Boric Acid Spraying For Tomatoes And Cucumbers
Boric Acid Spraying For Tomatoes And Cucumbers

Boric acid spraying: an irreplaceable procedure for cucumbers and tomatoes

cucumbers and tomatoes
cucumbers and tomatoes

In addition to the main nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus), plants require various trace elements, not least among which is boron. Most often boron is introduced in the form of one of its most stable compounds - boric acid. So, in the case of using this fertilizer for spraying, the yield of tomatoes and cucumbers increases significantly.

Why and when you need to spray tomatoes and cucumbers with boric acid

Boric acid is a substance that can be found in every home, as it often has to be used as a medicine. But it is necessary to treat diseases and maintain immunity not only in people, it is also required for their pets - garden plants. This white crystalline powder, relatively well soluble in water, can significantly increase the vitality of cucumbers and tomatoes. It has been proven that the taste of fruits with a sufficient amount of boron in the soil improves significantly, and the yield increases by almost a quarter.

Boric acid is not only a microfertilizer itself, it promotes the assimilation of basic nutrients by vegetables. In addition, boron significantly increases the immunity of plants, helps them resist various diseases, including late blight. Many gardeners soak even seeds in a solution of boric acid before sowing them in the ground (for seedlings or directly in the garden).

Acid bag
Acid bag

Boric acid can be bought in pharmacies and garden stores.

Boron deficiency can manifest itself in the following:

  • blanching of leaves, their deformation;
  • slowing growth;
  • weak flowering;
  • shedding flowers;
  • poor fruit setting.

But, as with any medicine, an excess of boron can also be harmful, inhibiting the growth of tomatoes and cucumbers. Therefore, it is necessary to use boric acid for feeding in a timely manner and in reasonable doses. Only in this case can you expect:

  • improving growth;
  • increasing the number of flowers and ovaries;
  • strengthening plant immunity;
  • improving the quality of fruits;
  • increasing the shelf life of the crop.

The most important boric fertilizing on sod-podzolic, peat and acidified soils. Three treatments per season are enough:

  • during the formation of buds;
  • during the flowering period;
  • during fruiting.

But more often than once every two weeks, you should not use boric acid. At the same time, during the intensive growth of the bushes, root dressings are more useful, during the fruiting period - foliar.

Video: the importance of boric acid for cucumbers

How to process tomatoes and cucumbers with boric acid

In cold water the boric acid dissolves slowly, so the preparation of solutions it is heated to 60-80 to C, but the solutions is cooled to ambient temperature before spraying medium. Leaves are sprayed in the early morning or late evening using any sprayer capable of spraying liquid to the smallest droplets, preferably fog. Watering with boric acid solution is carried out at the root, this can be done at any time, except in the sun, but the plants must be watered first.


When processing plants, the sprayer must be set to the smallest spray

Usually, the simplest solution is used - 1 g of boric acid per liter of water. But boric acid is used not only as a top dressing. So, at the first signs of phytophthora on tomatoes, they are sprayed with a solution containing 5 g of boric acid and a pinch of potassium permanganate in a bucket of water. On cucumbers, boric acid is used against powdery mildew. As a preventive measure, they are sprayed with a solution containing (per bucket of water) 5 g of boric acid, 3 g of potassium permanganate and 20-30 drops of a pharmacy tincture of iodine.

In the case of cucumbers, boric acid is also used for poor fruit setting: then up to 5 g of boric acid and a glass of sugar are dissolved in a bucket of water. When pre-sowing seed treatment, a boric acid solution is used, containing 0.2–0.3 g of the substance per liter (the seeds are kept in the solution for up to a day).

Video: the use of boric acid on tomatoes

Reviews of gardeners

Processing cucumbers and tomatoes with a boric acid solution is a good way to increase yields and strengthen plant immunity. It is only important to use the drug on time and in the recommended doses.
