How To Fry Potatoes So That They Do Not Fall Apart And Are Crispy: Step By Step Instructions
How To Fry Potatoes So That They Do Not Fall Apart And Are Crispy: Step By Step Instructions

How to fry potatoes correctly so that they do not fall apart and become crispy

Plate with fried potatoes
Plate with fried potatoes

Delicious, hearty, hot fried potatoes - what could be better for lunch or dinner? In addition, it is very simple to cook it: cut it, put it in a pan, and let it fry until tender. But often it turns out not at all what you wanted, and the potatoes either burn, or remain half raw, or even become completely like porridge. How to fry potatoes properly so that they are soft on the inside but firm and crispy on the outside?

All the rules for frying potatoes

As simple as cooking fried potatoes may seem, it's actually a whole science. To get the desired result, you need to take into account a lot of nuances.

Fried potatoes in a pan
Fried potatoes in a pan

If you want crispy potatoes, fry them according to all the rules.

We select suitable varieties

Often the quality of the finished dish depends on the type of product used. Potatoes are a prime example of this. It's all about the starch content: if its amount is high, then the pieces will stick together when frying, and they will not form a crispy crust.

Potatoes with yellow and red peels are best suited for frying. It is desirable that the tubers are large and even, without damage and with a dense skin.

Potato tubers
Potato tubers

Choose potato varieties that are low in starch

Try the Romance potatoes. We started growing it 3 years ago. I've never seen a variety so good for frying. Its pieces keep their shape without any tricks.


It turns out that not every frying pan is suitable for frying potatoes. Housewives recommend taking cast iron: its thick walls warm up well and keep warm for a long time.

How to cut correctly

The most common ways to cut potatoes are:

  • cubes;
  • mugs;
  • long lobules;
  • straw.

Whichever method you choose, keep in mind that the size of the pieces must be equal. Otherwise, small slices will burn faster than larger ones.

Potato slices
Potato slices

You can cut the potatoes in any way, but the pieces must be the same size

By the way, when you cut the potatoes, rinse the pieces thoroughly in running cold water, and then dry them on paper towels. The water will rinse off the excess starch to create real fries after frying.


For frying, you can use any refined vegetable oil that will withstand the highest temperature and at the same time will not change the taste of the potatoes.

Oil in a frying pan
Oil in a frying pan

Before frying, the oil must be very hot

Heat the oil so that a slight smoke appears over its surface. Then you can put potatoes in the pan and fry.

Frying process

It is very important to adhere to the step-by-step cooking technology.

  1. When the oil is hot, reduce the heat. Arrange the potatoes in an even layer, but do not fill the pan completely, this will make it easier for you to stir.
  2. You do not need to cover the pan with a lid. Fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. during this time, the bottom layer will set with a crust. Now you can turn the potatoes with a spatula.
  3. Cook for another 5 minutes and turn again. Repeat this several times until a crust forms on the whole potato.

    Roasting potatoes
    Roasting potatoes

    Fry the potatoes, stirring every 5 minutes

  4. Take one piece and break it in half. If it was easy to do, then the pan can be removed from the stove.


Salt the potatoes 5-7 minutes until tender. Salt draws moisture out of food, and if you salt the potatoes raw, they will get wet and stick to the pan.

Additional ingredients

Many people like to season fried potatoes and garnish them with herbs. All this can be put into a ready-made dish. Onions are a little tricky: if you add them while cooking, they will burn.

Onions in a frying pan
Onions in a frying pan

It is better to fry the onions separately and add to the potatoes after frying.

Fry the onions in another skillet and add to the potatoes 4-5 minutes before cooking ends. And for another 2 minutes, put some butter in the pan, this will enhance the taste.

Potatoes with sausages and cabbage
Potatoes with sausages and cabbage

Crispy fried potatoes are a great side dish for any dish

Video: how to fry potatoes correctly

Now you know how to fry potatoes properly. On your table there will always be crispy potatoes with a crust that adults and children love. Bon Appetit!
