How And How Much To Cook Semolina Porridge In Milk And Water Without Lumps: Recipes And Proportions With Photos And Videos, For Children, Including
How And How Much To Cook Semolina Porridge In Milk And Water Without Lumps: Recipes And Proportions With Photos And Videos, For Children, Including

Delicious lump-free semolina porridge? Easy

Semolina porridge with berries
Semolina porridge with berries

Did you also read the poem "In the porridge there is an oil eye, in the porridge there is granulated sugar"? No? Then you must have been an extremely obedient child, without objection, sweeping everything that was put in it from the plate. Or your mom is a top-notch cook who made an excellent lump-free treat out of capricious semolina. By the way, how are you doing with this? Do you know how much water to take to get the semolina of the right density? And how to cook properly and achieve a uniform consistency? And with what semolina is it better to serve? If not, don't worry, we'll sort it out for now.


  • 1 Useful properties of semolina
  • 2 Cooking Secrets from the Chef
  • 3 How to cook semolina porridge

    • 3.1 On milk
    • 3.2 Video: a simple recipe for porridge without lumps
    • 3.3 Powdered milk
    • 3.4 On the water
    • 3.5 Video: recipe for a multicooker
  • 4 Porridge for the little ones

    4.1 Video: the value of decoy for children's health

  • 5 Serving options

    5.1 Photo gallery: what to serve semolina porridge with?

Useful properties of semolina

Once upon a time, back in the days of the USSR, this thick white porridge was recommended to be eaten by everyone: children, ulcers, athletes, people engaged in heavy work and those who recovered after a serious illness. Time and scientists have debunked the myth of the unconditional usefulness of semolina porridge, but did not completely remove it from the pedestal. Do not dismiss the semolina and you. Believe me, fine white cereal, obtained from wheat and retaining most of the beneficial properties of this grain, has something to offer you!


  • contains many vitamins of group B and E, although it loses in this respect to oatmeal or, say, rice;
  • filled with minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, zinc;
  • almost 70% starch, which allows you to keep the feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is easily absorbed, due to which it is really often recommended for people with various diseases of the digestive tract;
  • it has little protein in its composition and therefore is listed among the dishes allowed for use by patients with renal failure;
  • It is digested in the lower intestine and removes mucus from it along with decay products and toxins, which is useful for everyone, without exception.
Semolina in a wooden bowl
Semolina in a wooden bowl

Semolina is not as rich in vitamins and minerals as rice or buckwheat, but it benefits the body

At the same time, semolina has two unpleasant properties: it is very nutritious, and therefore is not suitable for those who are trying to lose weight, and it also makes our bones more fragile, interfering with the absorption of calcium. Therefore, you should not get carried away with semolina porridges, but it is reasonable to introduce them into your diet - say, 1-2 times a week - it will be both right and useful.

Cooking secrets from the chef

The main complaints that disgruntled eaters make about semolina porridge are its too dense, rubbery texture and an abundance of lumps. But it is not difficult to avoid the appearance of both, it is enough to know a couple of tricks.

First, buy only a quality product. It is impossible to cook anything worthy from poorly ground or poorly stored cereals with all the desire. In order not to get into a mess, give preference to large manufacturers who can afford both newer equipment and better quality raw materials. In addition, when buying, do not be too lazy to make sure that there are no bugs, small pebbles and lumps in the bag with semolina, which indicate moisture has entered the bag. Fortunately, modern transparent packaging allows you to see what kind of product you are purchasing.

Secondly, learn to calculate the proportions - the consistency and type of future porridge are largely determined by them. The optimal ratio of cereals and liquid is 1:10, that is, 1 g of semolina for every 10 ml of water, milk or a mixture of them. If you want to get a thicker meal, increase the proportion of cereals. But be prepared for the fact that, after standing a little, your porridge will turn into a hard, elastic and completely unappetizing pancake.

Ode is poured into dry semolina
Ode is poured into dry semolina

There are many secrets to making lump-free semolina

Thirdly, master the subtle art of pouring semolina into water so that it does not stick together into lumps. Each hostess achieves this in her own way:

  • some, armed with a spoon, stir the boiling milk or water so that a funnel forms in the center of the pan, and grits are poured into it in a thin stream;
  • others thoroughly mix semolina with granulated sugar before introducing it into the liquid;
  • still others first combine cereals with a small amount of cold water in a separate cup, and only then proceed to the actual cooking;
  • the fourth use a strainer as a divider - semolina neatly sifted into a pan is less likely to gather into lumps;
  • the fifth propose to roll a cone out of thick paper with a small hole at the bottom, put a cup in it and let that thin stream wake up into the pan.

Semolina is cooked quickly, which contributes to the preservation of minerals and vitamins in it. Let the almost finished dish simmer a little - no more than 5-7 minutes - while continuously stirring the thickening mass with a spoon, remove from heat and leave to “rise” under the lid for another 10-12 minutes. Try not to overcook the semolina or cook it in advance. Boiled or overcooked, it is not nearly as tasty as fresh and cooked according to all the rules.

How to cook semolina porridge

Before proceeding with specific recipes, we will reveal a few more useful culinary secrets.

  1. To prevent the milk for porridge from burning and spoiling the taste of the whole dish, rinse the pan with cold water before cooking. Some even advise throwing an ice cube at it.
  2. For the same purpose, containers with a thick bottom should be chosen.
  3. You need to salt the future porridge at the time of boiling milk or water, before or immediately after pouring the cereal. By the way, sugar, cocoa, vanillin and other flavors are also better added at this stage.
Milk escapes from the pan
Milk escapes from the pan

Escaped milk will ruin the stove, the taste of porridge, and the mood

Now let's talk about more traditional cooking methods. So, how to cook semolina porridge …


When preparing cereals, milk is always preferable to water. It gives the finished dish a pleasant creamy taste, makes it more satisfying and healthier. Little advice: if in your refrigerator suddenly there is a lack of milk, feel free to dilute it with water. You can do the same if this product turns out to be too greasy.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of milk, regular or baked;
  • 50 g semolina;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 20-25 g granulated sugar;
  • salt - about a third of a teaspoon.


  1. Pour cold water over a saucepan and pour milk into it.

    Milk is poured into a saucepan
    Milk is poured into a saucepan

    Use whole milk or milk mixed with water

  2. Wait for the liquid to begin to boil, add salt and sugar.

    Salt shaker next to a pile of salt
    Salt shaker next to a pile of salt

    Salt is needed even if you are cooking sweet porridge - it will brighten the taste of the dish.

  3. While stirring the milk with one hand, gently pour semolina into it with the other.

    Semolina is poured into milk
    Semolina is poured into milk

    Use a whisk, it's convenient

  4. Bring the porridge to a boil again without stopping stirring it with a spoon.

    Semolina in a saucepan
    Semolina in a saucepan

    Porridge will thicken quickly

  5. Wait 3-5 minutes, cover the pan with a lid and remove from heat.

    Porridge with butter
    Porridge with butter

    Porridge is especially tasty with butter and sugar.

    Let the semolina sit for 8-10 minutes, and then you can put it on plates, add the butter and serve.

Video: a simple recipe for porridge without lumps

Powdered milk

If you do not have time to run into the store for milk, and you want porridge, do not worry, you can always use its dry equivalent.

You will need:

  • 100 g milk powder;
  • 300 g semolina;
  • 15-20 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 20 g butter;
  • sugar to taste;
  • salt.


  1. Pour all bulk products into a saucepan: milk powder, semolina, sugar, salt.

    Powdered milk is placed in the pan
    Powdered milk is placed in the pan

    High-quality powdered milk can easily replace natural milk on occasion.

  2. Pour water here, stirring continuously in a saucepan with a whisk. Proceed carefully, without haste - the trickle of water should be thin.

    Diluted milk powder
    Diluted milk powder

    Stirring to prevent lumps

  3. Put a saucepan with the future porridge over medium heat, bring to a boil, and after 3-5 minutes, throw oil into it.

    Semolina porridge with butter
    Semolina porridge with butter

    A little more, and the porridge will be ready

  4. Cover the pot with a lid and remove from heat.

    Newspaper-wrapped saucepan
    Newspaper-wrapped saucepan

    Some housewives additionally insulate the saucepan.

  5. In 10-12 minutes the porridge will be ready.

    Semolina porridge with grated apple
    Semolina porridge with grated apple

    It remains to figure out what to serve the delicacy with

On the water

Milk is contraindicated for many people. So what can we do without semolina now ?! Never! We can do with plain water.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 60–70 g semolina;
  • 30-40 g butter;
  • sugar to taste;
  • salt.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Wait until bubbles begin to appear on the surface.

    Boiling water in a saucepan
    Boiling water in a saucepan

    As soon as bubbles appear, you can take semolina

  2. Combine salt and sugar with semolina.

    Semolina with sugar
    Semolina with sugar

    Stir the bulk products until smooth

  3. Insert them gently into the pot.

    Semolina is poured into a saucepan
    Semolina is poured into a saucepan

    Sprinkle on the semolina gradually and do not stop stirring the water with a spoon so that no lumps form.

  4. Bring the porridge to a boil again, wait a few minutes and extinguish the heat.

    Porridge flows over the edges of the pan
    Porridge flows over the edges of the pan

    Do not leave the stove, or the porridge will run away

  5. Let the semolina stand for a while under the lid, not forgetting to throw a piece of butter into the pan.

    Semolina porridge in a clay bowl
    Semolina porridge in a clay bowl

    Bon Appetit!

Video: recipe for a multicooker

Porridge for the little ones

We have already said that excessive consumption of semolina interferes with the absorption of calcium and has a negative effect on the health of the bones. In addition, the semolina contains a considerable amount of gluten, which can provoke the development of such an unpleasant disease as celiac disease (impaired absorption in the intestine), especially if a person has a hereditary predisposition to this. It is not surprising that doctors recommend that babies up to six months do without this hearty complementary food at all.

But upon reaching the age of 5-6 months, you can begin to acquaint the child with semolina - carefully, slowly and obeying certain rules.

  1. You should not cook for babies with whole cow's milk. Start with cereals in water, then switch to milk diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, and only after 1 year you can completely exclude water from the list of ingredients.
  2. Change the usual proportions. The amount of semolina must be reduced in order to get a liquid porridge that can be poured into a bottle.
  3. Add butter and sugar only in consultation with your pediatrician.
  4. After the child turns one year old, you can add dried fruits, berries and fresh fruit or vegetable puree to the semolina. Many children like, for example, bright orange semolina with carrots or pumpkin.
  5. You shouldn't be afraid of semolina porridge, but you don't need to part with it either. For babies, 1 serving per week will be more than enough, and for older children 1-2 servings. The exception is children with underweight, for whom semolina is often prescribed for medical reasons.

Video: the value of semolina for children's health

Feeding options

Porridge with butter and sugar is a classic familiar to everyone from childhood. But this is far from the only way to diversify the taste of a traditional dish with new notes! To make it richer, more enjoyable and more interesting, try boiling semolina:

  • with a couple of tablespoons of coconut flakes;
  • with frozen berries;
  • with pieces of your favorite fruits and vegetables, fresh or dried;
  • with chicken and broth;
  • with cinnamon, vanilla and turmeric. The last spice will have little effect on the taste, but the porridge will acquire an attractive yellow color.

Well, boiled according to a traditional recipe, in water and milk, semolina can be served:

  • sprinkling it with grated chocolate;
  • whisking with a glass of creamy yogurt and a spoonful of honey;
  • adding candied fruits, chopped marmalade or nuts to the porridge;
  • sweetening it with jam or jam;
  • adding a little feta cheese or other curd cheese to the semolina - for originals and those who like to discover unusual flavor combinations.

Photo gallery: what to serve semolina porridge with?

Semolina porridge with jam
Semolina porridge with jam
Jam and jam will make the dish desirable even for the irreconcilable fussy
Semolina porridge with butter
Semolina porridge with butter
Semolina with little will appeal to adherents of the classics
Porridge with coconut flakes and spices
Porridge with coconut flakes and spices
Coconut and turmeric - for exotic lovers
Semolina porridge with egg
Semolina porridge with egg
Porridge with egg - for those who need a thorough refreshment
Semolina dessert
Semolina dessert
Fragrant bubert is a real tasty dessert
Porridge with candied fruits
Porridge with candied fruits
Candied fruits - for sweets
Porridge in broth
Porridge in broth
Semolina in meat broth with vegetables is already a whole lunch
Porridge with cocoa and dried fruits
Porridge with cocoa and dried fruits
Raisins and cocoa - for little eaters
Porridge with strawberries
Porridge with strawberries
Fresh berries for fruit lovers
Pink porridge
Pink porridge
Porridge with berry juice has a bright color and a pleasant unusual taste

Although nowadays semolina has lost its former importance, we still cook porridge from it and goat them by both cheeks. And we are doing the right thing. If you know the sense of proportion and carefully use high-calorie additives such as butter and sugar, semolina will only benefit the body. Cook and eat it with pleasure, especially since now you know all the secrets of cooking this wayward, but tasty and nutritious cereal.