The Smartest Breeds Of Domestic Cats (list), Features And Criteria For Assessing The Intellectual Abilities Of An Animal, Photo
The Smartest Breeds Of Domestic Cats (list), Features And Criteria For Assessing The Intellectual Abilities Of An Animal, Photo

10 smartest domestic cat breeds

The cat lies on the book
The cat lies on the book

Among animal lovers, there is an opinion that it is better to have a dog as a pet: it is smarter, easily learns to train, and unquestioningly fulfills all the commands of the owner. This statement is true in part. The fact is that dogs were domesticated 30,000 years ago, and cats only 4000–4500 years ago, so the intelligence of the former has been much better studied by humans than the intelligence of the latter. Cats are not at all stupider than dogs: they just have a more independent and wayward character, they do not always express emotions vividly. The mental abilities of baleen-tailed beasts primarily depend on the breed - this is the conclusion reached by leading ethologists (specialists studying animal behavior) and zoopsychologists of the world.


  • 1 Criteria for assessing feline intelligence

    • 1.1 Research features

      1.1.1 Table: rating of the smartest cats according to Animal Planet

    • 1.2 Youth against old age
  • 2 What is the mind of a cat
  • 3 10 smartest cat breeds

    • 3.1 Sphinxes
    • 3.2 Burmese cat
    • 3.3 Maine Coon
    • 3.4 Siamese
    • 3.5 Russian blue
    • 3.6 Bengali
    • 3.7 Scottish Fold
    • 3.8 Abyssinian
    • 3.9 Siberian
    • 3.10 Oriental cat
  • 4 Who is smarter: battle of the sexes
  • 5 Video: the smartest cats

Criteria for assessing feline intelligence

If it is easy to assess the level of human intelligence using the IQ test, then with cats the situation is much more complicated. Scientists have to simulate situations, observe the reaction of an animal in certain circumstances, compare the behavior of the subject with the behavior of his relative in the same conditions, and draw appropriate conclusions. The main evaluation criteria are:

  • socialization - the ability to adhere to certain rules of behavior (do not relieve yourself in the wrong place, do not steal food from the table, do not sharpen your claws on the sofa or wallpaper, etc.), an adequate reaction when interacting with a person, the absence of unreasonable aggression;
  • memory - the ability to identify the owner's voice, remember the nickname, etc.;
  • ingenuity - the ability to find a way out in extreme situations, quickly adapt to new conditions;
  • sociability - the ability to find a common language with other animals, contact people, express their preferences or antipathies;
  • mind - the ability to solve puzzles, solve simple problems, the speed of learning simple commands.

Research features

At different times, zoopsychologists conducted experiments in one specific direction. For example, Japanese scientists have found that the cat unmistakably recognizes the owner's voice among dozens of other voices. However, unlike a dog, it is in no hurry to run towards it: on the contrary, it can pretend that it does not at all hear the owner calling it. Researcher Atsuko Seiko, one of the curators of the experiment, explained this behavior by the fact that cats in the process of evolution have learned to hide feelings from others in order to survive.

British biologist John Bradshaw, author of the bestselling book Cat Sense (in Russian box office known as "The Secret Life of a Cat. How to Understand the True Nature of a Pet and Become His Best Friend"), came to the conclusion that a cat perceives its owner as its big, but stupid relative … Seeing how he is generously spent on her pleasures, she easily manipulates him, but considers herself smarter.

Book "The Secret Life of a Cat"
Book "The Secret Life of a Cat"

John Bradshaw's Cat Sense will be a reference book for the owner who wants to better understand the pet

At the same time, the pet is very attached to its owner, associating it with its mother cat all its life, communicating with it through meowing. The range of emitted sound signals depends on the emotional state of the animal. For example, a loud and persistent "meow" indicates that the cat requires something or is dissatisfied with something, and the monotonous rumbling indicates relaxation and serenity.

Since the criteria used to study the behavior of the baleen-tailed beasts were rather subjective, none of the researchers tried to find out which of the cat breeds is the most intelligent, and which nature did not award special intelligence. For the first time, Animal Planet, a subsidiary channel of the American Discovery, took up such a classification. At the end of the experiments, on the basis of the data obtained, the animals were assigned marks on a 10-point scale.

Table: rating of the smartest cats according to Animal Planet

Number of points scored Breed
ten sphinx
  • Balinese;
  • Bengali;
  • Javanese;
  • siamese;
  • Havana Brown;
  • eastern shorthair
  • Siberian;
  • Tonkin;
  • devon rex;
  • chartreuse;
  • Burmese;
  • Korat;
  • Japanese bobtail;
  • Turkish van;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Russian blue;
  • Norwegian forestry;
  • Singaporean;
  • Egyptian Mau
  • Scottish lop-eared;
  • Maine Coon;
  • ragdoll;
  • abyssinian;
  • British Shorthair;
  • Manx tailless;
  • american wire-haired;
  • American curl;
  • Welsh;
  • Cornish Rex;
  • Somali;
  • snowshoe
  • american shorthair;
  • Bombay
4 persian
  • Himalayan;
  • exotic shorthair

Youth against old age

In the course of research, it turned out that cats of ancient breeds (Sphynx, Siamese, etc.) are distinguished by the most outstanding intellectual abilities. This happened as a result of natural selection. The fact is that all the mental activity of predatory animals is aimed at finding and catching prey, therefore their brain is better developed than that of herbivores. To feed themselves and their offspring, to protect themselves from enemies, cats had to show remarkable ingenuity. Over the years, these skills have been honed and improved, the intellect has developed. The weakest and most unadapted individuals were eliminated by themselves. Representatives of the most ancient breeds who have survived to this day have outstanding mental abilities and ingenuity at the genetic level.

For the same reason, a high level of intelligence is observed in outbred cats living on the street. They train their brains on a daily basis, faced with difficulties and dangers, trying to defend their place in the sun. Well-fed and lazy pets at this time calmly rest on the sofa, knowing that the owner will take care of them. If you want to get a smart and quick-witted pet, unleash its potential with games, puzzles, training. Proper preparation and consistent practice will surely bring positive results.

Representatives of young, recently bred breeds (for example, exotic shorthair, selkirk rex, etc.) are not distinguished by their special intelligence and ingenuity. This fact is explained by the fact that breeders think more about the original attractive appearance of the animal, its good health, the absence of hereditary diseases, than about the intellectual component. These pets are more of a home decoration than full family members or loyal friends.

What is the mind of a cat

For a long time it was believed that Persian cats, being representatives of one of the oldest breeds in the world, have a high level of intelligence. In fact, they have great potential, but 98% do not develop and do not show their abilities due to natural laziness. However, if the Persian is interested, he will be able to give odds to the leaders of the rating of the smartest cats. Thus, mental abilities directly depend on the curiosity of the pet and on the owner himself.

Since there is no specific system for determining the level of intelligence of an animal, scientists have identified only a few specific signs. So, smart cat:

  • very clean. She loves hygienic procedures (takes care of her own fur, licks herself), never relieves herself near a place for eating, she easily learns to use the litter box. Some members of the feline family themselves express a desire to go to the toilet on the toilet;
  • remembers his nickname, responds to the call of the owner. Sometimes he can deliberately ignore the owner if he wants to teach him a lesson or subordinate him to his will;
  • selective in the choice of food. An intelligent animal recognizes tastes and odors well, and therefore will never confuse its favorite food with a similar analogue or other food;
  • emotionally reacts to a change in the microclimate in the family. In the event of negative changes (death of one of the household members, frequent quarrels or scandals, etc.), she experiences severe stress, can become withdrawn or aggressive. Shows friendliness and affability in a calm atmosphere;
  • unmistakably predicts the reaction of a person, the mood of the owner, knows how to behave correctly. If the owner is out of sorts, he tries to calm him down, cheer him up, or, conversely, does not impose his society;
  • easily amenable to elementary training, obeys the rules established by the owner. For example, sharpens claws in the right place. She does not need to be repeatedly reminded of what can and cannot be done;
  • cheats, sometimes uses his mind against the owner. For example, a quick-witted pet knows exactly where his favorite treats are hidden, can independently open a door or enter a closed room. Sometimes he uses his abilities in order to take revenge on the owner for the offense caused;
  • treats people differently, openly expresses his sympathy or antipathy. Such a pet knows very well how this or that person treats him, it is difficult to get used to new owners, while remaining faithful to the first beloved owner.

After the tragic death of her beloved cat, my friend Ira vowed to have any pets. Going to visit her, I accidentally picked up a cute little kitten on the road. The kid meowed plaintively, and I tearfully persuaded Ira to take him to me. After much resistance, the friend said that she would leave him only if he stopped screaming and would not make a sound until morning. It's hard to believe, but immediately after this phrase, the kitten fell silent and obediently sat down on the bed offered to him. During the night and for the whole next day, he never (!) Meowed. Ira was so dumbfounded that she left him with her without hesitation. As soon as the final decision was made, the cat showed itself to the full, stripping off all the wallpaper, the sofa, breaking several vases. But no one paid attention to this: the friend had already managed to fall so much in love with the cat,which to this day forgives the furry robber all his hooligan antics.

10 smartest cat breeds

There is no unified and reliable rating of cats, since in each breed there are representatives of both low and high levels of intelligence. It is for this reason that it is inappropriate to assign certain places in the rating to pets or to hang labels. The top 10 lists in no particular order the breeds, among which animals with extraordinary intellectual abilities are most often found.

Any mustachioed-tailed beast can be taught simple commands: just watch its behavior. My cat often dragged foreign objects in its teeth (it will take a pencil, then an eraser, then just a piece of paper). I noticed this feature and decided to teach him how to bring a toy. At first, she threw a rag mouse at a distance of half a meter from herself, on a rope she gradually pulled the toy in her direction. When the cat took the object in his teeth and walked towards me, she praised. It happened that halfway through the pet tossed the mouse - then it was necessary to repeat the same actions again. For correct behavior she encouraged him with her favorite delicacy. Soon the cat realized what they wanted from him and remembered the command "aport" (by the way, my cat is of the Persian breed). The workouts continued for a month every day, but one lesson did not take more than 20 minutes. Now I amaze guests with my obedient and erudite pet.


References to bald cats can be found in ancient historical sources, but the breed was officially bred in 1966 in Canada. The breeders managed not only to fix the strange mutation of the absence of wool, but also to breed other varieties: after the Canadian sphinxes, the Don and St. Petersburg ones appeared. In addition to their creative appearance, bald pets inherited remarkable intelligence from their ancestors. They are friendly towards adults and children, get along well with any other pets. They quickly adapt to the routine in the house, master elementary commands well. Despite sociability, they easily endure loneliness, they can take care of themselves on their own. Communicate with a person on equal terms.

Collage with different types of sphinxes
Collage with different types of sphinxes

Different types of sphinxes appeared at different times, but they are all distinguished by great intelligence

I love smart cats, but the Canadian Sphynx seemed to me a rather cunning and cunning pet "on my mind." It would seem that he behaved quite decently: he did not show aggression, did not play too naughty, did not impose his society. His gaze seemed especially ominous to me: incinerating through and through and piercing, like an X-ray. The impression was that this animal knows more about you than you know about yourself. This was my only experience with the Sphynx, which confirmed me that bald cats are not my topic.

Burmese cat

Distinctive features of Burmese cats are short shiny coat, muscular body, large yellow eyes. Animals have a docile disposition, incredible sociability and sociability. They get along well with any other pets, try to spend as much time as possible with their owner. They do not tolerate loneliness, so they are not recommended for busy people who are often on business trips.

Burmese cats are very active, energetic, mobile. Under no circumstances do they show aggression and do not release their claws even during the game. They are sensitive to any changes in the owner's mood, they catch the atmosphere in the family. Loyal to the owner, so they do not tolerate separation. Easy to learn.

Burmese cat
Burmese cat

Burmese cat does not tolerate loneliness

Maine Coon

Maine Coons belong to large cat breeds. They were first bred in America at the end of the 19th century, but in the domestic open spaces they gained popularity only at the beginning of the 21st century. They have thick long hair and an incredibly large fluffy tail. Despite the impressive dimensions (the weight of an adult can reach 18 kg) and a stern look, they are distinguished by a balanced and calm character.

Maine Coons get along well with children, sometimes even babysitting with them. Among the advantages are also:

  • developed intelligence;
  • wonderful memory;
  • easy to learn simple tricks;
  • good nature towards people and animals;
  • ingenuity.

Representatives of the breed are often called "cat dogs", because even by facial expressions they can determine the mood of the owner. They are inquisitive, active, but prefer to take the position of an outside observer.

Maine Coon
Maine Coon

Despite its impressive size and formidable appearance, the Maine Coon is very welcoming and friendly


It is easy to recognize a Siamese cat by its specific point color, when the hair on the face, ears, paws and tail is dark, and on the body it is light. This breed belongs to one of the most ancient, since it first appeared on the territory of modern Thailand in the middle of the 19th century. Over the long years of evolution, the Siamese have developed intelligence so much that in mental abilities they surpass most other representatives of the feline family. Pets are distinguished by their wayward and stubborn nature, therefore they often compete with the owner for leadership. They are excellent and dexterous manipulators, because they notice the weaknesses of people and use the information received for their own purposes. If necessary, they can resort to blackmail or show aggression. To achieve the desired goal, they do not shun any methods.

Siamese cats
Siamese cats

Siamese cats are mentally superior to most other felines

At the same time, the Siamese are easy to train: they can even be taught some acrobatic tricks. One word or glance is enough for the pet to understand what they want from him. In the hands of an experienced cat lover, the Siamese cat will become the standard of intelligence and good manners. For productive interaction, you need to know only one rule: a mustachioed companion must respect its owner and recognize his authority.

Russian blue

The Russian Blue is a shorthaired cat breed that was first bred in Russia and was recognized by international felinological organizations. Mysteriously gray-blue color, almond-shaped eyes, graceful gait are the distinctive features of the aristocratic beauty. Along with a charismatic appearance, the Russian blue has a docile character, unpretentious in care.

She is active and sociable, but easily tolerates loneliness. In the absence of the owner, he will always find something interesting to do. He does not impose his own society, and at the same time easily makes contact. Possesses a high level of intelligence, understands a person literally at a glance. It will not be difficult to train such a pet with simple commands. The only drawback is excessive curiosity: not a single detail of the interior will escape the cat. She will not rest until she explores and sniffs everything on her own.

Russian blue
Russian blue

Russian blue - the embodiment of nobility and intelligence


The Bengal cat is easily recognizable by its characteristic leopard color: golden or silver with black spots. The breed was bred artificially, is a hybrid of a common domestic cat and a wild Asian leopard. This feature left its mark on the character of the animal: he has a well-developed hunting instinct, he loves active games (racing for balls, chases, pursuits), if necessary, deftly exterminates mice. Thanks to intelligence and ingenuity, he can independently learn to open the doors of cabinets or refrigerators, and penetrate into closed rooms.

Bengals are in good contact with a person, do not show unreasonable aggression, but they hate being squeezed. If the owner is upset, they will do everything possible to cheer him up. Many owners of this breed claim that they even talk to pets.

bengal cat
bengal cat

Bengal is easily recognizable by its characteristic leopard color

Scottish lop-eared

Forward-curved ears, round eyes, soft plush fur, innocent eyes - all these characteristics refer to the Scottish Fold cat. For half a century of existence, the breed managed to gain popularity all over the world, but, ironically, it was never officially recognized in its homeland in Scotland.

Charismatic pets are distinguished by moderate activity, calm disposition. They love puzzles that challenge their mental powers. They are very attached to the owner, but they give their love and affection only to one family member (the rest can be stubbornly ignored). Scots are curious but don't like to be in the spotlight. They value their personal space very much and do not like it when they invade their territory. Fruitful interaction with such a pet is possible only when the owner respects the cat, and does not perceive it as a living toy.

Scottish lop-eared
Scottish lop-eared

The Scottish Fold demands respect


Abyssinian is one of the first cat breeds bred in Europe. Representatives have an elegant graceful body, uniform color of soft tones, short hair, refined muzzle with erect ears. Outwardly, the pet is somewhat reminiscent of a puma, only in a reduced size.

Abyssinians have extraordinary intellectual abilities. If desired, they, like dogs, can bring slippers or a thrown ball to the owner. Recognize sounds and words, so they can easily learn simple commands. They adore the company of the owner: they will be happy to watch TV next to him or even read a book, following the movement of a person's eyes. At the same time, Abyssinians do not like to sit on their knees and are reluctant to respond to affection, preferring to “keep their distance”. They are very curious, take an active part in any household chores (renovation, cleaning, etc.).

abyssinian cat
abyssinian cat

Abyssinians are actively involved in family affairs


The Siberian cat has a stocky build, long hair, muscular legs, slightly slanted eyes. It differs from ordinary domestic cats by one feature - large size. The weight of an adult can reach as much as 12 kg. The ancestor of the animal is a wild Siberian cat. Modern representatives appeared as a result of natural evolution.

The Siberian cat has a high level of intelligence and quick wit. As a dog, it can be trained with simple commands. In addition, the pet reacts sensitively to extraneous sounds and smells, and therefore often "notifies" the owner that strangers have appeared in the house. The animal is incredibly fearless: it is not afraid of sudden noise, the hum of cars, large dogs. Zealously guards its territory, sometimes even from the owner. The owner needs to understand that a Siberian cat will never adapt to a person. Interaction is possible only if they respect her personal space.

Representatives of the breed are very clean, they are easily accustomed to the tray, they rarely play naughty. In their free time, they prefer to relax on a closet or refrigerator (because they love heights very much). They are content with the toys offered by the owner (be it a piece of paper or a ball). They show emotions with restraint, do not like to flatter, but they will never leave the owner when he is not in the mood or is ill.

Siberian cat
Siberian cat

Siberian cat guards the house from strangers

Oriental cat

The oriental cat is another native of Thailand. It was officially recognized in America in 1977 and belongs to the Siamese-oriental breed group. It has a long slender body, large erect ears, a wedge-shaped muzzle, and short velvet hair.

The oriental beauty is incredibly playful, friendly, and loves to travel. She is very attached to the owner, is ready to accompany him on any trips, does not tolerate loneliness. Possesses amazing biotherapeutic abilities: unmistakably determines the sore spot, pressing against it, begins to heal. Very responsive, affectionate and loyal.

A distinctive feature of the Oriental is their talkativeness. They communicate with a person through a wide range of sounds, often conscious of what the owner is telling them. Easy to learn simple tricks and commands (for example, bring a ball). They love attention and suffer a lot when they are not noticed or ignored. The only negative is touchiness. Representatives of the breed do not tolerate physical punishment and can harbor resentment if the owner shouted at them (even if it was deserved).

oriental cat
oriental cat

Oriental likes to talk to the owner

Smarter: Battle of the Sexes

Among cat lovers, there is an opinion that cats are smarter than cats. In fact, this is a myth: scientists have not found any connection between the sex of an animal and its intelligence. It's all about the different behavior of females and males. The former have a more capricious and stubborn character, are more difficult to train, often enter into a struggle for leadership with the owner, sometimes they can show aggression (especially during puberty, if the animal has not been castrated). Such a desire for independence and a desire to defend their rights is mistaken for a low intellectual level of the animal. If a cat lives in the house, you just need to find an individual approach to him: not to impose your society, respect his personal space and at the same time indicate that the owner is the main one. Then there will be no problems with raising a pet.

It is believed that cats are more affectionate than cats, adapt to new circumstances faster. They are quite cautious, show more dexterity and quick wits during the hunt (that's why cats are the best mouse hunters). The ability to reproduce offspring makes females stronger and more resilient.

Video: the smartest cats

The mental abilities of a cat largely depend on the breed, but humans play a decisive role in the development of an animal's intelligence. A loving and caring owner can easily raise an intelligent and quick-witted pet, reveal the potential inherent in nature. An individual approach to a cat, affection, love and attention are the main factors that will help to establish a strong and close contact with an animal, to achieve mutual understanding.
