connected.

    Choosing a payment method for purchases in the AppStore
    Choosing a payment method for purchases in the AppStore

    When creating an Apple ID account, select the option without connecting a bank card if you do not plan to make purchases and no more than three free accounts are linked to your phone

  12. At this step, you need to perform a delicate operation - entering personal data. You need to include your first name, last name, and a real American address with a phone number:

    • Of the many North American states, Florida will be the most preferred - firstly, it is warm there, and secondly, there is no tax on purchases in the AppStore;
    • It is easiest to specify the location of a hotel, restaurant, university, or even a public library as an address, since such objects are highlighted on Google maps, and all accompanying information (address, postal code and contact phone number) is displayed on the left sidebar. Carefully transfer all the necessary elements from it into the registration form. For reference, they are indicated in the table below.

      Google Maps
      Google Maps

      You can specify the location of any public object displayed on Google maps as the mailing address of your Apple ID account

  13. Double-check the entered data, click Create Apple ID. If everything is correct, a verification screen will appear, and to confirm your email, an email will be sent to it with a link to activate your account. Having opened the received letter in the mail client, follow the link.
  14. Log into iTunes using your new username and password. Now you have access to all the features described at the beginning of the article.

Table: mandatory personal data for registration in the AppStore

Email Use the postal services of an American provider: gmail, yahoo or hotmail. Russian letters in the email address are not allowed. Even if you have a registered mail with a Cyrillic alphabet in the name, it will not work for registering an Apple ID
Password Password, at least 8 characters, must contain uppercase and lowercase Latin characters and numbers or underscore.
Security Info Three security questions from the list of provided. You may need answers to them when restoring access to your Apple ID. For example, the name of the first dog, favorite food and the city in which you met your first love, or the make of the car you drive
Date of birth Date of birth - your own or one that you can remember and not forget. If you choose an arbitrary date, make sure that the difference between the current date and the day of your imaginary birth is more than 13 years, otherwise the registration will be interrupted

Below are the names of the fields to fill in when entering the account holder's address information. The way buildings are addressed in America is different from ours, so you need to carefully transfer the information to the fields with the appropriate names. An explanation of their purpose is given in the table.

Table: address data for registration

Street Street with selected building
City Miami
State State (FL - Florida)
Zip Code Postal Code (in the case of Florida - 32830)
Area code Calling code - 33132
Phone Telephone number, or rather, its last seven digits (for example, 237-8888)

Video: creating an account in the American AppStore in 3 minutes

Registering Apple ID from a mobile device - iPhone or iPad

There are situations when you are far from your computer, but you need to create an account right now: vacation, business trip, trip to the country. The main difference from creating an account on a PC is that the created free account is tied to the device. After three linked records, further creation of free Apple IDs will be available only after resetting the device to factory settings.

  1. From the main screen, open the AppStore application and log out of your existing account (if any). On the "Selection" screen, scroll down and by clicking on the login, select "Sign out".
  2. Go to the search tab and find any free program. It is important to choose a free application, otherwise the system will definitely require a bank card to be linked, and we need to register an account without it.

    Choosing a program to register an Apple ID
    Choosing a program to register an Apple ID

    Choosing any free application to download

  3. Click Get, in the login dialog box, select "Create Apple ID".

    Create an account
    Create an account

    In the menu, select the item to create a new Apple ID

  4. Since the country selection checkbox is already on United States, we accept the license agreement by carefully (or not very much) reading it. If everything suits you, click on Agree. You may not agree, but then you will not be able to register an account.

    Region selection
    Region selection

    We choose America, it is already checked by default

  5. As in the case of registration from a PC, we indicate the location of a hotel, restaurant or even a library as the registration address. The easiest way to find such an object is using Google maps. We transfer all address information from the side panel, including the postal code and contact phone number.
  6. In the Billing information section, select the None payment method, then click Next.
  7. We check the mail and follow the link from the letter to confirm the email. If the app download starts, then the Apple ID has been successfully created.

Video: Create a US Apple ID Account on iPhone

Account not registering - causes and solutions to the problem

Circumstances may be such that the account cannot be registered. Below we will look at the most common causes of errors.

  1. Sometimes the Apple server checks if your ip-address matches the range of addresses specific to the region to which you are linking your account. Simply put - you cannot register an American Apple ID with a Russian IP. The way out of the situation is to use one of the huge number of proxy servers that can pass your ip off as an American one.
  2. Apple has strict rules: the account holder must be at least 13 years old (and all the features and content of the AppStore will be available only from the age of 18). If you are actually less than thirteen (or you, entering an arbitrary date of birth, made a mistake and indicated too young age), the "registration" will not be registered. And the worst thing is that if you sent data from a mobile device, then re-registration will be possible only after resetting to factory settings. If the reset option does not suit you, you will have to start the account from a desktop computer or laptop.

    Incorrect age entry
    Incorrect age entry

    If you entered a date of birth that is under the age of thirteen, account registration will be denied

  3. Invalid characters in your login, password or even email address. The most common ones are Cyrillic. Moreover, your mail service can normally perceive Russian letters and register a mailbox. But the Apple server will not accept such an address. The result is a refusal to register.
  4. There is a limit on free Apple IDs tied to your device. Their number is limited to only three, and if you experimented with different "accounts", then you have probably already exceeded this limit. There are two options for solving the problem: either create an account with an attached bank card, or create it on another device or stationary PC, and use it already on your gadget.

    Exceeding the allowed number of accounts
    Exceeding the allowed number of accounts

    If three accounts are already linked to your device, you will not be able to register another one

  5. The hosts file contains items that block iTunes access to Apple's activation servers. Most often, such records appear after running programs that install JailBreak on your iPhone. In this case, you need to start the Notepad program with administrator rights, open the hosts file and remove from it all lines containing the word apple.

    Hosts file
    Hosts file

    In the hosts file, you must remove all lines that block iTunes access to the activation server

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in gaining access to the foreign segment of the AppStore. It is important to remember the main rule: the regional affiliation of the AppStore is determined by the Apple ID, or rather, the region that you selected when registering it. It will not be possible to change it in the future, so register an account carefully, double-checking yourself after each step and referring to the instructions.