Is It Possible To Change The Godfather To A Child - The Opinion Of The Clergy
Is It Possible To Change The Godfather To A Child - The Opinion Of The Clergy

Is it possible to change the godfather for a child: answers of priests


A godfather is a person who voluntarily took upon himself the responsibility for the spiritual education of a little Christian. But is it possible to change the godfather at the request of the parents or the child himself? The priests have an unequivocal answer to this question.

Is it possible to change the godfather

The reasons why a parent or the godson himself might want to change one of the godparents are many and varied. This is the sinful behavior of the godfather himself, and his dislike for the godson or goddaughter, and moving, and death. But the church does not consider any of these reasons sufficient to rewrite the baptismal certificate.

The priests emphasize that even if the godfather does not lead a righteous life, does not live up to the expectations of the parents and does not teach the godson anything good, this will not negatively affect the child. The sins of the godparents are not passed on to their "church children." The task of the godfather is not to be an infallible guardian angel or a sacred talisman, but to teach the godson church truths, to engage in his spiritual development. Even if he copes with this task very badly, the church does not consider this a sufficient reason to change.

Sirius Black with his godson
Sirius Black with his godson

Often, the godfather is chosen from among close friends in the hope that he will not be indifferent to the child and his life path

However, there is one small, weak, but still a loophole - you can find a reason why baptism will be considered invalid. Some clerics are of the opinion that infant baptism may be considered wrong. The Bible says: “Go and make disciples in all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the holy spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19, 20). This means that people who are baptized must already consciously accept Christianity. The baby did not have such an opportunity, which means that the baptism took place without his consent.

And nevertheless, the issue of re-baptism remains controversial in the Orthodox Church. Some priests will agree that baptizing a small child is against the rules, while others will say that such baptism is also considered lawful and the rite cannot be repeated.

By the way, baptism in the Catholic Church is recognized by Orthodox priests. And Catholic clergy adhere to the same opinion regarding the change of godfather, as in Orthodoxy - this spiritual mentor is determined once and for life. None of his sins (including suicide) are a reason for changing the godfather.

If the godfather has ceased to fulfill his duties imposed on him by Orthodox baptism, then you should not refuse him. The child is not responsible for sinful actions or unrighteous attitudes followed by his church parent.
