5 Reasons To Give Up Bread And Not Eat It
5 Reasons To Give Up Bread And Not Eat It

Why you should give up bread: 5 good reasons

Refusal of bread
Refusal of bread

We were taught for a long time that bread is the head of everything. Have we ever thought in the past that this immutable truth would be challenged? What has changed since then and why the main product once became unnecessary, let's figure it out.

Why it is worth removing bread from the diet

Since ancient times, bread has occupied a dominant position on the dinner table and possessed the most important nutritional properties. It was obtained by hard work. And in difficult times, in periods of hunger and hardship, even a small dried piece could save someone's life. Therefore, they always treated bread with respect and thrift. But a lot has changed since then.

Reason # 1 is no longer bread

The product, presented in abundance on store shelves, is no longer the bread that our grandparents ate a little more than half a century ago. In 1943, the Rockefeller Foundation began researching wheat. The main goal - to solve the problem of world hunger - was achieved thanks to the efforts of scientists, agronomists and geneticists. Already in the 50s, a more stable and nutritious grain variety was obtained. Since then, wheat has been crossed many times. Today, there are more than 25 thousand varieties of this cereal that have an incredible ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, give tens of times more yields, are resistant to fungi and parasites, and are generally more hardy crops. And everything would be fine if the selection results did not bring a radical change in the genetic code of the grain.

After experiments with crossing, the number of chromosomes in the modified wheat increased 3 times: from 14 to 42. This suggests that modern bread has been significantly changed compared to what our ancestors used.

There is more bread
There is more bread

In the struggle for productivity, bread has changed

Reason # 2 - modern bread makes a person fat

Bread is a high-calorie product, and today you won't surprise anyone. Calories provide energy for life and are generally needed by the body. That is why many believe that eating bread in reasonable amounts will not harm the figure, but will give the necessary vitality. However, the situation is somewhat different. Wheat contains the carbohydrate amylopectin, which, among other things, promotes the deposition of fat in the abdomen and sides. Moreover, it is contained not only in flour bread, but also in the whole grain version, that is, it does not depend on the processing method. This and the fact that 20% of all calories consumed in the world come from wheat, fully explains the problem of obesity, which has become global since the end of the 20th century.


Bread makes a man fat

Reason number 3 - modern bread makes a person addicted

If, eating baked goods, you experience unearthly pleasure - this is not a game of imagination. Gluten (one of the proteins found in cereals), when interacting with gastric juice, transforms into a mixture of polypeptides that have similar properties to morphine, a potent drug. Therefore, the eaten bread affects the central nervous system like cocaine or nicotine.

Bread addiction
Bread addiction

Modern man cannot imagine life without bread

Reason # 4 - modern bread makes a person stupid

The use of euphoric drugs in the form of bread can lead to brain disease. All the same gliadin leads to a deterioration in intestinal permeability, as a result of which antibodies are produced, which, in turn, negatively affect cerebral tissues and can cause degrading changes in the brain.

Eating inadequate bread
Eating inadequate bread

Bread makes a man stupid

Reason # 5 - modern bread makes a person unhealthy

Facts about the effects of bread on human health:

  • Increases the amount of estrogen in the body, which can lead to cancerous tumors, in particular breast cancer in women.
  • Contains negative cholesterol and promotes the conversion of sugar into triglycerides, which leads to so-called dirty blood, clogged veins and arteries and, as a result, to cardiovascular disease.
  • It negatively affects acidity, which leads to a calcium deficiency in the body and, as a result, low bone density. Causes arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • Causes celiac disease (a common disease characterized by digestive disorders) and a number of autoimmune diseases associated with the skin and liver.
  • Leads to spikes in blood sugar, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Significantly increases appetite, which leads to excessive food intake, weight gain and a host of health problems.
Man in hospital bed
Man in hospital bed

Bread leads to health problems

"Bonuses" from bread

And 2 more reasons why you shouldn't eat bread:

  • Wheat bread contains a protein-sugar molecule, the increased content of which leads to premature aging.
  • The infamous gluten also blocks the happiness hormones in the human body, which can lead to depression and bad moods.

In conclusion, I would like to recall one more quote that elevates bread to the rank of a cult: “Take bread for dinner in moderation. Bread is a precious thing, take care of it. Based on the foregoing, this measure should have zero value if we want to maintain health, youth and beauty for many years.
