Why You Can't Throw Bread In The Trash
Why You Can't Throw Bread In The Trash

Why you can't throw bread in the trash


Some people staunchly refuse to throw bread in the trash bin, no matter how stale and rotten it may be. At the same time, everyone gets rid of the spoiled product in their own way. Why is it considered that it is impossible to throw out bread? What "punishments" do superstitions prescribe for such behavior? Consider the sign from all sides.

Why it is believed that bread should not be thrown away

There are several reasons why people refuse to throw away bread. Some of them are more religious, others are more superstitious, and some are completely rational.

Most Christians associate bread with the sacrament. After all, it is the hunk of bread that symbolizes the flesh of Jesus during the sacrament. This is partly the source of such a reverent attitude towards bread - who would think of throwing a part of Christ's body into the trash? But in fact, the symbolic flesh is, of course, not any piece of bread, but only the one that participates in this sacrament. The believer himself transforms the hunk into flesh during the sacrament. And bread that does not participate in this ritual, even with a stretch, cannot be called the body of Jesus.


The bread that Christians eat during communion becomes a symbol only for the duration of the Eucharist

But people prone to superstition are convinced that bread is the main symbol of satiety and prosperity. If you treat him disrespectfully, do not finish eating and throw away, then troubles, failures and poverty will fall on the family.

This superstition also has far more pragmatic roots than one might think. Lack of food has always been one of the pressing problems of the common people. And bread is not only an affordable, but also an effective source of energy. Throwing it away in a nutritional deficiency is truly blasphemous. However, this applies only to the poor, who have to save every piece of bread so as not to suffer from hunger.

Church Opinion and Bible Directions

The Bible mentions the words of Jesus, who speaks about the importance of good deeds and words, not food. This emphasizes the importance of doing good deeds, not blindly following dogmas.

The Russian Orthodox Church is of the same opinion. Throwing away bread is not a sin, but whenever possible it should be used to help people in need.

Jesus and followers
Jesus and followers

Jesus Christ did not preach blind adherence to traditions, but called to do good deeds from the heart

What to do with stale bread

Christianity teaches its followers to help others, and therefore stale bread should be given to those in need. You can take the loaf to the homeless shelter and give it to the beggars. Look for points of help for the poor in your city. There you can carry not only slightly stale bread, but also other things that other people may need more.

The ban on throwing away bread is superstition, and God will not punish you for breaking it. However, if possible, try not to throw food around, but give it to those who are more difficult in life now.