Turned Off The Light: Where To Call If There Is No Electricity, In Moscow, St. Petersburg And Other Cities
Turned Off The Light: Where To Call If There Is No Electricity, In Moscow, St. Petersburg And Other Cities

End of the world: where to call if the electricity is cut


Calm evening with a book or TV. Nothing bodes well. And suddenly - the light went out, the refrigerator stopped emitting a quiet hum, and the TV turned off. What caused it? And, most importantly, where to call to fix everything? There is a simple procedure.

Because of what they can turn off the electricity

To begin with, let's establish for what reasons the electricity can be turned off. Let's analyze the most common ones.

Scheduled maintenance

In this case, the electricity is cut off with prior notification of the residents. When working with a power outage, the service company either sends personal notices to the mailboxes, or simply attaches a notice to the board or front door. It indicates on what date, from what hour to what hour the scheduled shutdown will be. Contact your neighbors - you may have missed an alert.

Scheduled outages are usually carried out at night, but sometimes there are also daytime jobs. They are carried out for re-laying communications, updating equipment, preventing accidents and other purposes.


If you have not paid for electricity for a long time, then employees can turn off the electricity in your home. It is very easy to recognize such a disconnection - talk to your neighbors. If they have the light, and you don't, it’s most likely a matter of debt (real or wrong). Before turning off electricity to debtors, the supplier company sends a notification of an upcoming shutdown by mail and a request to pay off the debt.

If you are sure that you paid for all incoming bills, then perhaps such a disconnection happened by mistake - unfortunately, this is not uncommon. You need to talk to the employees of the supplier company.

Money and light bulb
Money and light bulb

Electricity debts can cause power outages in the apartment


Unscheduled blackouts at homes and entire neighborhoods can happen due to accidents. But the problem can also be local - for example, only in your apartment or on the floor. Such shutdowns happen if a short circuit occurs or if too many electrical appliances are connected. Unplug all appliances from the sockets and check your dashboard - it is possible that an emergency power outage occurred with you.

Where to call when the lights were turned off

If you suspect that an accident caused the shutdown, or did not find the reason for the lack of light, then you need to contact the emergency dispatch service. Having called there, you will have to give your address and full name. The accident report will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities, and an emergency team will be sent to your home.

In most cities there are several emergency dispatch services, which are distributed by district. For example, the phones of all services in St. Petersburg are listed on the site. In St. Petersburg, you can also contact the single contact center "Lenenergo" by phone 8-800-700-1471 - the service works around the clock. And in Moscow 24/7 there is a single dispatch center that deals with such issues. His phone number is +7 (495) 539-53-53. Also Muscovites can call the "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (MOESK) by phone: 8-800-700-40-70. The service works around the clock.

Emergency brigade
Emergency brigade

An emergency team will be dispatched at your call

You can also call 112 - this toll-free number works around the clock throughout Russia. You can dial it even without a SIM card. Since 2016, 112 dispatchers have been recording power outages and helping coordinate emergency teams. This allows the dispatchers of power companies to be unloaded.

If the reason for the shutdown is debt, then you can contact the company that provides you with electricity. Finding her phone is not difficult - it is on all receipts for which you pay (or don’t pay) for electricity. If you don't have a single receipt at hand, contact your neighbors or check your mailbox.

If your electricity is cut off, your task is to report to the appropriate services. Further solution of the problem will be dealt with by emergency teams or other authorities.
