How To Clean Mushrooms: Redheads, Porcini, Russula, Boletus, Mushrooms, Chanterelles, Oyster Mushrooms And Others
How To Clean Mushrooms: Redheads, Porcini, Russula, Boletus, Mushrooms, Chanterelles, Oyster Mushrooms And Others

How to clean and wash any mushrooms correctly

Cleaning aromatic forest mushrooms
Cleaning aromatic forest mushrooms

Mushroom picking is not just a need to stock up for the winter, but also a great escape from the bustle of the city. However, having walked around the forest a lot and loaded the baskets into the trunk of the car, we face the reality: now the mushrooms need to be cleaned. And everything is different. We will tell you how to do it correctly.


  • 1 Cleaning mushrooms in the forest
  • 2 Rules for cleaning legs and hats at home
  • 3 A quick way to remove sand, worms and debris from mushrooms
  • 4 Nuances of cleaning fresh edible mushrooms

    • 4.1 How to clean spongy mushrooms

      • 4.1.1 Porcini mushrooms
      • 4.1.2 How to remove the spongy layer on the cap of the flywheels
      • 4.1.3 Goats
      • 4.1.4 Polish mushroom
      • 4.1.5 Redheads: boletus and boletus
      • 4.1.6 Butters: how to wash mushrooms and remove the skin correctly
      • 4.1.7 We clean boletus, Polish, porcini mushrooms - video
    • 4.2 Correct ways to peel lamellar mushrooms

      • 4.2.1 Honey mushrooms
      • 4.2.2 How to clean the mud from mushrooms
      • 4.2.3 Chanterelles
      • 4.2.4 How to clean chanterelles - video
      • 4.2.5 How to wash and clean oyster mushrooms
      • 4.2.6 Russula: how to clean and get rid of bitterness
      • 4.2.7 How to wash milk mushrooms and mushrooms
      • 4.2.8 Rows - blue feet, cockerels, jaundice and other species
      • 4.2.9 Mushrooms "Bear's ear" (a type of hedgehog)
      • 4.2.10 How to handle the barnacles before cooking
    • 4.3 Raincoats
    • 4.4 How to properly rinse morels

Cleaning mushrooms in the forest

It's no secret that mushrooms are hiding under foliage or crumbling needles. Wet weather, prevailing during rains, promotes firm adhesion of small debris to the caps and legs. Before you send the vending gift of the forest to the basket, you need to clear it of twigs and foliage. Then at home we will have less work on washing the hats. Leaves and needles that have adhered can be scraped off with a knife. If the mushroom has wormholes, they need to be cut off until a dense pulp without holes appears. You can cut the mushroom in half to make sure there are no worms. We will carry out more thorough cleaning already at home.

Forest mushrooms
Forest mushrooms

To make sure there are no worms, the mushroom can be cut in half.

Rules for cleaning legs and hats at home

Mushrooms require a certain attitude towards themselves. It will not be possible to bring several buckets of mushrooms from the forest and forget about them for 3 days, because this is a perishable product. And if there are worms in some mushroom, then other specimens lying nearby will quickly deteriorate. To clean mushrooms faster, you need to follow simple steps.

  1. Disassemble them by grade. After all, they are cleaned in different ways. If there are no problems with whites, then, for example, with butter, you will have to suffer.
  2. Arrange in different piles those that we are going to fry for dinner, and those that are intended for winter preparations. It is better to have time to cook the mushrooms within 3-4 hours after picking so that they do not have time to spoil.
  3. Some types of mushrooms darken quickly in a warm room, so they need to be placed in a well-ventilated place, for example, taken out to the balcony. They can also be soaked in cold salted water.
  4. Wash mushrooms intended for pickling, marinating, frying and boiling under running water. Do not rinse boletus mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms: it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth.
  5. After the mushrooms have lain in the water for some time, small forest inhabitants - worms - begin to get out of them. It is useless to wash them out of the hat, it is better to throw them away immediately or give them to chickens to eat, if there are any on the farm. If only the leg or individual small areas are damaged by wormholes, they can be cut off.
  6. On especially dirty areas of the hats, you can walk with a brush with soft bristles. We will not scratch the hat this way, but remove the adhering earth or sand.
  7. If the soil is not scraped off, it can be cut with a knife. The legs of the mushroom should be scraped a little to get rid of the earth.
  8. To quickly clean the mushroom, dry it after rinsing. You can spread clean redheads, chanterelles, milk mushrooms on a waffle towel so that moisture comes out of them faster. It is better to lay the butter oil on a wooden surface, as moisture makes them slimy.
  9. Do not wash the mushrooms that we plan to dry for the winter. You need to shake off the debris with a brush, cut the mushroom into pieces.
Many mushrooms on the table
Many mushrooms on the table

Sorting the mushrooms is a good idea to peel them faster.

A quick way to remove sand, worms and debris from mushrooms

If you are first faced with the need to peel mushrooms, you should follow these simple instructions.

  1. We clean the surface of the cap with a damp cloth.

    Wormy oiler
    Wormy oiler

    It is better to discard the wormy mushroom or give it to poultry

  2. We cut off the wormy areas, but discard those mushrooms that are completely dotted with wormholes.

    Peeling mushrooms with a knife
    Peeling mushrooms with a knife

    The adhering soil is removed from the mushrooms with a knife

  3. Lightly dry the mushrooms by placing them on a flat surface. The accumulated moisture should leave them. This will make it easier to clean.

    Mushrooms on the table
    Mushrooms on the table

    Washed mushrooms are dried before cleaning.

  4. Brush off the sand from the hats. We clean off the adhering soil from the legs with a knife.

    Cleanse the mushroom with a rag
    Cleanse the mushroom with a rag

    Mushroom caps are wiped with a damp cloth

  5. We wash the mushrooms under running water.

The nuances of cleaning fresh edible mushrooms

More than 380 species of edible mushrooms grow in the European part of Russia alone. Of course, the figure seems huge. But the same russula, there are about 4 dozen species, more than 20 types of edible milk mushrooms, and the most delicious, porcini mushrooms - 10 species. And each mushroom should have its own approach. For lamellar, tubular (spongy), as well as morels and rain mushrooms, there are different nuances of cleaning.

How to clean spongy mushrooms

Spongy mushrooms include species in which the lower surface of the cap looks like a sponge:

  • white;
  • redheads - boletus and boletus;
  • boletus;
  • flywheels;
  • Polish mushroom;
  • goats and others.

White mushrooms

They do not require intensive cleaning after harvest.

  1. It is enough to wipe the surface of the cap with a damp cloth, remove the adhered grains of sand with a knife.
  2. To check if the mushroom is wormy, cut off the base of the stem.
  3. Put in a colander and rinse with running water.
White mushrooms
White mushrooms

The adhering soil from the leg of the porcini mushroom can be removed with a knife

How to remove the spongy layer on a flywheel cap

  1. Cut off the leg along the edge of the cut.
  2. If the base is darkened, clean off the top layer.
  3. Remove the spongy layer on the cap. If this is not done, then during the cooking process the mushroom will darken and become slimy.
  4. To make the spongy part easier to remove, place the mushrooms in cold water for 20-30 minutes.

For flywheels, you need to clean off the top layer of the leg


In the usual sense, you do not need to clean the goats. Their film is not as slimy as that of their congeners - butter. Therefore, we just thoroughly rinse the mushrooms in water and check if we have got a wormy one. A leg completely untouched by worms is not an indicator of a good mushroom. Better to cut the cap in half.

Polish mushroom

There is no need to clean it from sand and dirt. We wash with cold water, cut into halves. If there are wormholes, cut off the damaged areas.

Polish mushroom
Polish mushroom

Polish mushroom is quickly and easily cleaned under running water

Redheads: aspen and boletus

It is customary for these mushrooms to separate the stem from the cap. Cut off the top layer from the leg with a knife, you can gently scrape it off. Rinse under running water. Wipe the hats with a damp cloth and cut them into halves to make sure there are no worms. Cut off the spongy part before cooking. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Mosquito larvae often live in the "sponge".
  2. During cooking, the spongy part of the redheads becomes slimy.
  3. It has pores that are difficult for our body to digest.

In redheads, the legs are separated from the hats, and then cleaned

Butterlets: how to wash mushrooms and remove the skin correctly

Delicious adorable mushrooms are a lot of hassle when cleaning. They stain the skin and strive to slip out of hands all the time. Therefore, despite the slight inconvenience, it is worth cleaning them with gloves. We pick up the skin from the edge of the cap and remove it towards the center. If the cap is very dry, you can moisten it a little. The peel must be removed because it becomes slimy after cooking. And so we get beautiful and clean mushrooms. It is best to cut the butter in half during the cleaning process to make sure the mushrooms are not wormy. It is not recommended to soak them, as this will cause them to lose their great taste.


The oil has a cap with a sticky, slimy skin

We clean boletus, polish, porcini mushrooms - video

The right ways to peel lamellar mushrooms

In lamellar mushrooms, there are plates on the bottom of the cap.

Honey mushrooms

They are very easy to clean and do not require much effort.

  1. We cut off the hardened part of the leg.
  2. Fill the mushrooms with warm water and rinse them from grains of sand.
  3. We remove the "skirt" from the leg with a knife.
  4. Rinse with cool water.
Honey mushrooms
Honey mushrooms

Even with good honey agarics, the base of the leg can be firm.

How to clean mud from mushrooms

The peculiarity of all of us beloved champignons is that you cannot wet them. Even rinsing them under running water is not recommended.

  1. Cut off the base of the leg. You can leave the "skirt".
  2. Young champignons are usually not peeled off. But in older specimens, it is better to remove it. Pry off the skin at the edge of the cap with a knife or fingers and remove it towards the center.
  3. We also cut off the winding sections.
Champignons are peeling
Champignons are peeling

Peel off adult mushrooms


It is easy and pleasant to clean these yellow mushrooms. There is no need to worry about forest animals that can live in mushrooms, because the chanterelle protects itself from worms. It produces a special substance, chitinmannose, which destroys the eggs of the worms. So it remains to rinse the chanterelle well from the sand and clean the legs with a knife.

Peeled and chopped chanterelles
Peeled and chopped chanterelles

Chanterelles are mushrooms that do not require much hassle when cleaning

How to peel chanterelles - video

How to wash and peel oyster mushrooms

  1. Among the collected oyster mushrooms, we select young specimens with a cap diameter of no more than 10 cm.
  2. Old mushrooms have a very tasteless cap and an inedible leg, so we throw them away.
  3. We separate the mushrooms from each other.
  4. Cut off the base of the leg and the darkened areas.
  5. We rinse under running water.

These are mushrooms very easy to clean and cook. They do not need to be washed from soil and debris, as oyster mushrooms grow on trees.

Oyster mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are one of the purest mushrooms

Russula: how to clean and get rid of bitterness

  1. We clean the needles and particles of earth from the surface of the mushroom.
  2. You can soak the russula for 15–20 minutes in cold water so that the grains of sand are washed out of the space between the plates.
  3. With a knife, carefully remove the skin from the caps, trying not to crush the mushroom.
  4. Using a brush or a brush, wash away the dirt remaining between the plates.

Russula with a red cap needs not only to be cleaned of needles and soil. This type of russula has a bitter taste. To get rid of the bitterness, you need to boil the mushrooms for 15–20 minutes, drain the boiling water. And only after that start cooking.

Russula in a bowl
Russula in a bowl

Russula with a red cap must be specially treated to get rid of the bitterness

How to wash milk mushrooms and mushrooms

These mushrooms are cleaned in the same way. Both are covered with sand or earth, which has to be washed out.

  1. So that grains of sand and debris are removed between the plates, as well as to get rid of bitterness, we soak the milk mushrooms and mushrooms for at least a day in cold water. Maximum mushrooms can be kept in liquid for up to 3 days.
  2. With a brush we clean the dirt between the plates, clean the cap.
  3. If the dirt is not erased, scrape off with a knife.
  4. We rinse with cold water.

Like mushrooms, we pre-soak milk mushrooms for a day

Rows - blue feet, cockerels, jaundice and other species

The most common types of rows:

  • blue-legged (purple-legged row);
  • ordinary;
  • poplar;
  • gray (affectionately nicknamed by the people "cockerel");
  • yellow (jaundice);
  • May;
  • green (green tea;
  • yellow-red (popular name "chicken").

Cleaning them is not that difficult. Scrape the dirt off the leg with a knife, cut off the base of the leg. We clean the mushroom cap with a brush. We rinse under running water.


Rows are easy to clean with a knife

Mushrooms "Bear's ear" (a kind of hedgehogs)

These little-known mushrooms are not easy to eat, but they are delicious fried, pickled, stewed and dried. They grow in groups, often forming circles in clearings. Easy to clean.

  1. We clean the leg from the ground with a knife.
  2. Hat three under water with a brush with soft bristles.
  3. Cut the mushroom in half to make sure it's not wormy.
"Bear's ear" in hand
"Bear's ear" in hand

"Bear ears" are easy to assemble, as they grow in groups, and just as easy to clean

How to process the barnacles before cooking

There are several types of hedgehogs, but the most popular in Russia are variegated and yellow. The color of mushrooms can be completely different - gray, gray-brown, brown, yellow. The characteristic difference between these mushrooms is the scales on the cap.

  1. We wash the herd's men with cool water.
  2. We remove the thorns from the inside of the cap. They can be removed with your fingers under running water.
  3. Mushrooms taste a little bitter, so before cooking we boil them for 10-15 minutes in boiling water.

Hericiums are easily washed from dirt under running water


Amazing and mesmerizing mushrooms, like space balls in forest glades, have a pronounced chicken taste. Many of us undeservedly bypass the raincoat. But the people called him "mushroom meat".

  1. Small raincoats are washed with water.
  2. Cut off the base of the leg, soiled in the ground.
  3. Remove the skin from large raincoats (they can weigh more than 10 kg).
  4. We cut the mushroom. And not just to see if he is wormy. Raincoats can only be eaten if they have not turned yellow on the inside. Dry, dusty raincoats should also be thrown away.

Easy peeling off large raincoats

How to properly rinse morels

Some of the earliest mushrooms to appear in our forests are morels. They need to be washed more thoroughly than other mushrooms, since the sand is clogged in all the folds.

  1. We rinse under running water, cut off the base of the leg.
  2. Do not peel off the skin.
  3. Cut large mushrooms in half.
  4. In addition to cleaning in water, morels need heat treatment. Therefore, we boil them for 10-15 minutes and then rinse them again. The indisputable advantage of these mushrooms is that morels are not wormy.
Morels in a plate
Morels in a plate

After cleaning, morels should be boiled in boiling water and rinsed again, and then cooked

Mushrooms are nutritionally equal to meat and have an amazing taste and aroma. If these gifts of nature are properly cleaned and washed, then there will be no problems with canning for the winter. And on snowy frosty evenings, you will be delighted with handmade mushroom delicacies.
