Planting Lilies In The Fall: When And How To Plant Correctly, Step By Step Instructions With Photos And Videos
Planting Lilies In The Fall: When And How To Plant Correctly, Step By Step Instructions With Photos And Videos

How to plant lilies in the fall so that the plant will please the eye for a long time


Lilies are loved by many flower growers, and if they are not yet on the site, it is not difficult to plant these beautiful flowers. You can also take planting material from a neighbor: after all, once every few years, lilies are supposed to be transplanted, since they grow rapidly. Typical planting dates are early fall.

Pros and cons of autumn planting of lilies

Lilies are kept in one place for 3-4 years, then most of their varieties are transplanted. The best time to plant the bulbs is a month and a half after they have faded: it is at this time that they are dug up. The lilies in the new place should have enough time for new roots to grow and grow stronger. By the beginning of autumn, the bulbs themselves already have time to take a break from flowering and gain nutrients, get strong enough.


Lily bulbs are more delicate than tulips or daffodils, they need to be handled more carefully

At the beginning of autumn, the bulbs are in a state of relative dormancy and easily tolerate manipulations with them. The weather at this time makes it easy to land. In the spring, planting is difficult because of the sour soil, and this must be done very early. In addition, bulbs dug up in winter are extremely difficult to preserve, and digging them up in spring is not at all easy. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, lilies are planted in the fall.

Autumn planting technique of lilies

Planting lilies is easy and is carried out in a similar way to planting most bulbous plants.

Landing dates

Specific terms of work performance depend on the region. So, in the middle lane, the best dates are from the very end of summer to the end of September, in the south you can do this in October as well, in the north you should not delay planting further than until September 15–20. We must also look at the current weather. The best conditions for planting lilies come when the air temperature during the day drops to 10-15 o C.

Somewhat earlier than others, they plant a snow-white lily of the Candidum variety. She should go into winter with new leaves. Therefore, such a lily is planted at the very beginning of the given dates.

Site preparation and planting: step by step instructions

Prepare a lily flower bed 2-3 weeks before planting. It can be in the open sun or in relative partial shade. Only an overtly shaded area is not suitable for these colors. Groundwater should not be closer than 0.8–1.0 m from the surface. When preparing flower beds, they do not just dig up the soil, but do the following.

  1. They dig a trench about 40 cm deep, and a drainage layer of coarse sand and gravel is placed on its bottom. The thickness of this layer is about 10 cm.


    Lilies are planted in a rather deep tansheya

  2. A soil mixture is poured over a layer of sand with gravel, which is prepared from the extracted fertile soil, mixed with a bucket of humus or compost, a handful of ash and 2 tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska (per square meter).


    Instead of nitrophoska, you can take a special fertilizer for bulbous flowers.

  3. In case of dry weather, the trench is watered.

Fresh manure for lilies should not be taken in any case. Having withstood at least two weeks, they begin to plant the bulbs. It is advisable that they be dug up just before planting. If there are damaged scales, they are removed, the roots are cut by 1/3. With bulbs, proceed as follows.

  1. Disinfect them for 20-30 minutes in a light solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with water, dry slightly.

    Disinfection of bulbs
    Disinfection of bulbs

    The concentration of potassium permanganate should not be more than 0.5%

  2. At a distance of 15–25 cm, holes are dug in a prepared trench-bed. The depth for large bulbs is 12-15 cm, for medium bulbs 8-10 cm.
  3. Place in the holes a layer of 2-3 cm of dry sand, and on it - the bulbs, straightening the roots. Fall asleep with sand to the middle of the height of the bulb, then with removed soil.


    Hole depth matters a lot

  4. Water the flowerbed, spending up to two buckets of water per 1 m 2, mulch with humus or sawdust (layer height - 2–3 cm).

Watering may need to be repeated 2-3 more times in case of dry weather in autumn.

Video: planting lilies in the fall

The autumn planting of lilies is not at all difficult, but you need to choose the right time and prepare the flower bed. It is also important to maintain the planting depth.