Boric Acid From Ants In An Apartment: Recipes For Poison, Baits, Mixtures And Balls With Its Addition + Photos, Videos And Reviews
Boric Acid From Ants In An Apartment: Recipes For Poison, Baits, Mixtures And Balls With Its Addition + Photos, Videos And Reviews

How To Get Rid Of Ants: Effective Boric Acid Recipes

House ants
House ants

Ants in a house or apartment can cause a lot of inconvenience. Dealing with them is troublesome and even more difficult if you have children and pets. In this case, toxic substances cannot be used. A proven folk remedy will come to the rescue - recipes with boric acid.


  • 1 Ways to get rid of ants in a house or apartment
  • 2 How to choose and use boric acid correctly

    2.1 Safety precautions in the manufacture and use of household solutions

  • 3 Lure recipes: liquid mixes and balls with boric acid

    • 3.1 Yeast and sugar - an old recipe
    • 3.2 Poison from boric acid with glycerin
    • 3.3 How to prepare liquid baits
    • 3.4 Effective egg yolk products
    • 3.5 Balls based on minced meat
  • 4 How to mix dry baits with boric acid

    • 4.1 Recipe for the simplest dry bait
    • 4.2 Boric acid dry bait recipe
  • 5 User reviews on the effectiveness of the use of boric acid from ants
  • 6 Making a poisonous bait from eggs and boric acid - video

Ways to get rid of ants in a house or apartment

Any housewife after some time in the neighborhood with ants falls into a battle rage: insects spoil food and do not distinguish between the kitchen table and the trash can. While cruising between them, uninvited guests can carry various diseases. What if ants have settled in your home?

The main task in the fight against these insects is to give the poisoned bait to the worker ant, so that he can carry it to the queen of the colony. Sprays and fumigators in this case are powerless, they destroy only those ants that are located directly in your house or apartment. In this case, the colony may be tens of meters away from you.

House ants
House ants

The most effective way to get rid of ants is to destroy their uterus with poisonous substances.

You can try to scare the ants with the smells of mint, pepper, cloves, garlic and onions, wormwood. However, cunning insects are very reluctant to leave their homes, so scaring may not work.

Ultrasonic repellents are completely useless here, and calling professional pest controllers will hit your pocket. How can you get rid of parasites at no extra cost? A proven remedy will come to the rescue - boric acid.

How to choose and use boric acid correctly

Boric acid is often called "brown", but they have different compositions and different boron content. Borax is a white crystalline salt with a boron content of 11%. It is also used to control insects. Boric acid is a substance with a boron content already 17%. In pharmacies, boric acid is most often sold in powder, packaged in sachets of 10 grams. This is convenient - the dosage is in multiples of 10 grams, used in recipes for ant bait.

Boric acid
Boric acid

Boric acid is an effective ant control agent

Boric acid has long been established as a "folk" remedy. Lures based on it are very effective in the fight against any ants: black, yellow, red, domestic and garden ants. You can buy acid at any pharmacy or hardware store, it is inexpensive.

The mechanism for killing insects with acid is quite simple. Once in the ant's body, boron preparations act in two directions - they cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (as a result, paralysis and death) and affect the intestinal walls. In addition, the acid also affects the reproductive system: even not completely poisoned ants become sterile.

Do a general cleaning before using boron products. Ants may not "bite" the bait if they have a lot of other food.

Safety in the manufacture and use of home solutions

Boric acid can be harmful to animals, young children, allergy sufferers, and people with kidney failure. In acute poisoning, it affects the brain, skin and mucous membranes, and in chronic poisoning - hematopoietic and germ cells.

  1. Observe the recommended dosage in the recipe! Remember that a lot does not mean good. The boric acid content in the bait must be strictly observed - no more than 2%.
  2. Use gloves for cooking.
  3. Place baits out of reach of children and pets.

Another important point: while fighting ants, you need to block their access to water.

Ants in the bathroom
Ants in the bathroom

Restrict access to water for ants after using boric acid products

Lure Recipes: Liquid Mixes and Boric Acid Balls

Today, the Internet is replete with everyday experiments and grandmother's advice on getting rid of ants. You can make effective boric acid-based products from different ingredients: eggs, potatoes, sugar, or yeast.

Yeast and sugar - an old recipe

Prepare mixing bowl, 4 tbsp. l. honey or sugar syrup, 1 tbsp. l. yeast, 1 bag of boric acid, unnecessary lids or small saucers.

  1. Mix yeast with syrup or honey.
  2. Apply the mixture in a thin layer to a saucer or lid.
  3. Place dishes with poison in places where ants congregate.

Boric acid poison with glycerin

Another effective bait is a recipe based on glycerin. To make it you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of glycerin (sold at the pharmacy);
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1/3 tsp boric acid.
  1. Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Put on rubber gloves.
  3. Roll out small balls from the mixture.
  4. Spread out the ant treat.

Add new food to the ants as they eat or dry.

Sweet bait
Sweet bait

There should not be a lot of sweet bait for ants so that it does not spread

How to make liquid baits

Take 5 g of boric acid, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, a little water, 1 tbsp. l. any jam.

  1. Stir all ingredients and pour into small containers. You can use unnecessary lids, saucers.
  2. Place baits in a secluded spot.
Liquid bait
Liquid bait

Boric acid liquid baits to help you get rid of ants

There is also another recipe. You will need 1 tsp. boric acid, 2 glasses of water, 10 tsp. sugar, any jam.

  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Pour the resulting poison into a larger container, for example, an unnecessary container.
  3. Place in a secluded place.

Effective egg yolk products

Egg yolk, potatoes and minced meat work well as bait bases. For a simple recipe, you need 2 boiled egg yolks and 0.5 tsp. boric acid.

  1. Put on rubber gloves.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Roll up small balls and arrange in different places.

In a similar way, balls are made from potatoes and eggs. Take 3 small boiled potatoes, 3 boiled egg yolks, 10 g boric acid, 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix everything, make balls and spread them around the apartment.

Yolk and boric acid mixture
Yolk and boric acid mixture

The poisonous balls will have to be renewed from time to time - some will be eaten by ants, some will dry out and lose their properties

Minced meat balls

Another tool that will help you bait uninvited guests.

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. fresh minced meat and 2/3 tsp. boric acid.
  2. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Roll into balls and arrange in places where ants congregate.

How to mix dry baits with boric acid

Dry products are considered more effective and easier to dilute.

The simplest dry bait recipe

  1. Pour some jam or syrup into a saucer.
  2. Place in the expected place of insect congestion.
  3. Place a boric acid barrier around the saucer. The ants, dipping themselves into sweets, will take poisonous crystals into their colony.

Boric acid dry bait recipe

  1. Mix powdered sugar and boric acid in equal proportions.
  2. Pour the resulting powder onto small pieces of cardboard or napkin.
  3. Lay out in secluded "ant" places: under the sink in the bathroom, on the kitchen cabinet.

User reviews on the effectiveness of the use of boric acid from ants

Making poisonous bait from eggs and boric acid - video

Of course, it is easier to prevent ants from appearing than to remove them later. But if they have already settled with you, please be patient, do not wait for the result "here and now." The time of poisoning an ant colony is about 2 months from the beginning of eating the bait. Remember that effective insect control is needed. One of these is boric acid. Getting rid of ants using folk methods is effective and, subject to certain rules, is absolutely safe.
